
劉來,中國市場研究業協會會員,資深市場研究顧問,在PC行業和IT行業從業多年,專注於市場研究Market Intelligence、客戶研究 Customer Insights 以及競爭分析Competitive IntelligenceI等領域,熟練使用定性、定量方法分析和解決問題,並轉化為具體可行的行動方案。

劉來,中國市場研究業協會會員,資深市場研究顧問,在PC行業和IT行業從業多年,專注於市場研究Market Intelligence、客戶研究 Customer Insights 以及競爭分析Competitive IntelligenceI等領域,熟練使用定性、定量方法分析和解決問題,並轉化為具體可行的行動方案。多年英文工作環境經驗,能夠在壓力中高效工作,並快速學習與時俱進。
劉來在聯想集團先後擔任客戶研究經理,全球戰略市場研究經理WW MI,Think產品分析經理,工作內容涵蓋了客戶/市場研究,PC產品競爭分析和集團戰略規劃,負責聯想全球Think產品調研和和用戶研究,產品PFV評估分析,競爭對手分析CI,曾經直接參與聯想客戶服務需求和滿意度研究,並參與服務流程管理SPM
劉來曾在中國金融線上擔任集團公司用戶研究部經理,中國金融線上是目前中國唯一一家在美國NASDAQ(NASDAQ: JRJC)主機板上市的財經類網際網路公司。此外還曾經在漢揚傳播擔任資料庫行銷總監,帶領團隊,項目管理,開拓業務。
Over 10 yrs expertise in market intelligence, product competitiveness, customer insights and strategy development;
Well-rounded experiences in product 4P management, product portfolio & positioning, pricing & strategic messaging;
Solid background in Go-to-market strategy, Integrated Market Communications, database/interactive marketing and project managementSpecialties

- Consumer Insights & Market Intelligence
- Industry Competitive Analysis
- Product Portfolio & Positioning, Pricing & Messaging
- Market Research and business daata support
- Customer and Marketing strategy development
- Business data visualisation/graphical representation
Journal Articles
Huixin Ke,Lai Liu,Chuanyan Zhu (2005) ‘A Study on the Disaster Reports of Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan-Taking News Reports on Taiwan's 921 Earthquake for Example’, Mass Communication Research, No.85, pp. 71-109, October, ISSN 1016-1007
Lai Liu (2001) ‘Cultural Transformation- taking Disney film Mulan for example’, Film Art, No.227, pp.117-123, Mach, ISSN 0257-0181
Lai Liu (2001) ‘Advertisement Frequency and Social Recognition ’, Market & Consumption, Vol. 1, pp.38-41, January, ISSN 1006-6551
Book Chapters
Huixin Ke, Dalei Shang, Lai Liu (2004) ‘Media and People-Research on Media Communication Effects in Beijing Olympic Games Bidding’, Communication University of China Press, pp. 197-234, December, ISBN 7-81085-434-8
Mengyu Jin (2001) ‘Online New Operation’, Communication University of China Press, pp. 238-264, December, ISBN 7-8100-494-37



