




Pendulum樂隊以沉重有衝擊力的電子節拍和將多種音樂風格雜糅而著稱,因此,有人將他們的音樂風格簡單的定義為“Drum & Bass”是不準確的,Pendulum音樂的多樣性是很難用一個詞來定義的。由於Pendulum的兩名成員深受Led Zeppelin和Tool等搖滾樂團的影響,因此他們的音樂當中搖滾樂和工業音樂的比重是很大的。把經典的搖滾樂和工業音樂片斷融入到時尚的電音當中,Pendulum音樂的接受面還是很廣的,再加上大公司更具水準的製作能力,《In Silico》聽起來要比他們的處子作《Hold Your Colour》有了明顯的進步,


I was running out in the cold light在一個寒夜出逃

Wondering where to go找尋自己的歸宿

To run away, without you但求離你而去

All my fear is coming home我最懼怕的就是回家

And it's ripped out for the show仿佛其中悲劇都要剝離開來 成為鬧劇一場

You can't be me你成不了我

I will become you tonight而今晚我將成為你

I was wandering under black skies我徘徊在黑色的天空

Clutching at what is mine抓住我的東西

No control, left to lose沒有控制 失去的

When I felt that it wouldn't phase me我曾以為一切都不會讓我服從

I ran and hid like a child我跑去躲起來像個孩子

I feel so guilty倍感內疚

I'll make it up to you tonight我會補償你的今晚

Bridges I've been dreaming are going down我一直夢想的橋樑正在下降

They're changing my future他們改變了我的未來

Visions I had buried underground我已經埋在地下的視野

Return us our futures回到我們的未來

I was breaking out of my own skin我衝破自己的外殼

Choking upon release釋放令人激動窒息

I'm in no state, to judge you我不在狀態 對你的判斷

Scratching itches best left alone痛癢難忍的傷痕和擦傷最好擱到一邊

Chasing memories I used to own追逐自己曾經的記憶

I can't wait until this is over tonight恨不得這一切今夜就馬上結束

Bridges I've been dreaming are going down我一直夢想的橋樑正在下降

They're changing my future他們改變了我的未來

Visions I had buried underground我已經埋在地下的視野

Return us our futures回到我們的未來

Well the nightmares Ive been having have arrived好像噩夢已經來到了

They're changing my future他們改變了我的未來

Signs of my creation at my door我一手所創作的跡象

How could you do this to her你如何忍心對她這樣做



