In the evening ,I start to read passage 23.I’m confused with [by] this sentence as follow:I’m taking a bow and I’d like to hear clapping.What’s the meaning of “taking a bow”in this sentence.It is the symbol of ending the performance .That’s my understanding about the phrase.The word “shemelessly [shamelessly] ”is a [an] adverb to modify “shouting our talen [talent] ”.In this paragraph,the author change [changes] the sentences in [into] another way,in order to prove her view.She use [uses] some examples which has [have] been talked above to explain elaborately.
Keep reading. “I think if we don’t get Addicted”, in this sentence, “get addicted”means “indulge”,in author’s view, if people don’t know when to quit,he or she maybe get addicted in showing off.There is another sentence interested me:crave praise for every poem or fried egg.The word “crave”means desir [desire].It seems to say the people who want to get praise strongly.In the last sentence, “from time to time”means once in a while,or sometimes ,which means the author support [supports] showing off in proper time.相關詞條
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