
region protein patern

又稱中央體.藍藻細胞中,位於細胞中央含有核質的區域.在電鏡下觀察,其核質主要為細纖維狀的DNA分子組成,沒有組蛋白與之結合,既無核膜,亦無核仁,但具有核的功能.參 考 資 料1 《寄題夏椿年賞桂樓》-作者 宋 曾豐 《寄題夏椿年賞桂樓》-詩詞正文 廣寒韻度中央質,故侍仙娥新見黜。高天委氣得金行,平地披身成玉立。月下風前為誰香,諸郎一詠翁一觴。功成寄語邵氏子,有西樓後無東堂。 《寄題夏椿年賞桂樓》-注釋 《寄題夏椿年賞桂樓》 藍菌 相 關 詞 條:藍菌 |GOOGLE英文翻譯:Also known as the central body. Cyanobacteria cells, located in the central cells contain nuclear-cytoplasmic region. In the electron microscope observation, mainly for its nuclear quality thin fibrous DNA molecules, there is no group of proteins with binding, neither the nuclear membrane and no nucleolus, it has nuclear capabilities. Reference 1 "Send questions Xia Chun Kwai House Year Award" - by Song Zeng Feng "Send questions Xia Chun Kwai House Year Award" - poetry, Han Yun-degree wide body of the central mass, so paternity Xian-Niimi dismiss. Gao Tian-Wei angry and goldsmith shops, flat land into a Phi yuli body. For whom the next month before the wind Xiang, Zhu Yong Weng 1 1 marked the beginning of Lang. Shaw message to share the honor of the child, there is no post-Sai Lau Tung-tang. "Send questions Xia Chun Kwai House Year Award" - Notes for the "Send questions Xia Chun Kwai House Year Award" cyanobacteria-related entries: Blue bacteria |

