劉偉峰,男,1973年9月出生,陝西鹹陽人,2009年5月畢業於西安交通大學控制理論與工程專業,獲博士學位。主要研究方向包括目標識別與跟蹤,多感測器管理,隨機集理論,形狀識別與理解。是國內期刊《自動化學報》,《控制理論與套用》,《電子與信息學報》,國際期刊IEEE Trans. On SP,IEEE SPL等國內外重要期刊的審稿人。目前承擔主持/參與國家自然科學基金項目5項,承擔1項省部級項目。在國內外雜誌期刊會議發表/錄用文章三十餘篇,其中SCI 8篇。參與1部學術專著的撰寫:“韓崇昭,朱洪艷,段戰勝. 多源信息融合,北京,清華大學出版社,第三、四章”。
1. Liu Weifeng,Han Chongzhao, Lian Feng, et al. Multitarget State Extraction for the Probability Hypotheses Density Using MCMC Approach[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,46(2),864-883,2010.
2. Liu Weifeng, Wen Chenglin, Han Chongzhao, et al. A Bayesian Estimation for Single Target Tracking Based on State Mixture Models [J]. Signal Processing,(Elsevier), 92 (2012):1706–1714. 2012.03
3. Lian Feng, Han Chongzhao, Liu Weifeng. Estimating an Unknown Clutter Intensity with Finite Mixture Models for the Probability Hypothesis Density Filter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 46(4),2066-2078,2010.
4. Lian Feng, Han Chongzhao, Liu Weifeng, et al. SMC Implementation and State Extraction of the Group PHDF for Partly Unresolvable GTT Problem [J]. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation. 4(5): 685 - 702.
5. Feng Lian, Chongzhao Han, Weifeng Liu, et al. Unified cardinalized probability hypothesis density filters for extended targets and unresolved targets. Signal Processing,(Elsevier), 92 (2012):1730–1744. 2012.03