The goal of the R&D Center for Digital Film&TV Studies is to strengthen extensive cooperation with society, promote the development of related disciplines, and expand the expressive capability of and market demand for technologies employed in the film&TV art. Correspondingly, the Center attaches great importance to the integration of technology and art and the refining of artistic expressiveness achieved by technology, so as to construct a full-fledged platform for the research and development of digital art designing technology and a well linked chain of R&D, education and application for the advancement of this distinctive interdisciplinary subject.
Attentively tracing the development trend of and the demand for contemporary media technologies and focusing its academic energy on the digital technology employed in the film & TV art, the Center is set to expand the scope of film & TV expressiveness. The research areas of the Center cover digital designing and network technology and digital technology for films and TV, which, more specifically, include: the processing and technology of digital images, computer graphics and simulation, visual calculation, designing of digital films and TV, theories of animation designing and the production of animations, action transducing, technology of multi-media calculation, Internet three-dimensional Internet technology, films & TV on demand and broadcasting, original designing of films and TV and the simulation of its effect, the methods and technology of computerized controlling of the shooting of films and TV, non-linear editing, the methods and technology of computerized processing and composition of films and TV programs.
古埃及大氣(空氣)之神,通常會和奴特、給布一起出現,它立於中,支撐著奴特,而給布則橫臥於下。這個名字或許和字根she(dry, empty)有關。它是太...
歷史沿革 學術研究 辦學實力 校園文化 學校領導 -
上海大學(Shanghai University),簡稱上大,是上海市屬、國家“211工程”重點建設的綜合性大學,是國家教育部與上海市人民政府共建高校,...
歷史沿革 學術研究 辦學實力 校園文化 學校領導 -
上海大學上海電影學院(Shanghai Film Academy,Shanghai University),簡稱“上海電影學院”,成立於2015年。前身...
學院介紹 前身介紹 院名由來 師資隊伍 學術研究 -
2005年1月18日,經上海大學批准,上海大學數碼藝術學院正式成立。學院採用靈活的管理機制,由上海大學和上大昊海數碼藝術發展有限公司共同成立校董會, 實...
管理機制 辦學方針 規模 辦學宗旨 教學部介紹 -
基本介紹 數字媒體藝術重點實驗室學術委員會名單 實驗室人員名單 -
英國創意藝術大學(英文:University for the Creative Arts),其建立已有150多年歷史,起源於1866年,是英國最著名的公...
大學簡介 學校校徽 歷史 學生 教師團隊 -
上海震旦職業學院(Aurora College),位於上海市,簡稱震旦學院,是一所經上海市人民政府批准設立的國家計畫內的全日制普通高等學校,由上海震旦教...
學院介紹 學院前身 學院設定 設施 理念 -
上海電影藝術職業學院(Shanghai Film Art Academy),位於上海市,成立於2003年12月,是經國家教育部、文化部和上海市人民政府批...
校史沿革 辦學條件 校園文化 地理位置 辦學宗旨 -
上海師範大學(Shanghai Normal University)簡稱“上海師大”,上海市教育綜合改革部市共同支持高校,上海市重點建設大學,滬港大學聯...
歷史沿革 辦學實力 學術研究 學校領導 文化傳統