




我們決定組織力量編寫一本講練融合、凸顯訓練、強化實踐的中學英語教學教材。編審梯隊成員包括高校從事英語專業教學的中、外教師及從事中學英語教學多年的優秀英語教師。全書共分十四章。前三章是理論綜述,由秦傑編寫;具體介紹了英語教學的基本理念、課程標準與教學大綱、備課的準備工作。第四章至第十章介紹了中學英語課堂教學中的主要技能,由李鳳琴、楊雪萍、郭潔秀、張迎輝完成;具體為課堂語言與教態技能、課堂管理技能、課堂導入技能、課堂呈現與演示技能、課堂收束技能、課堂提問技能、板書設計技能。第十一章至第十四章由辛鑫、王曉濤、席靜三位老師負責;具體介紹了中學英語教學中的多媒體技術套用、基於課堂教學的評價、語言教學行為研究、教育實習等內容。全書由田金平教授擔任統稿工作,山西師範大學外國語學院的美國外教Dubberly Shawn Audrey女士審讀了全書並提出了寶貴的修改意見和建議。


Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of ELT in China/1
1 Theories guiding ELT practice
2 History of ELT in China
3 Influential ELT methods in China
Chapter 2 English Curriculum and Syllabus in China
1 Curriculum and syllabus
2 Design principles for the new Curriculum Standard
3 Goals and design of the new Curriculum Standard
4 Challenges brought by and reflections on the New Standard
Chapter 3 Skill Training for Preparing a Lesson/35
1 Understanding course aims and requirements
2 Using and adapting English textbooks
3 Knowing the students
4 Writing a lesson plan
Chapter 4 Classroom Language and Teaching Manners/63
1 Classroom language
2 Teaching manners
Chapter 5 Classroom Management Skills/72
1 Definition of classroom management
2 Components and functions of classroom management ~
3 Students practice
Chapter 6 Warming-up Skills/85
1 Introduction
2 Principles for warming-up
3 Classification of warming-up
4 Practice
Chapter 7 Presentation and Demonstration Skills/93
1 Presentation skills
2 Demonstration skills
Chapter 8 Wrapping up Skills/99
1 The importance of wrapping up
2 Principles of wrapping up
3 Types of wrapping up
4 Students practice
Chapter 9 Questioning Skills/101
1 The importance of questions
2 Purposes and functions in asking questions
3 Types of questions
4 Practical cases of questioning
5 Students practice
Chapter 10 Board Designing Skills/111
1 The importance of board designing
2 Requirements on how to use boards effectively
3 Types of board designing
4 Some practical drawings
5 Students practice
Chapter 11 Application of Modern Educational Technologies/120
1 Brief introduction
2 PowerPoint making and designing
3 Teaching with video
4 Using Internet resources
5 Using language teaching software
6 Students practice
Chapter 12 Classroom-Based Assessment/133
1 Introduction and definitions of assessment, evaluation and testing
2 Types of assessment
3 Students practice
Chapter 13 Action Research/144
1 Definition of action research
2 Phases in action research
3 Problem identification
4 Plan of action
5 Data collection
6 Data analysis
7 Plan for future action
8 Project report
Chapter 14 Teaching Practicum/164
1 Objectives and requirements
2 Organization forms
3 Practicum contents
4 Assessment and evaluation
References / 176


