writing form maggie for unit 4 2

ten ten ten

In the first sentence of paragraph 9, I could not get the meaning of "term-paper" at first when I was reading. But after I saw the words "or by other students", I believed that "term-paper companies" must be the companies help students' paper writing. In other words, it is one kind of cheating ways which used by students. "irresistible" means something which can't be avoid. In paragraph 9, the cheating phenomenon is really serious and frequently. So there is an question asked by author in paragraph 10 in which there's only one sentence.The "nursery school" in paragraph 11 is surely one kind of schooler, but I don't know very clearly which kind it is, I mean, I don't know which things this school will do. Reference book from which I found the answer is really useful tool for me. "nursery schooler" is a child who are not old enough to go to the kindergarten and "nursery school" is the very school receives these children until they are old enough. What the mother says in paragraph 11 is really clear to see what the attitude is when the parents face kids' cheating. regard human nature as one reason of people's cheating, so she "can't lay a guilt trip on a child for cheating". What parents think effect their children's activities. "tempting" in the last line of paragraph 11 means , for one, if there's something you like it very much, it's to say that the something is tempting. the boy of the mother don't like lose, so he cheats when he plays games--he likes win, so the win is "tempting" for him. I don't know the meaning of "opponent" and "youngster". After having looked up in dictionary, I found out their meanings. They mean "don't agree" and "child" respectively. Why does the chairman of the honor committee says he would be uncomfortable in an honor grammar school(middle school or primary school) or high school. That's because he thinks younger ones are so young that shouldn't be allowed to make mistake. He thinks that cheating is some kind of inherent thing which can't be avoid when we were in our young. "to be an honor person" needs age and responsibilities take from people's experiences. And that's the meaning of existing of "honor committee". The duty is lead the dishonor young person to be an honor one."open-book exam" in paragraph 13 is in increasing nowadays. I hold that's a good idea to hold back the cheating. It's depending on the overall strength not coping. The honor persons will not be considered as "rare animals". "dean" in paragraph 14, I don't know the actual meaning, but I guess it should be one kind of teacher."elusive goal" is a goal that is hard to realize. "prevalent" means generally or widely accepted, practiced, or favored. Changing teaching methods surely can cut down the rate of cheating among children. However, things are different from person to person. As the development of two-income families, that seems this idea do in vain. "Indication" in paragraph means symptom. The last sentence in the last paragraph is rather difficult to understand for me if there "indication" means "symptom". I appeal to the other dictionaries.


