finish happiness

Before read this article, I really haven't thought about what is happiness. I appreciate to the author because it's really an important question.

Before read tHIS article, I really haven't thought about what is happiness. I appreciate to the author because it's really an important question.

Now I want make a conclusion of the whole passage.

It's really a long passage. The author shows his opinion through a scientical research. He told us some details of the research. I think it aims to show that there is no problem of the research. The only problem isthe aim of the research. The research want to findany relations between happiness and others things.

Till now I don't think there is any relations between happiness and other things. I agree with the author in this aspect. Happiness is something abstract. I can not be measured by simple data. Everyone hashis own happinessand everyone has his own reason to be happy. We can't tell it as a data from a material way or mental way.


