What's Up With You

What's Up With You

What's Up With You,是世界流行音樂之王麥可·傑克遜與艾迪墨菲共同演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Remember the time》專輯中。


《What's up with you》(怎么了你)——這首歌的MV在1993年製作,近來才公布,非常新鮮,所以很多人把它視為一首全新的歌曲。歌曲由MJ和好萊塢著名喜劇影星埃迪·墨菲合唱(埃迪·墨菲曾在91年MJ的《Dangerous》專輯中與MJ合拍過MV《Remember the time》,飾演埃及法老。),同期拍攝的還有哈雷姆男童合唱團。《What's up with you》里詼諧的打鬧和MJ甜美的表情,以及即興的肢體動作令整首MV大放異彩。


麥可·傑克遜【1958.8.29——2009.06.25,永遠的流行音樂之王——永恆的記憶】全名麥可·約瑟夫·傑克遜,簡稱MJ。是一名在世界各地最具影響力的音樂家、舞蹈家、藝術家、表演家、慈善家、被譽為流行音樂之王,他是流行樂、搖滾樂、靈魂樂、R&B、DISCO、HIP HOP、唱作型全能歌王、唱片專輯製作人、編舞、舞王、電影演員、MV導演、編劇、傳記作家、畫家、音樂家、舞蹈家、藝術家、表演家、慈善家、人道主義者、完美主義者、時尚引領者。他魔幻般的舞步更是被無數明星效仿。他由於患有白癜風皮膚病導致皮膚變白。美國當地時間2009年6月25日,私人醫生康拉德·莫里違規注射鎮靜劑過量導致傑克遜突然逝世,終年50歲。


The Suns Gonna Shine,
the Flowers Are Gonna Grow,
the Clouds Will Bring Us Showers,
the Rivers Gonna Flow.
men Ain't Got No Power,
he Kills Nothing But Himself,
men Is A Creation,
men Is Nothing Else So...
what's up?
what's up? what's up with you? what's up?

what's up with you?
what's up with you?
what's up?
what's up?
what's up with you?
what's up?
what's up with you?
what's up with you?
always Into Mountains,
always Into Trees,
always Into Oceans,
always Into Seas.
(What's Up With You?)
we Can't Stop This World,
cause' Its Not Our World,
we Can Just,
jack each other up.
even When We're Falling,
he's Mighty Patient,
he's Got Your Number,
beat Your Disease!
he Knows You're Fallin,
you're Fallin,
you're Fallin,
men Is A Creation,
men Is Nothing More So...

what's up?
what's up? what's up with you? what's up?

what's up with you?
what's up with you?
what's up?
what's up?
what's up with you?
what's up?
what's up with you?
what's up with you?

eddie: Always Into Mountains.
michael: Always Into Trees!
eddie: Always Into Oceans.
michael: Always Into Seas!
baby Let The Children Sing!

what's up?
what's up? what's up with you? what's up?

what's up with you?
what's up with you?

you Still Love Me Do!

what's up?
what's up? what's up with you? what's up?

what's up with you?
what's up with you?

oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!
this Is All Just Something New!
what's up?
what's up?
what's up?
what's up with you?

what's up?
what's up? what's up with you? what's up?

what's up with you?
what's up with you?
what's up?
what's up?
what's up with you?
what's up?
what's up with you?
what's up with you?

what's up?
tell Me What You Love!
what's up with you?



