The Center for TV Culture Studies has a far-reaching research agenda: from the perspective of the state and development trend of contemporary film and TV culture, it examines the relationships among film and TV culture, mass culture, aesthetic consumption, modernism, and postmodernism; from the perspective of media studies, it examines the aesthetic psychology of audience, the various functions inherent in TV culture, and the interaction between visual images and game, gender, violence and sports; from the perspective of sociology, it examines the relationship between the production of various TV programs and social need, and between TV consumption and everyday life; from the perspective of TV art, it examines the aesthetic characteristics of different genres of TV programs, and the relationships among MTV, advertisement, and DV. In addition, the Center also pays attention to documentary studies, especially the history, current state and cultural strategies of Chinese documentaries.
In addition to actively constructing the Key Discipline of Radio and TV Art Studies of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and energetically contributing to Shanghai University’s application efforts for the doctoral program in film studies and Shanghai Municipal Key Discipline of Film Studies, the Center for TV Culture Studies has also published several series of books, such as Tomorrow Film and TV Art & Technology, New Viewpoints on TV, and New Perspectives on Cinema and TV, some books of which, such as An Introduction to Film and TV Aesthetics, and TV and Aesthetics, won the second prize of the Shanghai Municipal Teaching Achievements Grant and the first and second prizes of the grant awarded by the Chinese University Association for Film & TV Studies. Faculty members of the Center have published more than 80 papers on various prestigious journals and different domestic or international conferences.
古埃及大氣(空氣)之神,通常會和奴特、給布一起出現,它立於中,支撐著奴特,而給布則橫臥於下。這個名字或許和字根she(dry, empty)有關。它是太...
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