

Wild是Jessie J第二張個人錄音室專輯中第一波單曲,與當紅嘻哈新人Big Sean和Dizzee Rascal合作的。單曲於2013年5月26日發行。


Jessie J

JessieJ JessieJ

Jessie J(全名:Jessica Ellen Cornish),英國流行女歌手兼詞曲創作者。出道前曾幫Miley Cyrus,JustinTimberlake,Chris Brown,Alicia Keys和Christina Aguilera等歌手製作歌曲,創作才能開始受到業界關注。首支單曲"Do It Like a Dude"在英國單曲排行榜曾排名第二,第二支單曲"Price Tag"是和美國說唱歌手B.o.B合作,在英國,法國,愛爾蘭,紐西蘭在內的19個國家奪得單曲榜冠軍,亦可看做她的成名曲。在2012年倫敦奧運會閉幕式上,Jessie J一共三次登台獻唱,是當晚登台次數最多的歌手,完美的獻唱也讓世界記住了這個會唱歌的英國女孩。她風格多變,音色完美且唱功非常優秀,完美的嗓音使她隨意遊走在流行樂、R&B、Hip-pop和電子樂之間,被視為是英國新生代代表歌手之一。全新單曲《Wild》已於2013年5月26日發行。

藝名 Jessie J 出生日期 1988年3月27日
本名 Jessica Ellen Cornish 音樂風格 R&B, Soul, Hip Hop, Dance, Electronica
出生地 Redbridge(英國) 唱片公司 Lava/Universal Republic
職業 創作歌手,作詞、曲人,音樂製作人 身高 5 ft 9 in(175cm)

Big Sean

Big Sean Big Sean

美國嘻哈歌手 Big Sean(原名Sean Michael Leonard Anderson),1988年3月25日出生於加州的聖莫妮卡,不過出生兩個月後就搬去了密西根州的底特律居住。2007年Big Sean簽約Kanye West的GOOD Music唱片公司,並於2008年簽約Island Def Jam唱片公司。

2005年,來自芝加哥的說唱明星Kanye West恰好來到底特律的102.7FM做客接受採訪,而Big Sean 自然不會放過這次機會,由於和電台保持著良好的關係,他得到了會見Kanye West的機會,而他也給Kanye West留下了深刻的印象。2年之後,Big Sean終於簽約了Kanye West的GOOD Music唱片公司。

2007年Big Sean發行了他的個人第一張官方混音輯《Finally Famous: The Mixtape》,主打歌“Getcha Some”為他獲得了很大的關注,也讓他登上了著名的嘻哈雜誌《The Source》和《底特律捷運時報》。而公司還為他邀請到了嘻哈大導演Hype Williams拍攝“Getcha Some”的音樂錄影帶。2009年4月,他的第二張混音輯,由Mick Boogie主持的《U Know Big Sean》發行。2010年8月,其第三張混音輯《Finally Famous VOL.3》由他本人和Don Cannon共同發行並取得了不俗的反響。

Dizzee Rascal

Dizzee Rascal Dizzee Rascal

Dizzee Rascal從標準的不良少年到後來被音樂老師引導去學習音樂製作,改變了他的人生。首張專輯《Boy In Da Corner》甫於美國發行,東西岸的MC只能用驚為天人來形容Dizzee Rascal,那類似Busta Rhymes的跳躍唱腔,在無數英國嘻哈歌手摺腰的美國,創下亮眼銷售佳績。

2007年的專輯《Maths & English》更是在保持英國說唱特色的同時,融合更多的音樂風格,使得自己的音樂兼容並包,隱有抵達大成境界的跡象。Dizzee Rascal也被視為英倫黑人文化的新偶像,他的音樂風格混合了garage(車庫) MCing, 傳統的rap, Grime, Ragga,電子和hip-hop, 但卻不拘一格並帶有更多的異域風情。《Bonkers》並不是Dizzee Rascal的第一首冠軍歌曲,去年他和英國新銳製作人&DJ卡爾文哈里斯(Calvin Harris)合作的大熱之作《Dance Wiv Me》曾榮獲四周英國流行音樂單曲榜冠軍,並為他贏得了NME的大獎。《Maths & English》包容著多樣音樂類型與潮流,可說完美展現了嘻哈音樂無國界的氣度,同時不忘其本身的英式純正血統。Dizzee Rascal用他的復古知新,與所有嘻哈樂迷一齊向世界的黑暗與不平等,發出能量激昂的抗爭!


If I go hard, let me tell you that is worth it

Play the right cards, I ain't afraid to work it

Brushing right off, when they say I dont deserve it

Hands on my heart, you keep my fire burning

Ooh it feels so crazy when you scream my name

Love it when you rock me over every day

When I think about it I can go insane

Here we are as beautiful, im blown away

If this is a dream, won't open my eyes,

Am I asleep? No, I'm alive

I just can't believe that this is my life

In my fantasy we're running wild

If this is a dream, won't open my eyes,

Am I asleep? No, I'm alive

I just can't believe that this is my life

In my fantasy we're running wild

When it get wet, then the rain starts pouring

I turn up the heat cuz the drama ain't important

Let em all talk talk, I'mma just ignore it

Hands on my heart, you you keep me moving forward

Ooh it Feel so crazy when they scream my name

B.I.G. Sean Dun?. OK

Now I woke up feeling like a mirror

I spend about an hour looking in the mirror

As I should, as much as I've been through

Is no wonder, I look this damn good

I'll probably make it out any situation, that you try to put me into

If I spoil myself around its guaranteed that i'll probably have a fish dinner

I meet a young girl with a sex shape

Like Jessie J we escapade

Where its extra shape

She make me want to give in not take like collection plates


All these wars, bras, cars, wall to wall

Is all a mirage

And I could lose it all tonight

Just to show the world I could do it twice

With my life

If this is a dream, won't open my eyes,

Am I asleep? No, I'm alive

I just can't believe that this is my life

In my fantasy we're running wild

If this is a dream, won't open my eyes,

Am I asleep? No, I'm alive

I just can't believe that this is my life

In my fantasy we're running wild



Rass Collar Double the dollar

Im a jetsetter, brother more hitched on the white collar

But I can't be boxed

Flow tighter like Bob Marley locks,

I can't be dropped

Im at a P, cuz I can't be touched

Im wilding out

Lost ah blood

I can't be stopped

Pull up in a Narley Warri, buy me what?

Opposite, I can't believe

If i'll ever get the party what? I can't be blocked

10 years plus running the game

You brothers just come in the game

But now im coming again

To get the people from going fuming insane

100 fives and people going vocals in the mother marine

Women on shoulders, tops off, shouting my name

Im all in dey brain

Why would I complain?

I thought I was the boy in the corner

But now im in a penthouse

N-gga where is the water?

Im living

If this is a dream, won't open my eyes,

Am I asleep? No, I'm alive

I just can't believe that this is my life

In my fantasy we're running wild

If this is a dream, won't open my eyes,

Am I asleep? No, I'm alive

I just can't believe that this is my life

In my fantasy we're running wild


Wild Wild Wi-Wild


Wild Wild Wi-Wild


Wild Wild Wi-Wild


Wild Wild Wi-Wild

Woohoooh oh

The Wild EP The Wild EP



