

◆原 名:America's Got Talent
◆譯 名:全美一叮
◆類 型:真人秀
◆片 長:每集45分鐘左右
◆國 家:美國NBC電視台
◆語 言:英語
◆簡 介:
香港《殘酷一叮》的叮叮熱潮今次直卷美國,吸引一班異於常人、身懷絕技的不同年齡人士,參加這個絕無take 2的《全美一叮》比賽。
首集的參賽者有靚聲四人組、脫衣阿伯、一人分飾多角小妹妹、吹吹喇叭光頭佬、刀劍橫飛雜耍高手、玩布偶的獨腳戲肥哥哥等,誰人能夠獲得百萬美元的獎金便要通常專業評判,有來自電視界的David Hasselhoff、Piers Morgan及歌唱界的Brandy的專業品味的裁決。
From Simon Cowell and the producers of AMERICAN IDOL comes the search for the hottest variety and novelty acts from across the USA. With acts ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, the quest is on to find the best talent on offer. At stake - a life changing opportunity. Magicians to jugglers, strippers to fire eaters, singers to dancers - anything goes. All entertainers are given the chance to win the hearts of America and the huge cash prize.
With the audience crammed with performers, everyone is hoping to be called for their shot at stardom. As they take centre stage for the "open auditions" of a lifetime, they have only a precious few seconds to impress the hardened panel of judges - David Hasselhoff, Grammy award-winning singer and actress Brandy and U.K. television/media personality Piers Morgan - whose decision is final. The expectations are higher, the criticism harsher, some will taste success while others will fall by the wayside.



