例句 Sentences
We are delighted that China is host to the 1997 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund.
The Handover Ceremony to mark the transfer of sovereignty in June/July and the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund (WB/IMF) in September presented unprecedented policing challenges.
UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank group, private foundations, the pharmaceutical industry and governments have joined in a Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization that aims to reduce that figure to zero.
The ISD was also heavily involved in the media arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund which were held in Hong Kong for the first time from September23-25, 1997.
We are honoured that China is the host of the 1997 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund and delighted that Hong Kong is to act as the host city to you.
world bank group
of the World Bank Group...。 UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank group... Meetings of the World Bank Group...
基本簡介“全球小微金融獎”由世界銀行集團(World Bank Group)和二十國集團(G20)共同推出,[1] 並由全球普惠金融合作夥伴...金融論壇與世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum...
基本簡介 發展歷史 獎項設定 -
International Monetary Fund
with the World Bank held annual .Founding... of World War II as part... of World War II as part...
Development Course Function Of Fund -
(World bank Group)。機構宗旨世界銀行(WorldBank...(World Bank)與國際開發協會(International...巨大的挑戰。世界銀行(World Bank)在努力縮小這種差距,把富國...
與聯合國關係 業務活動 機構宗旨 -
of the Taiwan Straits, the West Bank...
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