Brief Summary
Animated film "Xibaipo's" by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee of the CPC in Xibaipo, Hebei, and television production center, movie channel program center, Shanghai Animation Film Studio and Shanghai Film Group Corporation - - A Animated film "Xibaipo's" by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee of the CPC in Xibaipo, Hebei, and television production center, movie channel program center, Shanghai Animation Film Studio and Shanghai Film Group Corporation - - A . movies came out on the Taihang Mountains, the War of Liberation and Xibaipo as the specific geographical environment, the Kuomintang troops attacked the Xibaipo this historical background, to children by participants in the Land of the foe, and eventually foiled a plot by the enemies attack bombing of Xibaipo, in order to defend its leading plots in the story line, tells the story of a wonderful and touching story, considered by experts as" red classics" movies came out on the Taihang Mountains, the War of Liberation and Xibaipo as the specific geographical environment, the Kuomintang troops attacked the Xibaipo this historical background, to children by participants in the Land of the foe, and eventually foiled a plot by the enemies attack bombing of Xibaipo, in order to defend its leading plots in the story line, tells the story of a wonderful and touching story, considered by experts as" red classics" .
A Summary Of The Plot
. the story of the Childrens Corps and the children of the revolution to thwart the enemies attack of Xibaipo's action for the plot line, and tells the story of this holy land of cartoons not only shaped the lovely, soft - spoken, believable child image, and also blent in Xibaipo, where, according to the tune of the song, a catchy cartoons not only shaped the lovely, soft - spoken, believable child image, and also blent in Xibaipo, where, according to the tune of the song, a catchy .
Tablets, Head of Child walnut with a sister and a friend drinking is jujube beautiful large pumpkin, Elis, who secretly joined the army on the frontline Tablets, Head of Child walnut with a sister and a friend drinking is jujube beautiful large pumpkin, Elis, who secretly joined the army on the frontline . en route, co - workers accidentally met in the mountains in search of the village of enemy spies,was informed about the enemy intention to collaborate with the bombing of the headquarters of the cpc central committee at xibaipo conspiracy
walnut decides to immediately return to the village and gave the news in walnuts walnut decides to immediately return to the village and gave the news in walnuts ., led the children through the Galaxy hole, covering Park Slope Hill, Dragon Hill, along with their tracking of enemy at , led the children through the Galaxy hole, covering Park Slope Hill, Dragon Hill, along with their tracking of enemy at .
finally, walnut and risk their lives in a shelter partners escape of completing a task brought the news, and Xibaipo and children fellowship, and welcome the birth of New China finally, walnut and risk their lives in a shelter partners escape of completing a task brought the news, and Xibaipo and children fellowship, and welcome the birth of New China . 1 1.
Holy Land
Xibopo is where the War of Liberation and of the Central Working Committee, secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the location of the headquarters of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee is the last rural command post Xibopo is where the War of Liberation and of the Central Working Committee, secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the location of the headquarters of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee is the last rural command post . CPC in Xibaipo has held a national land conference, the organization conducted the Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin campaigns and organized the seventh CPC Central committee, put forward the thought of "two" of the famous statement by CPC in Xibaipo has held a national land conference, the organization conducted the Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin campaigns and organized the seventh CPC Central committee, put forward the thought of "two" of the famous statement by .
of the Communist Party of China in Xibaipo Period for ever and will go down in history, the Xibaipo Spirit, Xibaipo people of dedication and sacrifice of the Communist Party of China in Xibaipo Period for ever and will go down in history, the Xibaipo Spirit, Xibaipo people of dedication and sacrifice . also be remember forever.
One To Watch The Movie
The film is narrated by child protagonists, through a child's viewpoint of serious and grand themes of history, a great deal, as well as in patriotism and revolutionary traditions of education and it is a beneficial attempt The film is narrated by child protagonists, through a child's viewpoint of serious and grand themes of history, a great deal, as well as in patriotism and revolutionary traditions of education and it is a beneficial attempt . 2 animated cartoon "The Spirit of Xibaipo with the Law of the People's Republic of China to Kuomintang troops attacked the Xibaipo this true story of history as a background to the Childrens Corps and the children of the revolution to thwart the enemies attack bombing in Xibaipo, a battle of wits with the enemies of the plot and story line with inserts of CPC in Xibaipo; during the Agrarian Revolution,Command Battles and the founding of the People's Republic of China and other major historical events 2 animated cartoon "The Spirit of Xibaipo with the Law of the People's Republic of China to Kuomintang troops attacked the Xibaipo this true story of history as a background to the Childrens Corps and the children of the revolution to thwart the enemies attack bombing in Xibaipo, a battle of wits with the enemies of the plot and story line with inserts of CPC in Xibaipo; during the Agrarian Revolution,Command Battles and the founding of the People's Republic of China and other major historical events .
movie for the kids to the Xibaipo movie for the kids to the Xibaipo . propaganda cartoons while binding the artistic characteristics of children's cognition and preferences, adding some animal sidekick - donkey, a badger, the cock, on screen, they will be with the children delegates to stand shoulder to shoulder "as propaganda cartoons while binding the artistic characteristics of children's cognition and preferences, adding some animal sidekick - donkey, a badger, the cock, on screen, they will be with the children delegates to stand shoulder to shoulder "as .
, small hen is designed to be a kung fu master, the eagle wings, chicken's work is self - evident, especially with the enemy, the enemy's face off. I'm not in the seared chicken paw prints that trigger laughter the martial - arts pullet, loud - mouthed must have his own way,likes to shoot a hole in the badger and the like are anthropomorphic animals as the audience laugh.
Behind - The - Scenes Story
Hebei Provincial Publicity Department by the design of the red classics" Xibaipo, "will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the only tribute cartoon," 61 "on the eve of the national audience to meet Hebei Provincial Publicity Department by the design of the red classics" Xibaipo, "will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the only tribute cartoon," 61 "on the eve of the national audience to meet . by propaganda, movie channel program center, Hebei Xibaipo television production center and Shanghai Animation Film Studio of joint production, the studio will reportedly invited Li Yang, Jiang Kun, Chen Peisi, Gong Hanlin, a scarab of celebrities such as movie dubbing by propaganda, movie channel program center, Hebei Xibaipo television production center and Shanghai Animation Film Studio of joint production, the studio will reportedly invited Li Yang, Jiang Kun, Chen Peisi, Gong Hanlin, a scarab of celebrities such as movie dubbing .
Xibaipo, the Central Committee of the Communist Party entered Peiping,Liberation army of the last rural command post Xibaipo, the Central Committee of the Communist Party entered Peiping,Liberation army of the last rural command post . of the Communist Party of China in Xibaipo Period for ever and a cast of Xibaipo spirit will be remembered.
How to let the kids are interested in understanding these major historical events, the inheritance and glorification of Xibaipo spirit is a harder question How to let the kids are interested in understanding these major historical events, the inheritance and glorification of Xibaipo spirit is a harder question . Xibaipo as the people of China made a great contribution to the victory of the revolution, how to shape these ordinary but great unsung hero would be a challenge for Xibaipo as the people of China made a great contribution to the victory of the revolution, how to shape these ordinary but great unsung hero would be a challenge for .
"Xibaipo," Revolutionary and Historical times that has been made, and how, on the basis of heritage and innovation, do a "Kids love the red classics", is a breakthrough for this "Xibaipo," Revolutionary and Historical times that has been made, and how, on the basis of heritage and innovation, do a "Kids love the red classics", is a breakthrough for this .,play the animation producer of specialty, the breakthrough is only true to life with revolutionary themes of myth, and created "red classic" ,play the animation producer of specialty, the breakthrough is only true to life with revolutionary themes of myth, and created "red classic" .
in a creative team have done a great deal of historical research and extensive market investigation, determined to ease and gusto of the style, the language of children to the Xibaipo propaganda, spreading the Xibaipo Spirit in a creative team have done a great deal of historical research and extensive market investigation, determined to ease and gusto of the style, the language of children to the Xibaipo propaganda, spreading the Xibaipo Spirit . in conjunction with the animation of the artistic features and children's cognitive preferences, after repeated discussion and research in the following years, with the script, of which 17 had been modified, established the effect with the utile view and reality of the creative keynote of complementary in conjunction with the animation of the artistic features and children's cognitive preferences, after repeated discussion and research in the following years, with the script, of which 17 had been modified, established the effect with the utile view and reality of the creative keynote of complementary .
Reportedly, character design,To make the target audience when creating more resonance, "Xibaipo's" crew, the protagonist of the age is set at the target audience was similar to that of the young heroine of flowers on behalf of those villagers is by upbringing of the children of the revolution, the kind - hearted, strong, fearless and optimistic, in care grew up in, in the flames of mature Reportedly, character design,To make the target audience when creating more resonance, "Xibaipo's" crew, the protagonist of the age is set at the target audience was similar to that of the young heroine of flowers on behalf of those villagers is by upbringing of the children of the revolution, the kind - hearted, strong, fearless and optimistic, in care grew up in, in the flames of mature . In addition, also from the animation characteristic, provided some animal sidekick, each small creatures are a beaten - up kids on the In addition, also from the animation characteristic, provided some animal sidekick, each small creatures are a beaten - up kids on the .
In the villain aspect, clutching the children of the world in black and white of the cognitive nature of language, artful use of profiling have been treated in such a way that the In the villain aspect, clutching the children of the world in black and white of the cognitive nature of language, artful use of profiling have been treated in such a way that the . in a storyline on the design,Cast and the extensive knowledge of the history information, and with reference to the Hebei Provincial CPC Publicity Department, Hebei publication group, Xibaipo Memorial Institute of Law of the People's Republic of China in Xibaipo ", determined to Kuomintang troops attacked the Xibaipo this true story of history as a background to the Childrens Corps and the children of the revolution and the enemies who fight the plot and story line with inserts of CPC in Xibaipo; during the Agrarian Revolution, commanding the Battles and the founding of the People's Republic of China and other major historical event in a storyline on the design,Cast and the extensive knowledge of the history information, and with reference to the Hebei Provincial CPC Publicity Department, Hebei publication group, Xibaipo Memorial Institute of Law of the People's Republic of China in Xibaipo ", determined to Kuomintang troops attacked the Xibaipo this true story of history as a background to the Childrens Corps and the children of the revolution and the enemies who fight the plot and story line with inserts of CPC in Xibaipo; during the Agrarian Revolution, commanding the Battles and the founding of the People's Republic of China and other major historical event .
the film subject brighter, more able to educate and delight in how the CPC and the Chinese Revolution Xibaipo in achievements in the status, and splendid that the numbers of children affected by profound patriotism and revolutionary education 3 3.
Dubbing Anecdotes
big - name stars as boisterous, the obligation to work red classics have influenced generations of growth, also became one of the most precious memories for generations of big - name stars as boisterous, the obligation to work red classics have influenced generations of growth, also became one of the most precious memories for generations of . so that when the "Xibaipo" practitioners with an invitation to participate in the Voice when you can say is so that when the "Xibaipo" practitioners with an invitation to participate in the Voice when you can say is .
corralled, Chen Peisi, Jiang Kun, Li Yang, Gong Hanlin, are obligated to carry out the film work in addition to the corralled, Chen Peisi, Jiang Kun, Li Yang, Gong Hanlin, are obligated to carry out the film work in addition to the . Li Yang's endorsement of the role of village chief, Chen Peisi is voiced not only are the villains, but get only words, but they are quite hard,In the dubbing field meticulous Li Yang's endorsement of the role of village chief, Chen Peisi is voiced not only are the villains, but get only words, but they are quite hard,In the dubbing field meticulous .
favorite is" Xibaipo, "is undoubtedly the endorsements of famous presenter scarab Liu Chunyan has joined favorite is" Xibaipo, "is undoubtedly the endorsements of famous presenter scarab Liu Chunyan has joined . except himself, Liu Chun Yan's daughter, also joined the film except himself, Liu Chun Yan's daughter, also joined the film .
Interestingly, his wife and daughter were in the movie, a couple of pals, and considerable interest Interestingly, his wife and daughter were in the movie, a couple of pals, and considerable interest . Jiang Kun, Chen Peisi, Gong Hanlin is a villain, dubbing the movie in Jiang Kun, Chen Peisi, Gong Hanlin and villain respectively is pock - marked, hooks, and commander of the company's first spy Jiang Kun, Chen Peisi, Gong Hanlin is a villain, dubbing the movie in Jiang Kun, Chen Peisi, Gong Hanlin and villain respectively is pock - marked, hooks, and commander of the company's first spy .
dubbing anime dubbing of Gong Hanlin early morning arrives at the studio one villain on the hook for the dubbing, the dubbing of the gap, they spoke to reporters,Gong Hanlin is the first anime dubbing, he feels so fresh, it even makes sense, he said, "Xibaipo," is the numbers of children, on average, a good - looking animated dubbing anime dubbing of Gong Hanlin early morning arrives at the studio one villain on the hook for the dubbing, the dubbing of the gap, they spoke to reporters,Gong Hanlin is the first anime dubbing, he feels so fresh, it even makes sense, he said, "Xibaipo," is the numbers of children, on average, a good - looking animated . want homemade animation can act more like a boutique, opportunity is ready to make an animation effect want homemade animation can act more like a boutique, opportunity is ready to make an animation effect .
Jiang Kun also said, Hebei has many red resources, we should draw lessons from "Xibaipo's" experience", and "Tunnel Warfare, Langya Mountain and red resource utilization, which date back to the kids and the people there would know all know these red classic Jiang Kun also said, Hebei has many red resources, we should draw lessons from "Xibaipo's" experience", and "Tunnel Warfare, Langya Mountain and red resource utilization, which date back to the kids and the people there would know all know these red classic . scarab - Daughter: walnut and Chinese Date, the same black - top from the head,Equally nifty facial expressions and tone, the CCTV name mouth scarab Liu Chunyan () with a small daughter, Wang Yichen (Scarab) early in the morning - - the day of the recording site, jujubes and walnut for movie stars scarab - Daughter: walnut and Chinese Date, the same black - top from the head,Equally nifty facial expressions and tone, the CCTV name mouth scarab Liu Chunyan () with a small daughter, Wang Yichen (Scarab) early in the morning - - the day of the recording site, jujubes and walnut for movie stars .
voiced many animated characters have been a part of the job dubbing, dubbing this scarab is still a lot of pressure, "Now a lot of kids for a piece of history that they do not understand the voiced many animated characters have been a part of the job dubbing, dubbing this scarab is still a lot of pressure, "Now a lot of kids for a piece of history that they do not understand the . while" Xibaipo, "in cartoon form, and get the kids back on the field stories during his understanding of Xibaipo, educates, and this is a very good method of while" Xibaipo, "in cartoon form, and get the kids back on the field stories during his understanding of Xibaipo, educates, and this is a very good method of .
" while the daughter, Wang Yichen and in its first dubbing, very neatly captured the aura ",every now and then and mothers of young children, especially her children fellowship in the history of the curious, he said, "think they're very cute, but also in people's minds, like when you get a chance in Xibaipo " while the daughter, Wang Yichen and in its first dubbing, very neatly captured the aura ",every now and then and mothers of young children, especially her children fellowship in the history of the curious, he said, "think they're very cute, but also in people's minds, like when you get a chance in Xibaipo ." Li Yang: walnut grandfather "dubbing artist I have been married for 31 years, in the past, to the cartoon voice of the majority of the members of the Truth is the villain, dubbing, dubbing this once - revolutionary, is proud of the " Li Yang: walnut grandfather "dubbing artist I have been married for 31 years, in the past, to the cartoon voice of the majority of the members of the Truth is the villain, dubbing, dubbing this once - revolutionary, is proud of the .
mentions that the Monkey King, Donald Duck and many of the movie, the animated character, Li Yang's voice is famous, he was in" Xibaipo "in walnut grandfather mentions that the Monkey King, Donald Duck and many of the movie, the animated character, Li Yang's voice is famous, he was in" Xibaipo "in walnut grandfather . dubbing for red classical themes and cartoons,Li Yang believes that this is a very good game, "the quintessence of Chinese culture is needed, you see" Mulan "," Kung Fu Panda "? Why the glare because they incorporate too many elements of Chinese, even foreigners know this traditional treasure is, we ourselves do, then it would be nonsense dubbing for red classical themes and cartoons,Li Yang believes that this is a very good game, "the quintessence of Chinese culture is needed, you see" Mulan "," Kung Fu Panda "? Why the glare because they incorporate too many elements of Chinese, even foreigners know this traditional treasure is, we ourselves do, then it would be nonsense .
Now Xibaipo is being made into cartoons, this will allow our small audience has an understanding of the history of interests and approaches, the area of the film we will shoot!" 4 Now Xibaipo is being made into cartoons, this will allow our small audience has an understanding of the history of interests and approaches, the area of the film we will shoot!" 4.
Evaluation Of The Parties
"animated" Xibaipo, "an animated interpretation of red classics to ease and gusto and spread Xibaipo spirit and it is a living textbook, believe the children after he saw the movie, revolutionary tradition culture in their heart but "animated" Xibaipo, "an animated interpretation of red classics to ease and gusto and spread Xibaipo spirit and it is a living textbook, believe the children after he saw the movie, revolutionary tradition culture in their heart but ." Langfang's Dachang Hui Autonomous County in the Chengguan primary school teacher said " Langfang's Dachang Hui Autonomous County in the Chengguan primary school teacher said .
Host ", the film is filled with the familiarity of the career of the past and imagine the romantic atmosphere," the parents of Han Hai Kun said after the movie, wanted to leave with the children visit Xibaipo, got together to understand the culture and feel the Xibaipo Spirit Host ", the film is filled with the familiarity of the career of the past and imagine the romantic atmosphere," the parents of Han Hai Kun said after the movie, wanted to leave with the children visit Xibaipo, got together to understand the culture and feel the Xibaipo Spirit . from Langfang Dachang Hui Autonomous County in the Chengguan primary school fifth - grade classes, after Liu Yuhan,i know the glorious history of the Communist Party of China, to the now - won from Langfang Dachang Hui Autonomous County in the Chengguan primary school fifth - grade classes, after Liu Yuhan,i know the glorious history of the Communist Party of China, to the now - won .
she said she was going to study hard and grow up to the country to build up a force she said she was going to study hard and grow up to the country to build up a force . 2 premiere, the animated "Xibaipo's" producer Yuan Shu Mei has also said that the movie was the audience favorite 2 premiere, the animated "Xibaipo's" producer Yuan Shu Mei has also said that the movie was the audience favorite .
Even if successful, she said," to a child's perspective, the true of Xibaipo spirit moved the audience, so that the film subject brighter, more able to educate and delight in how the CPC and the Chinese Revolution Xibaipo in process is of great importance in the history is glorious, so that the numbers of children affected by profound patriotism and revolutionary education Even if successful, she said," to a child's perspective, the true of Xibaipo spirit moved the audience, so that the film subject brighter, more able to educate and delight in how the CPC and the Chinese Revolution Xibaipo in process is of great importance in the history is glorious, so that the numbers of children affected by profound patriotism and revolutionary education . "5 experts pointed out,Hebei Provincial Department of Publicity, planning to shoot the film, have done something highly significant, the patriotism education of the antennae to the teenagers are the most complicated case extends, ushered in the holy land of animation writers: "5 experts pointed out,Hebei Provincial Department of Publicity, planning to shoot the film, have done something highly significant, the patriotism education of the antennae to the teenagers are the most complicated case extends, ushered in the holy land of animation writers: .
pioneered the cinema cartoon for "Xibaipo's" to the screen, is a special form of" textbook "; is the glorification of Xibaipo spirit, red culture and enhance the attraction and appeal, drive the old people's material culture and their hard working, and new rural construction of socialism and the specific practice of; is an active youth culture, red culture infectivity of effective carrier pioneered the cinema cartoon for "Xibaipo's" to the screen, is a special form of" textbook "; is the glorification of Xibaipo spirit, red culture and enhance the attraction and appeal, drive the old people's material culture and their hard working, and new rural construction of socialism and the specific practice of; is an active youth culture, red culture infectivity of effective carrier . The shooting such films,The propaganda of Xibaipo, the glorification of Xibaipo spirit and make a positive contribution to the The shooting such films,The propaganda of Xibaipo, the glorification of Xibaipo spirit and make a positive contribution to the .
3 3.
Background Creation
deputies to initiate photographing cartoon "Xibaipo," is the 10th and 11th NPC, Hebei Pingju opera performing artist Yuan Shu Mei deputies to initiate photographing cartoon "Xibaipo," is the 10th and 11th NPC, Hebei Pingju opera performing artist Yuan Shu Mei . she is also his skills, established in 2009 and starred Pingju opera movie "Xibaipo", and further to Xibaipo's" honorary mayor " she is also his skills, established in 2009 and starred Pingju opera movie "Xibaipo", and further to Xibaipo's" honorary mayor ".
since then, she had the opportunity to carry forward Xibaipo spirit in various occasions, thought to shootan animated film, introducing them to the history of Xibaipo idea since then, she had the opportunity to carry forward Xibaipo spirit in various occasions, thought to shootan animated film, introducing them to the history of Xibaipo idea . Studio in site investigation, found that indeed kids today know little" came from the People's Republic of China in Xibaipo " Studio in site investigation, found that indeed kids today know little" came from the People's Republic of China in Xibaipo ".
The cast and crew in the history of Xibaipo 10 km distance only elementary school, asked children in Xibaipo know?As a result, the field of more than 30 children and wagged his head led the artistic director of the film with high expectations, in Hebei province and the city's leaders and the head of Sarft's support of the deputy secretary, mayor Han Zheng, the film made extensive notes, vowed to make this significant red classics, deputy secretary, mayor Han Zheng, the film made extensive notes, vowed to make this significant red classics, .
last year in early April, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Tong Gang, film bureau led a film crew to experience the life of Xibaipo last year in early April, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Tong Gang, film bureau led a film crew to experience the life of Xibaipo . september 26 last year, the US owner of invasive Shadow team third persons to experience september 26 last year, the US owner of invasive Shadow team third persons to experience .
Xibaipo in Hebei province deputy party secretary,Chen Quanguo, the governor of Shanghai Studio is able to photograph to Xibaipo as the theme for the anniversary, thanks to the cartoon, it comes on the heels of the Hebei Province Tangshan earthquake after another key cultural projects Xibaipo in Hebei province deputy party secretary,Chen Quanguo, the governor of Shanghai Studio is able to photograph to Xibaipo as the theme for the anniversary, thanks to the cartoon, it comes on the heels of the Hebei Province Tangshan earthquake after another key cultural projects . Studio also across the plant, founded by artistic director Chang was a member of the board of directors of light led light Studio also across the plant, founded by artistic director Chang was a member of the board of directors of light led light .
Chang to be the leader of "The Magic Lotus Lantern", "Butterfly Spring" domestic first - class director of cartoons, or "snow child" artistic director "and" animator, hardly represent the highest level of Studio director Chang to be the leader of "The Magic Lotus Lantern", "Butterfly Spring" domestic first - class director of cartoons, or "snow child" artistic director "and" animator, hardly represent the highest level of Studio director . child became the "starring" general audience "Xibaipo," made into an animated film of the first reaction is: Chairman Mao as an anime character?In fact, the play's barely a dent, a leader of all children: The children fellowship, members of Xibaipo, the older the age of 10 to 15 years old child became the "starring" general audience "Xibaipo," made into an animated film of the first reaction is: Chairman Mao as an anime character?In fact, the play's barely a dent, a leader of all children: The children fellowship, members of Xibaipo, the older the age of 10 to 15 years old .
Studio director Zhu Yu Ping introduced, from the perspective of children reflect the historical facts, like "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" Studio director Zhu Yu Ping introduced, from the perspective of children reflect the historical facts, like "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" . once, they wondered whether it was going to tank fire or explosion, the battle began, in hindsight, since the audience is children, are unlikely to get into one of the "war", while required to revolutionary history, "'s" warm, funny and highlight beauty once, they wondered whether it was going to tank fire or explosion, the battle began, in hindsight, since the audience is children, are unlikely to get into one of the "war", while required to revolutionary history, "'s" warm, funny and highlight beauty .
So, just the kids,Also to accompany their animals add characters AC, and the taste is close to the children of today, such as a view, so close to the small audience So, just the kids,Also to accompany their animals add characters AC, and the taste is close to the children of today, such as a view, so close to the small audience . due in theaters in the 90th anniversary of the due in theaters in the 90th anniversary of the .
6 6.
Awards Received
On 28 August 2011, the 14th Huabiao Awards in Beijing Exhibition Theatre andbroadcast Outstanding Animation Award On 28 August 2011, the 14th Huabiao Awards in Beijing Exhibition Theatre andbroadcast Outstanding Animation Award .