血 型: B型
身 高: 181cm
體 重: 65kg
住 所:東京-淺草の方
所屬樂隊: AXSword
音 樂流派: 古典/輕音樂/電子/爵士/流行/搖滾/原聲/世界音樂
風 格:重視旋律
不擅長風格:Loop系、Noise系、Noisy faction
喜好的音樂:鬼冢ちひろ、坂本真綾、平井堅、EXILE、B'z、X-japan、FF的Vocal Collection、也非常喜歡DQ的管弦樂
學 習 路 程:從國小開始練習鋼琴,直到高二,之後曾嘗試少許打擊キーボと鼓。
音 樂 制 作:國中三買了個人電腦後,高一開始製作BM、買音源,朋友也協力製作,在高二時真正的製作出。
事 跡 經 歷:PS2遊戲BGM,TV CM廣告,動畫主題歌,曾擔綱PS2遊戲I/O內的BGM,參與了「ひぐらしのなく頃に」的Image album「かけらむすび」製作。
Onoken is a musician who makes his music electronically and frequently uses the electric organ to produce solidable tunes. A resident of Tokyo, Japan, Onoken speaks both Japanese and English, but apparently prefers Japanese. Recently, he took up Korean as his third language, hoping to enter the Korean market. Onoken's works are quite diverse, ranging from goa trance to Digital hardcore. Most Onoken songs have a BPM divisible by 10, but this is not always the case.
Onoken did the music for the sci-fi mystery game "I/O" for the PlayStation 2. The game was only released in Japan.
Much of Onoken's popularity emerged as a result of Stepmania, but his popularity in Asia comes from his Be-Music Script files.
Several of Onoken's works are found in albums from the Diverse System label, such as "Hello, Boss" and the "D" series. Onoken apparently released a "Best Of" album in Japan, but is no longer sold due to popular demand. His latest solo album release was "Swell Strings" which was also a huge success in the Japan market.
Onoken also releases limited remix albums, the "O" series, of his original songs. Other musicians from his bulletin board remix his songs and every once in a while, an album is released with these remixes.
Onoken是一位經常採用電子設備製作音樂並將電子器械運用到製作solidable(待譯)的音樂人。Onoken現東京,能夠說日語和英語,但顯然更偏向於說日語。最近,他開始學習第三門語言——韓語,希望能夠打入韓國音樂市場。Onoken的作品相當多元化,類別有從Goa Trance(音樂術語,待譯)到數字硬核音樂等。大多數Onoken的音樂每分鐘拍數是10的倍數,儘管並非所有都是這樣。
Onoken的流行很大一部分歸功於跳舞機的流行,但是他在亞洲的另一原因是他的Be-Music Script作品。
Onoken的一部分作品收錄於在Diverse System專輯中,如“Hello, Boss”和“D”系列。Onoken可以說是在日本發售了他最好的一張專輯,但是由於市場要求等因素不再販售。他最新的單人專輯“Swell Strings”在日本市場再次取得了巨大成功。
專輯專輯名稱 | 發行時間 |
re acceleration BGM feat.onoken 2012-08-29 日語 | |
Accel World Original Soundtrack feat.ONOKEN 2012-08-29 日語 | |
Blue Orb 2011-08-13 日語 | |
monotone - 海からの使者 イメージソング - 2010-08-13 日語 | |
GO AHEAD - TEAM LEVIATHAN CHRONICLE / 全竜交渉部隊戦闘記録 (終わりのクロニクル イメージサウンドトラック) 2009-08-14 日語 | |
BREAK - TEAM LEVIATHAN CHRONICLE / 全竜交渉部隊戦闘記録 2009-04-28 日語 | |
AHEAD - TEAM LEVIATHAN CHRONICLE / 全竜交渉部隊戦闘記録 2008-11-05 日語 | |
GET SET - TEAM LEVIATHAN CHRONICLE / 全竜交渉部隊戦闘記録 2008-08-25 日語 | |
I/O perfect Audiotracks 2006-02-24 日語 | |
Swell Strings 2003-12-30 日語 | |
ONOKEN Best CD 2002-05-10 日語 |
歌曲名稱(歌曲說明) |
P8107 |
砂の城 |
Stories (Pop'n muisc 17 THE MOVIE) |
夜光燈 (作曲・編曲:onoken 作詞:三澤 秋 Vocal:茶太) |