1. She is a good wife and a devoted mother. 她是一位賢妻良母。
2. Did you know he was cheating on his wife? 你知道他欺騙他的妻子嗎?
3. He treats his wife like a slave. 他把妻子當作奴隸看待。
4. Beginning in1970, she spent more time sweeping Harry off his feet than she did in her real estate career. He divorced his wife of33 years and married Leona in1972 after she promised to lose20 pounds. 從1970年開始,她用在博得哈里歡心上的工夫超過經營房地產。哈里與結縭33年的髮妻離異,1972年當利昂娜應許減肥20磅後和她結婚。
5. He first met his wife in Rome. 他最初是在羅馬碰到他的妻子的。
6. She tried to be an affectionate wife. 她試圖做個溫柔體貼的妻子。
7. The cruel man abandoned his wife and child. 那個狠心的男人拋棄了他的妻兒。
8. He kissed his wife and children good-bye. 他吻別他的妻子和孩子。
