



一根魔杖。這是當怪物來臨時我能抓到的唯一的東西了。 那些有殼的白痴居然來得這么快!他們有著粗糙的的爪子,不斷上下翻動的下巴,將牙齒咬的咯咯作響。別人已經轉身面對他們了,但我卻沒有。我跑。我跑啊跑啊跑。現在,我是唯一一個離開的了。 我希望我有一個更好的魔杖。不要誤會我的意思。 形變魔杖是一個功能強大的現實扭曲杖。一根強大的現實扭曲杖可以把一個南瓜變成一輛馬車長達8小時。然而我手上的這根只能把法術發揮效果維持5秒鐘的時間。 可我手上只有這個!現在需要有人去拯救我的朋友,而我是唯一一個能做到的。






短暫效應的形變魔杖 ,能夠複製和貼上現實物體。它簡單地掃描一個物體的形狀並複製為模板,然後將該模板投射到到另一個物體上。 (警告:法術將維持五秒鐘且對金屬物品無效。還有請合理地使用魔杖,以避免造成不必要的尺寸爆炸。 )


地震。仙女能引起地震。這不是他們的神話中通常已知的一部分,但在這裡它是。 當你處於緊要關頭時,你可以嘗試召喚地震擊暈螃蟹。不過,蟹能迅速適應地震,而且有的蟹根本不會減速。





One wand. That’s all I was able to grab when the monsters came. They came at us so fast, those chitinous cretins, with their ragged claws and chomping jaws. The others turned to face the them...but not me. I ran. I ran and ran and ran. Now I’m the only one left. I wish I had a better wand. Don’t get me wrong. A wand of transmogrification is a powerful reality bender. A high powered one will turn a pumpkin to a coach for a full eight hours. Not this one, though. Its spells are good for only five seconds at a time. But it’s all I have. Someone needs to go rescue my friends. And I’m the only one left. THE OBJECT Make your way across 27 levels, collecting pennies and dodging crabs. Collect seven pennies on a level to make the exit door appear. Collect a key to unlock the door. Reach the door to clear the level. THE ENEMY Did I mention the crabs There are three of them, and they’re not afraid of anything...except heights...and maybe pots of boiling water. THE WEAPON A wand of short-term transmogrification, capable of copying & pasting reality. Simply scan the pattern of one object and then project that pattern onto another object. (WARNING: Spell will wear off after five seconds. Wand is not effective against items made of iron. Please use wand responsibly to avoid causing unwanted dimensional implosions.) THE SECRET WEAPON Earthquakes. Fairies can cause earthquakes. It’s not a generally known part of their mythology, but there it is. If you are in a tight spot, you can try summoning an earthquake to stun the crabs. The thing is, crabs can adapt quickly to earthquakes, and some crabs aren’t slowed down at all. THE REWARD Complete all 27 levels of your mission, and you will see the other fairies freed, and they will do the Dance of Joy in your honor. REPLAY VALUE Sure, we’ve got some of that. You can try to retrieve the bonus coin on each level, run up a high score, earn achievements, or earn bonus points for speed running the levels.




