time to rock

time to rock

《time to rock》是Gabry Ponte製作的一首電子舞曲類歌曲。


1998年以一首舞曲 "BLUE (DA BA DEE)"在全球舞廳造成一股風潮,並且攻占加拿大、澳洲、英國、義大利、德國、法國、西班牙、荷蘭、瑞典、芬蘭、奧地利、瑞士、墨西哥、巴西、新加坡和香港特區等二十餘國和地區排行榜冠軍的義大利舞曲團體"Eiffel 65"又回來了,但是這次不是他們的第三張專輯,而是他們的團員"Gabry Ponte"帶著他的首張個人專輯出現了。

1973年4月20日生於義大利,17歲開始DJ生涯的gabry是歐洲著名DJ,於1993年加入了Bliss唱片公司成為混音師,幾個月後一首"Let Me Be"經他巧手改造後登上了義大利排行第一名,而後又製作了一些其它的作品後,他儼然成為一隻"混音變色龍",並且影響了Bliss唱片公司其他一些重要的作品。

在與其他兩位團員合作了兩張Eiffel 65的專輯之後,Gabry體內的跳舞因子又不斷的聳動著他,不斷的推動著他,於是這隻"混音變色龍"就漸漸的推出了一些個人的單飛作品,就像目前日本流行的單飛不解散一樣,Gabry一邊製作著自己的個人獨奏(Solo)作品,一邊繼續與Jefery和Maurizio合作著Eiffel 65的任何活動與專輯製作(沒錯,根據最可靠的訊息指出,Eiffel 65的最新專輯也將要在最近推出了,隨著Eiffel 65的成功,他們也忙著幫全世界各地蜂擁而來的舞曲混音邀約製作混音版!

從去年之前開始,Gabry推出了一些單曲都在義大利排行榜上得到相當多的冠軍如Got To Get, Time To Rock, Geordie以及Sharmcafe等作品都得到過冠軍,而最新的一首單曲Da Musica Tonante也才於本周(四月第三周)從冠軍寶座退到第二名的位置,這些成績都再再說明了Eiffel 65的樂迷們是如何的支持他了!!!在這張專輯裡,Gabry用了相當多的民謠來作為創作的基調,Geordie是一首愛爾蘭民謠,敘說著一位叫做Geordie的庶子因為生活困苦而在國王的花園偷了6隻鹿販賣,東窗事發即將被國王用"黃金繩"處以絞刑的傳奇故事...而Sharmcafe 以及Da Musica Tonante也都是用了民謠的曲調來加強旋律部分.....當然,Gabry所擅長的Vocoder(聲碼器)效果仍然沒有缺席,專輯裡收錄了相當多的曲風如流行舞曲(Pop Dance),硬號室舞曲(Hard House),前衛迷幻舞曲(Prossive Trance)這些都顯示著Gabry向全能舞曲製作人的角色跨界的第一步,接下來Gabry要如何突破自己,將會是樂迷們最關心的事情了!


This is the time to rock rock rock
this is the time to party
this is the time to start it
this the time for all of you to move your body
this is the time to rock rock rock
this is the time to rock rock rock
This is the time to party
this is the time to start it
this the time for all of you to move your body
this is the time to pump
this is the time to Jam
this is the time for everyone to big bass slam
this is the time to love (uuuh)
this is the time for sex
this is the time for all of you to rock the discotex
this is the time to rock
this is the time to fuck
this is the time for everyone to dance and never stop
This is the time to party
this is the time to start it
this the time for all of you to move your body
This is the time to rock rock rock
Come on and rock rock rock
Come on and rock rock rock
This is the time to rock rock rock
This is the time to party
this is the time to start it
this the time for all of you to move your body
this is the time to pump
this is the time to Jam
this is the time for everyone to big bass slam
this is the time to love (uuuh)
this is the time for sex
this is the time for all of you to rock the discotex
this is the time to rock
this is the time to fuck
this is the time for everyone to dance and never stop
This is the time to party
this is the time to start it
this the time for all of you to move your body
This is the time to rock rock rock
Come on and rock rock rock
this is the time to fuck



