- leaved

leaved adj. 有葉的
leaved adj. 有葉的
形態特徵 傘花蠟菊 傘花麥稈菊(H.petiolatum)花集成聚傘花序、乳白至象牙色,高1.2米。枝條柔軟,生長茂盛。葉互生,...
形態特徵 本屬特徵 栽培管理 園林套用 園藝美化Overview A. phalloides, also known as green cap mushroom, the Am...
Overview Basic Information- leaved poplar forest area of more than 90...
Overview Classifying CharacteristicsIntroduction Introduction and the Mergus squamatus" and species ...
Introduction Distribution Range(Victoria)、菱]。浮葉植物:floating(-leaved...
物種介紹 玉蓮 睡蓮 種類 水體淨化價值