- resigned

順從的, 聽天由命的
順從的, 聽天由命的
resigned adj. 順從的, 聽天由命的 ...
" "The chairman resigned when he was found... next month" "The chairman resigned... resigned himself to his fate"1.leave...
詳細釋義 英英釋義 示例 辭彙搭配地理位置 普羅維登市風景 羅德島設計學 院位於美國最小的州-- 羅德島州 (Rhode Island) 的首府普羅維登市Prov...
地理位置 專業設定 辦學規模與理念 博物館 學校優勢-1800, resigned)美國麻薩諸塞州的參議員, (3月4日...
個人簡介 政治之路Intro Wu off 2 - 3, female, senior economist Intro Wu off 2 - 3,...
Biographical Recipe For Successcommittee Enterprise Office 1988 resigned... express 1988 resigned and went...
Introduction Resume Investment LifeIntroduction Abhisit Vejjajiva, 1964, the British - born and edu...
Introduction Primary Experience(resigned), hobby: rich handsome, buy...
Synopsis Credits Role Profil Diversity StoryMindful Of Bill Shankly establish at Anfield by Bill Shankly sta...
Classical Sayings