colors of the wind[李玟演唱歌曲]

《colors of the wind》是李玟演唱的一首英文歌曲,收錄在專輯《Coco´s Party》當中。


Think you own whatever land you land on
Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life,has a spirit,has a name
Think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You learn things you never knew
You never knew
Have you ever heard the wolf cry
To the blue corn moon
Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned
Can you sing with all the voices
Of the mountains
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
Come run the hidden pinet rails of the forest
Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once never wonder what they're worth
The rainstorm and the rivers are my brothers
And the heron and the other are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle in a hoop that never ends
Have you ever heard the wolf cry
To the blue corn moon
Or let the eagle tell you where he's been
Can you sing with all the voices
Of the mountains
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
How high does the sycamore grow
If you cut it down,then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry
To the blue corn moon
Or whether we are white or copper-skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
Need to paint with all the colors of the wind
You can own the Earth and still all you'll own is earth
Until you can paint with all the colors of the wind


1996年CoCo加入新力音樂,6月發行的首張國語專輯“往日情”為年度銷售最佳專輯之一。同年11月底發行的英文專輯“CoCo´s Party”,為年底的聖誕節唱片市場掀起一個熱滾滾的CoCo´s Party。CoCo的歌唱實力,不只在台灣受人注目,連在美國一手捧紅瑪麗亞凱莉的製作人Walter Afanasieff都讚許有加。在李玟的“It´s A Party”專輯中,Walter A.為她親自製作,還寫了一首新歌,就是“It´s A Party”。原本大家都認為邀請Walter A.為CoCo製作歌曲是不可能的任務,沒想到Sonny Music總裁Mottola在聽過CoCo所唱過的歌之後敬為天人,認為她是相當出色的歌者,不管是音域、音色、甚至是英文歌曲的腔調豐美道地,因而認定CoCo是亞洲系統中最值得栽培和最重要的藝人;因而親自出面邀請Walter A.,而Walter A.則用了半年的時間反覆聆聽CoCo所有的專輯唱片,找出她的特色,再花了三個禮拜寫出“It´s A Party”,由此CoCo跨出最受矚目的國際性第一步。



