I swear to tell the truth
The whole truth and nothing but
I am the maniac
I am the ghoul
I'm in the shadows in the corner of my room
This my new hideaway
This is my tomb
This is my coffin
This is my place for unruliness, no worries
I love the darkness yeah
I like to marry it
It is my cloak, it is my shield, it is my cape
I love the dark, maybe we can make it darker
Give me a marker
I am the maniac
I am the maniac
I am the maniac
I am the maniac, I am the fool
I found a monster in me when I lost my cool
It lives inside of me eating what's in its web
Put black spray paint on my windows during the day
Wanna spend time with it, I think I'm losing it
Or I found it and I'm using it
I wear my shades at night so I can look in the abyss
I see something in nothingness if you could picture this
Put black holes in my jar lidI climb the wall, I'm too high and now I'd die from the fall
Before the waters to our knees
We can't climb on the tree's wash away
And you and I are the disease
I am the maniac
I am the maniac
I am the maniac
I am the mani-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-maniac (I am the maniac)
I think I'm losing it (I am the maniac)
I am the mani-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-maniac (I am the maniac)
I think I'm lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-sing it (I am the maniac)
am the maniacI am the ghoulI'm... me a markerI am the maniacI am the maniacI am the maniacI am...
病毒名稱:VirTool/Man :Win iac“瘋毒”是一個可用來轉發大量廣告郵件的病毒工具。
簡介 影響平台 -
瑟魔下界Maniac come
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OTAKU 簡介 概要 語源 “宅”須具備的三個定義 -
基本概念定義 御宅族 廣義的御宅族指熱衷於 亞文化 ,並對該文化有極度深入的了解的人。 比如“體育宅”、“音樂宅”、“汽車宅...
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遊戲有3個模式,Original ,Maniac,Ultra,每個模式...2個形態。Maniac 遊戲界面 畫面左上角有連擊倍率和連擊槽。倍率為... – 530.358.660Clover-TAC – Maniac – Reco...
基本介紹 版本 蟲姬1代 蟲姬2 Black Label -
簡介 分類 歷史變遷 相關文藝作品 相關信息 -
。口頭禪為“maniac!” 轉生 23年後的野薔薇 在雙熾死後開始調查...反之冢連勝聊關於“maniac”的事情。 第九話:早上在餐廳用餐,爾後...不出“maniac”的意思向眾人解釋“maniac”的含義。 第十話...
角色設定 能力設定 角色經歷 角色歌曲 -
。口頭禪為“maniac!” 轉生 23年後的野薔薇 在雙熾死後開始調查...反之冢連勝聊關於“maniac”的事情。 第九話:早上在餐廳用餐,爾後...不出“maniac”的意思向眾人解釋“maniac”的含義。 第十話...
角色設定 能力設定 角色經歷 角色歌曲