- 性別: 男
- 星座: 水瓶座
- 出生日期: 1954-02-12
- 出生地: 美國,新澤西州,恩格爾伍德
- 職業: 演員
- 更多外文名: Zachary Grenier / Zack Grenier
- imdb編號: nm0340260

胡佛J. Edgar (2011)
第63屆托尼獎頒獎典禮The 63rd Annual Tony Awards (2009)
傲骨賢妻The Good Wife (2009)
失落的淚珠鑽石The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (2008)
十二宮Zodiac (2007)
神奇4俠2:銀影俠來襲Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
劫後新生The Nine (2006)
惹鬼迴路Pulse (2006)
重見天日Rescue Dawn (2006)
波士頓法律Boston Legal (2004)
熱血警探Touching Evil (2004)
死木Deadwood (2004)
劍魚行動Swordfish (2001)
24小時24 (2001)
殺戮戰警Shaft (2000)
Chasing Sleep (2000)
抑制熱情Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000)
與魔鬼共騎Ride with the Devil (1999)
法律與秩序:特殊受害者Law & Order: SVU (1999)
搏擊俱樂部Fight Club (1999)
忠奸人Donnie Brasco (1997)
律師本色The Practice (1997)
Gang in Blue (1996)
龍捲風Twister (1996)
母親之夜Mother Night (1996)
硬闖100%危險Maximum Risk (1996)
未曾酒醉已清醒Drunks (1995)
烏龍兄弟Tommy Boy (1995)
星落家園The Stars Fell on Henrietta (1995)
Reckless (1995)
Cafe Society (1995)
絕嶺雄風Cliffhanger (1993)
無臉的男人The Man Without a Face (1993)
春夢殺機Liebestraum (1991)
天才小搗蛋2Problem Child 2 (1991)
一團亂麻Delirious (1991)
系統震撼A Shock to the System (1990)
妙趣孖寶See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989)
打工女郎Working Girl (1988)
死亡熱線Talk Radio (1988)
伸冤人The Equalizer (1985)
邁阿密天龍Miami Vice (1984)