版本:(9月22日新增Special Interview部分)
這是Enigma 1990年10月推出的專輯《MCMXC a.D》(公元1990年)的MV,這張專輯也成為德國有史以來賣的最好的專輯,銷售了1200萬張,在41個國家登上了專輯排行榜冠軍,並且在美國排行榜200名中停留了5年之久。《MCMXC a.D》採取了高超的錄、混音技術。所有的音軌自然地相互流入,而立體聲和低音的套用是完美的。《MCMXC a.D》不但是一張錄音非常考究的碟,而且音樂性上具有絕對的創新,也是從這張專輯開始,New Age被人認識並接受,《MCMXC a.D》營造了一種飄忽的神秘之美,這還並不是《MCMXC a.D》最美的地方,《MCMXC a.D》創造了時空扭曲之美,也只有Enigma能夠做到唱詩班和電子樂的完美接合,非常現代的節奏表現的卻是中古世紀的歐洲背景,用My God這樣的辭彙來抒發你對Enigma的驚訝吧,這張專輯讓人往返穿梭於不同的時空,扭曲的時空帶來的巨大快感實在是文字很難表達的。
This video compilation was only available for the Japanese and European markets on laser disc format years ago. Now, it has finally made it to American shores in the dvd format! Worth the wait? Absolutely ! A bit dated? In the current marketing sense of what is out there in today's music video world, yes...However, the rich visuals depicting beautiful European models, religious symbols, and ambient/atmospheric dreamscapes are definitely timeless and engaging. Enigma's sound and visual style was often imitated but never duplicated by sampling or rip off hacks. While producer/creator Cretu himself did use or rely heavily on sampled sounds or club beats he knew how to perfect the method and tailor it all to his artistic brilliance and taste making it his own unique trademark sound.Cretu's ingenuity with creating these unique sounds or soundscapes often made the listener hear something absolutely new and different;yet, at the same time often wonder where they heard that particular sound or instrument before, but could never place it. This is definitely the ultimate music video dvd format to take advantage of listening to it in 5.1 Dolby or the DTS Digital format. You will hear a rich sonic difference never heard of before on the original cd release or even on the Enigma Greatest Hits LSD video collection (that compilation was disastrously mastered in only 2.0 stereo sound). What is lacking is an updated 2003 interview for the dvd format debut/release by Michael Cretu. Also, an interview with his wife Sandra on her thoughts on the project as well as from other artists who comprised Enigma at the time in 1990 would have been a huge plus, since the members' identities are no longer a secret (the reason for that being another story of a legal matter, now settled or resolved entirely).
Do not expect a separate music video for each single track but rather scenes taken from the four major video releases used in a long film format montage. The actual music videos in full length will be sadeness Pt.1, Principles of Lust, Mea Culpa, Rivers of Belief...Most of the videos reflect an Old World appearance, ancient lands and civilizations. There is a spiritual and surreal ambient atmosphere throughout interwoven with scenes of sensuality.You will see holy objects, temples, cultures, combined with intriguing special visual effects. This is not your typical music video compilation but rather one containing a cinematic or theatrical feel (this is something that could be used as in an IMAX expereince---if it weren't for certain scenes of sensuality).While at first they may seem to take on a sort of National Geographic feel or tour, this collection of videos is anything but a geographical field trip of the globe. Some of the stunning visuals are steeped in sepia tones that add to the Old World look.
As a reviewer stated before, this may be only for Enigma fans or those curious of the debut smash musical release by one of the music industry's most musically ambiguous sounding groups around. The album itself was once banned from radio airplay in certain countries for it's mixture of religion and sexual under or overtones...
Another highly recommended Enigma affiliated artist/music video dvd collection is by the beautiful European pop artist Sandra (married to Enigma creator Michael Cretu). Unfortunately, the music dvd entitled Sandra:The Complete History is not available through the American Amazoncom website at this time. It can only be purchased through I believe the German and British Amazoncom sites. Some of her videos and songs contain that Enigma like sound but in a more pop-dance accessible vein...
I. The Voice Of Enigma
II. Principles Of Lust
A: Sadeness
B: Find Love
C: Sadeness (Reprise)
III. Callas Went Away
IV. Mea Culpa
V. The Voice & The Snake
VI. Knocking On Forbidden Doors
VII. Back To The Rivers Of Belief
A: Way To Eternity
B: Hallelujah
C: The Rivers Of Belief
Special Interview
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