1. woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat
2. a timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon
3. a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision
- 習慣用語
- a black sheep 害群之馬; 拒絕參加罷工的工人
- a lost sheep 迷途羔羊, 迷失正道的人
- a sheep among wolves 落入狼群; 落在一群惡漢手中的善良人
- as a sheep among the shearers 仿佛落在剪羊毛工人手裡的綿羊
- as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb [諺]偷大羊或偷小羊反正都得挨絞刑; 一不做二不休
- count sheep 數羊(心裡計數以求入睡)
- follow like a sheep 盲從
- Neptunes sheep (海面上的)白浪頭
- One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock. [諺] 一隻羊生瘡整群羊遭殃。
- return to one's sheep [muttons] 回到本題
- separate the sheep from the goats 區別好人和壞人
- There is a black sheep in every flock. [諺]到處都有害群之馬。
- sheep and goats 善人與惡人(來自《聖經》)
- sheep sick (牧場)因放羊過多而不能再用的
- sheep that have no shepherd 烏合之眾