Lobster Farm (2004)
五星級殺人夜 Dinner Rush (2001)

Salsa Cafe (2000)
Prince of Central Park (2000)
末代教父 "Last Don, The" (1997)
Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis (1997)
法網驚魂 Power of Attorney (1997)
摩哈維的月亮 Mojave Moon (1997)
山谷兩日 2 Days in the Valle (1996)
市政大廳 City Hall (1996)
戀愛中的利伯曼 Lieberman In Love (1995)
成雙不成對 Two Much (1995)
這個殺手不太冷 Leon (1994)
黃金俏女郎 Cemetery Club, The (1993)
困境 Pickle, The (1993)
幕後情人 Mistress (1992)
橫財不樂透 29th Street (1991)
浪漫一生又何妨 Once Around (1991)
哈德森之鷹 Hudson Hawk (1991)
異世浮生 Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Madonna: The Immaculate Collection (1990)
哈林夜總會 Harlem Nights (1989)
循規蹈矩 Do the Right Thing (1989)
耀武揚威 January Man (1989)
月色撩人 Moonstruck (1987)
泡妞專家 Pick-up Artist, The (1987)
威龍猛探 Wei long meng tan (1985)
愛情鑰匙 Key Exchange (1985)
開羅紫玫瑰 Purple Rose of Cairo, The (1985)
美國往事 Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
布朗克斯,阿帕奇要塞 Fort Apache the Bronx (1981)