

scream 尖叫

The day a door is closed, 那天那一扇門關閉了

The echo's fill your soul. 腦海回音聲持續

They won’t say which way to go, 他們道不出去路

Just trust your heart. 只有你的心可信

To find what you're here for, 找到來時的初衷

Open another door. 打開另一扇門

But I'm not sure anymore. 但是我卻不再確定

It's just so hard. 這太難以抉擇

Voices in my head, 我腦海中迴蕩的聲音

Tell me they know best! 說一切都看清

Got me on the edge, 讓我心煩意亂

they're pushin', pushin', 不罷休,罷休

they're pushin' 他們不罷休

I know they've got a plan, 我知道有人在安排

But the ball’s in my hands!但是決定權在我

This time is man-to-man, 這是男人對決的時刻

I'm droppin', fightin', inside'. 我在墜落,拼搏, 向前

(Whole worlds upside down, 我的世界顛覆)

Is spining faster, 天旋地轉

what do i do now, Cause I choke 我應該做什麼呢?我要窒息了

i don't know where to go 我不知道該往哪兒走,

waht's right team 什麼是正確的隊伍?

i want my own thing 我想要屬於自己的東西

so bad i'm gonna scream 太糟了,我想尖叫

i can't choose so confused 我不能選擇,如此迷茫!

what's it all mean 它們有什麼意義?

i want my own dream 我想要自己的夢想.

so bad i'm gonna scream 太糟了,我想尖叫.

I'm kickin' down the walls 我踢著牆

I gotta make 'em fall! 我要讓它倒下

Just break through them all! 只要穿過它們

I'm pushin', crashin', I'm gonna 我在推著,衝撞

Fight to find myself, 我要拼盡全力找到自己

Me and no one else! 只有我自己

Which way I can’t tell 我走哪條路?我不知道

Searchin',Searchin' can't find a 搜尋,搜尋,找不到

(way that I should take, 一條我該走的路)

I should, turn right or left 我應該向左還是向右

Like nothing works without you! 就像什麼都不能離開你

i don't know where to go 我不知道該往哪兒走,

waht's right team 什麼是正確的隊伍?

i want my own thing 我想要屬於自己的東西

so bad i'm gonna scream 太糟了,我想尖叫

i can't choose so confused 我不能選擇,如此迷茫!

what's it all mean 它們有什麼意義?

i want my own dream 我想要自己的夢想.

so bad i'm gonna scream 太糟了,我想尖叫

Yeah the clock’s running down, 時鐘停滯了

hear the crowd gettin' loud! 聽見人群的叫喊聲變大

I'm consumed by the sound! 我被聲音吞噬

Is it her? Is it love? 是她嗎?是愛情嗎?

Can the music ever been enough? 音樂永不會足夠嗎?

Gotta work it out, gotta work it out! 要找出答案,要找出答案

You can do it, you can do it! 你能行的,你能行的.

i don't know where to go 我不知道該往哪兒走,

waht's right team 什麼是正確的隊伍?

i want my own thing 我想要屬於自己的東西

so bad i'm gonna scream 太糟了,我想尖叫

i can't choose so confused 我不能選擇,如此迷茫!

what's it all mean 它們有什麼意義?

i want my own dream 我想要自己的夢想.

so bad i'm gonna scream 太糟了,我想尖叫

Ohh! Ahh!!!!


