Lea在年僅8歲的時候就已登上百老匯的舞台,她的第一個角色是在百老匯音樂劇Les Misérables(《悲慘世界》)中扮演Young Cosette(小珂賽特),隨後她又參演了音樂劇Ragtime(《爵士年華》)和Fiddler on the Roof(《屋頂上的提琴手》)等音樂劇。14歲時,她在搖滾音樂劇Spring Awakening(《春之覺醒》)中首演了女主角Wendla一角,後來又在該戲的外百老匯和百老匯演出中繼續飾演該角。這部劇在被搬上百老匯舞台後獲得了巨大成功,成為第61屆托尼獎的最大贏家,共獲得11項提名並最終獲得包括最佳音樂劇在內的8項大獎。Lea也憑藉在這部劇中的出色表演贏得了劇評人獎最女主角提名,迎來了自己事業的一個高峰。
2006年,Lea還曾被選中出演百老匯復排版音樂劇Les Misérables中的Éponine(艾潘妮),但她為了Spring Awakening放棄了這個機會。在2008年明星雲集的好萊塢碗《悲慘世界》演唱會中,她終於得以扮演Éponine,彌補了這一遺憾。此外,她也參加過一些Caberet表演和電視劇演出。
2009年Lea獲得美劇Glee(《歡樂合唱團》)的主演機會,飾演女主Rachel Berry一角,並不負眾望地成為這部劇集的靈魂人物。Lea在所有Glee女演員之中擁有最多的獨唱歌曲,並包辦了劇中超過一半以上的獨唱及合唱歌曲,在Glee的20首最暢銷歌曲中,由Lea參與演繹的占了超過一半。Lea憑藉在Glee中的出色表現獲得了金球獎、艾美獎的提名,並收穫了大量冬粉,連續兩年(2012、2013)獲得青少年選擇獎、人民選擇獎的最受歡迎喜劇電視劇女主角。Lea在2010年與同在Glee中演出的Chris Colfer(克里斯·柯爾弗)入選為2011年時代百大人物。
隨著Glee的成功,Lea也慢慢嘗試涉足電影領域。在2011年,Lea首次拍攝電影,與多位巨星合作浪漫愛情喜劇New Year's Eve(《新年前夜》),還為該片獻唱。Lea還在3D動畫電影Legends of Oz: Dorothy Returns(《奧茲國的傳說:桃樂西歸來》)中為主角Dorothy配音,該片已於2014年5月上映。
Glee截至2014年6月已播出了五季,第六季將於2015年播出,而Lea也邁出了自己事業的下一步。2012年9月,Lea在自己的twitter上宣布她的首張個人音樂專輯正式啟動,10月,Lea開始為專輯進行第一階段的錄音;此後,Lea又陸續透露了自己專輯的簽約公司為哥倫比亞唱片、為自己專輯操刀的製作人包括Bonnie Mckee,Sia Furler等的信息;她還表示自己專輯的風格將不會是百老匯風格,而是更多的流行&搖滾風格。專輯於2013年6月錄製完成,原定於2013年下半年發行,但由於Lea的男友Cory Monteith的突然去世被推遲至2014年。
2013年12月10日,期待已久的首張專輯Louder上架iTunes Store,開始預售,包括普通版(11首歌曲)和豪華版(14首歌曲)。同日,首單Cannonball開放購買。Cannonball在iTunes單曲即時熱度榜最高攀升至第7名,首周取得美國Billboard熱門單曲榜第75名的成績(這一成績優於Glee在2013年發行的所有單曲)。
首單Cannonball的MV於2014年1月9日在Lea的VEVO官方頻道首播,截至2014年6月,已在Youtube上播放了近一千萬次。Lea於2014年3月19日在twitter上正式宣布將On My Way作為自己專輯第二首單曲,5月19日,On My Way的MV首播。
Lea在2014年5月發行了自己的第一本書Brunette Ambition,這是一本半自傳體、半時尚建議類的書。Lea在書中講述了自己的成長經歷、在百老匯的經歷、出演Glee的經歷和幕後故事、友情、愛情等等,同時也給年輕女孩們提出了一些事業、生活建議。書的另一部分內容是Lea總結的一些時尚建議、美容貼士,運動方法、健康菜譜等等。Brunette Ambition發行首周登上紐約時報“Advice, How-To, Miscellaneous"類別暢銷書榜第三名。Lea在採訪中表示會發行第二本,希望將Brunette Ambition做成一個系列。
Lea最好的朋友是和她一起出演Spring Awakening的演員Jonathan Groff,他們二人在Spring Awakening的面試上相遇,友誼已持續多年。Lea在她的書Brunette Ambition中專門有一章寫了她和Jonathan的友誼,其中她寫道:“直到今天,我都不曾遇見比Jonathan更了解我的人,在Jonathan面前我可以完全放鬆地做我自己。”此外,Lea的圈中好友還有Glee中Kurt的扮演者Chris Colfer、Quinn的扮演者Dianna Agron、Brittney的扮演者Heather Morris,Kristin Chenoweth、Kate Hudson等等。
在Glee之前,Lea曾與Glee中Mr. Schuester的扮演者Matthew Morrison有過短暫的約會經歷;2009到2011年期間,Lea的男友是百老匯演員Theo Stockman,兩人於2011年9月分手。
Lea從2008年開始與Cory Monteith(柯瑞·蒙特斯)拍攝Glee,他們的角色在劇中戀愛 。2012年,兩位演員也開始在現實生活中約會。 Lea在2013年1月發行的Marie Claire雜誌中首度公開承認她與Cory的戀愛關係。7月,Cory意外身亡,Lea悲痛欲絕。Lea在2013年的青少年選擇獎上獲得最受歡迎喜劇女演員的致辭中,發表了一段紀念Cory的演講。Lea還在自己當時已完成的專輯中增加了一首紀念Cory的歌,名字叫做If You Say So,這是Cory生前和Lea說的最後一句話。
在時尚著裝方面,Lea曾進入People雜誌的“年度最佳穿著”榜單(2010)、E! Online的“年度最具時尚感明星”(2010)、並連續三年(2011、2012、2013)進入Glamour雜誌“年度最佳著裝女星前50名”榜單。
1998Buster and Chanucey's Silent Night(《聖誕之歌》)(配音):Christina
2011Glee: The 3D Concert Movie(《Glee 3D演唱會電影》):Rachel Berry
2011New Year's Eve《新年前夜》:Elise
2014Legends of Oz: Dorothy Returns(《奧茲國的傳說:桃樂西歸來》(配音):Dorothy Gale
2000Third Watch:Sammi
2008Around the Block:自己
2009GleeSeason 1: Rachel Berry
2010GleeSeason 2:Rachel Berry
2010The Simpsons:Sarah
2011GleeSeason 3:Rachel Berry
2011The Cleveland Show:Rachel Berry
2012GleeSeason 4:Rachel Berry
2010The Glee Project:自己
2013GleeSeason 5:Rachel Berry
2013Top Chef(《頂級大廚》):自己(嘉賓評審)
2013The X Factor US(《X音素美版》):自己(表演嘉賓)
1995-1996Les Misérables《悲慘世界》:Young Cosette
1998-1999Ragtime《爵士年華》:Little Girl
2004-2006Fiddler on the Roof《屋頂上的提琴手》:Shprintze and Chava
2006-2008Spring Awakening《春之覺醒》:Wendla
唱片公司:Columbia Records
2013-12-12The Ellen Degeneres Show
2013-12-19X-factor(Season 3 Finale)
2014-03-04The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
2014-03-05Good Morning America
2014-03-07Big Morning Buzz Live
Walmart Soundcheck
2013-12-16Elvis Duran and the Morning Show
On My Way
唱片公司:Columbia Records
2014-03-19The Ellen Degeneres Show
Walmart Soundcheck
唱片公司:Columbia Records
"On My Way"
"Burn With You"
"You're Mine"
"Thousand Needles"
"Cue the Rain"
"Don't Let Go"
"Empty Handed"
"If You Say So"
"On My Way"
"Burn With You"
"You're Mine"
"Thousand Needles"
"Cue the Rain"
"Don't Let Go"
"Empty Handed"
"If You Say So"
"What Is Love"
"Gone Tonight"
"The Bells"
Ragtime: Original Cast Recording(1998)
Fiddler on the Roof: Revival Cast Recording(2004)
Spring Awakening: Original Cast Recording(2006)
Glee: The Music, Volume 1(2009)
Glee: The Music, Volume 2(2009)
Glee: The Music, Volume 3 Showstoppers(2010)
Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album(2010)
Glee: The Music, Volume 4(2010)
Glee: The Music, Volume 5(2011)
Glee: The Music, Volume 6(2011)
Glee: The 3D Concert Movie(2011)
Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album Volume 2(2011)
Glee: The Music, Volume 7(2011)
New Year's Eve(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)(2011)
Glee: The Music, The Graduation Album(2012)
Glee: The Music, Season 4, Volume 1(2012)
Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album Volume 3(2012)
Glee Sings the Beatles(2013)
Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album Volume 4(2013)
Glee: The Music, Celebrating 100 Episodes(2014)
Legends of Oz: Dorothy Returns(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)(2014)
2004 Broadway Easter Bonnet 慈善音樂會:Sphrintze
2005Spring Awakening(Lincoln Center):Wendla
2007 Unsung 2007: 'Tis The Season To Be Naughty(Lucille Lortel Theater)
2008 Alive in the World 慈善音樂會:Phoebe
2008 Broadway Easter Bonnet 慈善音樂會:Wendla
2008 Feinstein's Cabaret
2008 Flopz n' Cutz Concert with Landon Beard
2008Les MisérablesConcert(《悲慘世界》好萊塢碗演唱會):Eponine
2008 Upright Cabaret
2008 Broadway Chance Style: Up Close & Personal
2008Spring AwakeningHoliday Benefit Concert
2009 Human Rights Campaign慈善晚宴:表演嘉賓
2009 True Colors Benefit(和Jonathan Groff)
2010 Glee Live! In Concert!巡演:Rachel Berry
2010 Glee TV Academy Event at the Music Box Theater
2010洛基恐怖秀35周年紀念演出:Janet Weiss
2011 第45屆超級碗:表演嘉賓
2011 致敬芭芭拉·史翠珊演唱會:表演嘉賓
2011 Glee Live! In Concert!巡演:Rachel Berry
2012 Taste for a Cure慈善會:表演嘉賓
2012 Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Greater Los Angeles 2012 Rising Stars Gala:表演嘉賓
2000-2001Spring Awakening:Wendla
2006Hot and Sweet:Naleen
未知年份Wuthering Heights:Lucy
未知年份King as Anisette
未知年份Samson and Delilah:Delilah
2009 Burt Bacharach and Steven Sater collaboration
2014Brunette Ambition
2014Brunette Ambition
1997Ragtime(《爵士年代》):Little Girl(Toronto Centre for the Arts)
2005The Diary of Anne Frank:Anne Frank(Washington, D.C.)
2006Spring Awakening:Wendla(Atlantic Theatre Company, off Broadway)
劇評人獎 |
衛星獎 |
青少年選擇獎 |
金球獎 |
演員工會獎 |
艾美獎 |
葛萊美獎 |
人民選擇獎 |
Maxim雜誌評選 |
AfterEllen雜誌評選 |
FHM雜誌評選 |
People雜誌評選 |
E! Online評選 |
Glamour雜誌 |
Times |
2012年4月20日,Lea和Darren共同去參加Jonsson癌症中心基金會的Taste for a Cure慈善晚宴。
Satelitte Awards(衛星獎)
Golden Globe Awards(金球獎)
Screen Actors Guild Awards(演員工會獎)
Grammy Awards(葛萊美獎)
提名——2011年,最佳影視音樂選集獎 (Glee:The Music,Volume 1)
People's Choice Awards(人民選擇獎)
2010 多芬洗髮護髮產品
2011 雪佛蘭汽車
2011 Nike運動俱樂部
2011 惠普平板電腦
2012-2013 Candie's美國代言人
2012-2014 巴黎歐萊雅美國代言人
Jane Lynch:
“She fires on all cylinders, she's a great actress and a wonderful singer and performer. This role is tailor made for her and we are thrilled to have her. 她火力全開使出渾身解數;她是很棒的演員、歌手和舞台表演者,(Rachel Berry)這個角色像是為她量身定做的,這部劇能有她我們都感到很幸運。
Stephen Tobolowsky:
"She has the voice of God. Someone asked me what I liked about working on Glee - I get to hear Lea Michele sing - a lot ."
她有著神一樣的完美聲音。曾經有人問我最喜歡在Glee這部劇里工作的哪方面,我的回答是:可以經常聽到Lea Michele唱歌。
Neil Patrick Harris:
"I'm a big fan, a-late-in-the-game one, but I'm all in the "Glee" world. Lea [Michele] is amazing. It's a really gifted cast."
我是Glee的鐵桿冬粉,雖然看的比較晚,但很喜歡。Lea Michele太棒了,Glee的卡司真的都很有天賦。
Richard Jay-Alexander:
"She's so talented and so truthful, incredibly gifted and a very deep and sensitive actor. She has also grown from a beautiful child into a ravishing young lady. Also, that voice is glorious — just seamless. Lea works very hard and is very serious about 'the work.'
Jimmy Fallon:
“When she (Lea Michele) did that Barbra Streisand song, I freaked out! I freaked out! I was like this is better than Barbra.”
Matt Morrison:
"I think she's a very strong woman and she knows exactly what she wants."
Ryan Murphy:
"It sort of cuts through you. It pierces through you. It's incredibly moving and soulful beyond her years," he says. "Like that next sort of Barbra or Patti LuPone or just that great, big, universal talent that is so inclusive to people."
Lea的聲音有一種穿透人靈魂的力量。她的聲音是那樣的打動人,那樣的充滿感情,那是一種超越她年齡的豐富。我覺得她的才華會使她成為會成為下一個芭芭拉或者Patti LuPone那樣的人物。
Ryan Murphy:
“She’s a once-in-a-generation voice and Broadway talent, in the tradition of Streisand and Patti Lupone.”
她有著一個時代才能出一個的聲音和百老匯天賦,芭芭拉、Patti Lupone那種傳統風格的百老匯天賦。
Lea Michele Web
Lea Michele Brazil
季數 | 集數 | 歌曲名 | 原唱者 | 備註 |
Season,One (第一季), | 1,",Pilot" | ", On , My ,Own" | Les ,Misé,rables | |
2,",Showmance" | ", Take ,a,Bow" | Rihanna | ||
4,",Preggers" | ",Taking,Chances" | Cé, line , Dion | ||
9,",Wheels" | ",Defying,Gravity" | Wicked | 劇中為Kurt,Rachel對唱 | |
10,",Ballad" | ",Crush" | Jennifer, Paige | ||
13,",Sectionals" | ", Don't , Rain , on , My ,Parade" | Funny , Girl | ||
14,",Hell-O" | ",Gives, You ,Hell" | The ,All-American,Rejects | ||
Season,Two (第二季) | 1,",Audition" | ", What ,I, Did , for ,Love" | A, Chorus , Line | |
2,",Britney/Brittany" | ", Baby , One , More ,Time" | Britney,Spears | ||
2,",Britney/Brittany" | ", The , Only ,Exception" | Paramore | ||
3,",Grilled,Cheesus" | ", Papa , Can , You , Hear ,Me?" | Barbra,Streisand | ||
9,",Special,Education" | ", Don't , Cry , for , Me ,Argentina" | Evita | 劇中為Kurt,Rachel的對唱,發行單曲有二人分別獨唱版本 | |
10,",A, Very , Glee ,Christmas" | ", Merry ,Christmas,Darling" | The ,Carpenters | ||
12,", Silly , Love ,Songs" | ",Firework" | Katy ,Perry | ||
14,", Blame , It , on , the ,Alcohol" | ", My ,Headband" | Original,composition | 只有劇中片段,未發行錄音室版本 | |
16,",Original,Song" | ", Only ,Child" | Original,composition | 只有劇中片段,未發行錄音室版本 | |
16,",Original,Song" | ", Get , It ,Right" | Original,composition | ||
19,",Rumours" | ", Go , Your , Own ,Way" | Fleetwood, Mac | ||
20,", Prom ,Queen" | ", Jar , of ,Hearts" | Christina,Perri | ||
21,",Funeral" | ", My ,Man" | Barbra,Streisand | ||
Season,Three (第三季) | 9,",Extraordinary, Merry ,Christmas" | ",River" | Joni ,Mitchell | |
10,",Yes/No" | ",Without,You" | David ,Guetta, feat , Usher | ||
14,", On , My ,Way" | ",Here's, to ,Us" | Halestorm | ||
16,",Saturday, Night ,Glee-ver" | ", How , Deep , Is , Your ,Love" | Bee , Gees | ||
18,",Choke" | ",Cry" | Kelly ,Clarkson | ||
20,",Props" | ",I,Won't, Give ,Up" | Jason ,Mraz | ||
21,",Nationals" | ", It's , All ,Coming, Back , to , Me ,Now" | Celine , Dion | ||
22,",Goodbye" | ", Roots , Before ,Branches" | Room , for , Two | ||
",I, Was ,Here" | Beyoncé | 收錄在Glee: The Music, The Graduation Album(2012)中,未在劇中出現 | ||
Season,Four (第四季) | 2,",Britney,2,0" | ",Oops!,I, Did , It ,Again" | Britney,Spears | |
9,", Swan ,Song" | ", Being , Good ,Isn't, Good ,Enough" | Barbra,Streisand | ||
9,", Swan ,Song" | ",O, Holy ,Night" | Traditional | 單曲收錄在Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album(2010)中 | |
",I'll, Be , Home , For ,Christmas" | Bing ,Crosby | 單曲收錄在Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album Volume 3(2012),未在劇中出現 | ||
12,",Naked" | ",Torn" | Natalie,Imbruglia | ||
13,",Diva" | ", Bring , Him ,Home" | Les ,Misé,rables | 劇中為Kurt,Rachel的對唱,發行單曲有二人獨唱版本 | |
19,", Sweet ,Dreams" | ", Don't , Stop ,Believin'" | Journey | ||
22,", All , or ,Nothing" | ", To , Love , You ,More" | Celine , Dion | ||
Season,Five (第五季) | 1,", Love , Love ,Love" | ",Yesterday" | The ,Beatles | |
3,", The ,Quarterback" | ", Make , You , Feel , My ,Love" | Adele | ||
14,", New , New ,York", | ",People", | Funny ,Girl | ||
17,",Opening,Night", | ",Lovefool", | The ,Cardigans | ||
",I'm, the ,Greatest,Star", | Funny ,Girl | |||
",Pumpin,Blood", | NONONO | |||
18,", The ,Back-up,Plan", | ", Wake , Me ,Up", | Avicii , feat , Aloe ,Blacc | ||
", The ,Rose", | Bette ,Midler | |||
20,", The ,Untitled, Rachel , Berry ,Project" | ",Glitter, in , the ,Air", | Pink |
季數 | 集數 | 歌曲名 | 原唱者 | 合唱者(角色) |
Season,One (第一季 ) | 1,",Pilot" | ", Don't , Stop ,Believin'" | Journey | Finn |
5,", The ,Rhodes, Not ,Taken" | ", Maybe , This ,Time" | Cabaret | April | |
6,",Vitamin,D" | ",Halo/Walking, on ,Sunshine" | Beyoncé,/,Katrina, and , the , Waves | Mercedes | |
7,",Throwdown" | ", No ,Air" | Jordin , Sparks , and , Chris , Brown | Finn | |
7,",Throwdown" | ", Keep ,Holding,On" | Avril ,Lavigne | Finn | |
10,",Ballad" | ",Endless,Love" | Lionel,Richie, and , Diana , Ross | Will | |
12,",Mattress" | ",Smile" | Lily , Allen | Finn | |
14,",Hell-O" | ",Hello" | Lionel,Richie | Jesse | |
"Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love" | A, Chorus , Line | Jesse | ||
15,", The , Power , of ,Madonna" | ",Borderline/Open, Your ,Heart" | Madonna | Finn | |
18,",Laryngitis" | ",One" | U2 | Finn | |
19,", Dream ,On" | ",I,Dreamed,a,Dream" | Les ,Misé,rables | Shelby | |
20,",Theatricality" | ", Poker ,Face" | Lady , Gaga | Shelby | |
22,",Journey, to ,Regionals" | ",Faithfully" | Journey | Finn | |
Season,Two (第二季) | 1,",Audition" | ",Telephone" | Lady , Gaga , feat ,Beyoncé | Sunshine |
4,",Duets" | ", Don't , Go ,Breaking, My ,Heart" | Elton , John , and , Kiki , Dee | Finn | |
4,",Duets" | "Get Happy" / "Happy Days Are Here Again" | Judy ,Garland, and ,Barbra,Streisand | Kurt | |
5,", The , Rocky ,Horror, Glee ,Show" | ",Dammit,Janet" | The , Rocky ,Horror, Show | Finn | |
7,", The ,Substitute" | ",Nowadays,/, Hot , Honey ,Rag" | Chicago | Holly | |
10,",A, Very , Glee ,Christmas" | ", Last ,Christmas" | Wham! | Finn | |
11,", The , Sue ,Sylvester,Shuffle" | ", Need , You ,Now" | Lady ,Antebellum | Puck | |
13,",Comeback" | ", Take , Me , or , Leave ,Me" | Rent | Mercedes | |
13,",Comeback" | ",Sing" | My ,Chemical,Romance | Finn | |
14,", Blame , It , on , the ,Alcohol" | ", Don't , You , Want ,Me" | The , Human , League | Blaine | |
18,", Born , This ,Way" | ",I, Feel ,Pretty",/,",Unpretty" | West , Side , Story ,/, TLC | Quinn | |
20,", Prom ,Queen" | ",Rolling, in , the ,Deep" | John , Legend | Jesse | |
22,", New ,York" | ", For ,Good" | Wicked | Kurt | |
22,", New ,York" | ",Pretending" | Original,composition | Finn | |
Season,Three (第三季) | 1,", The , Purple , Piano ,Project" | ",Ding-Dong!, The , Witch , Is ,Dead" | Barbra,Streisand, and , Harold ,Arlen | Kurt |
2,",I, Am ,Unicorn" | ",Somewhere" | West , Side , Story | Shelby | |
3,",Asian,F" | ", Out , Here , on , My ,Own" | Fame | Mercedes | |
5,", The , First ,Time" | ",Tonight" | West , Side , Story | Blaine | |
5,", The , First ,Time" | ",A, Boy , Like ,That" | West , Side , Story | Santana | |
5,", The , First ,Time" | ", One , Hand , One ,Heart" | West , Side , Story | Blaine | |
7,",I,Kissed,a,Girl" | ",I,Kissed,a,Girl" | Katy ,Perry | Brittney | |
9,",Extraordinary, Merry ,Christmas" | ",Extraordinary, Merry ,Christmas" | Original,composition | Blaine | |
10,",Yes/No" | ", We , Found ,Love" | Rihanna | Santana | |
11,",Michael" | ",I, Just , Can't , Stop , Loving ,You" | Michael,Jackson | Finn | |
17,", Dance , with ,Somebody" | ", So ,Emotional" | Whitney,Huston | Santana | |
20,",Props" | ",Flashdance, What ,a,Feeling" | Irene , Cara | Tina | |
Season,Four (第四季) | 1,", The , New ,Rachel" | ", New , York , State , of ,Mind" | Barbra,Streisand | Marley |
3,",Makeover" | ",A, Change , Would , Do , You ,Good" | Sheryl, Crow | Brody | |
4,", The , Break ,Up" | ", Give , Your , Heart ,a,Break" | Demi ,Lovato | Brody | |
14,",I,Do" | ",We've, Got ,Tonite" | Kenny , Rogers , and ,Sheena,Easton | Finn | |
16,",Feud" | ", How , to , Be ,a,Heartbreaker" | Marina , and , the ,Diamonds | Brody | |
17,", Guilty ,Pleasures" | ",Creep" | Radiohead | Brody | |
19,", Sweet ,Dreams" | ", Next , to ,Me" | Emeli,Sandé | Shelby | |
Season,Five (第五季) | 1,", Love , Love ,Love" | ",A, Hard ,Day's,Night" | The ,Beatles | Santana |
2,", Tina , in , the , Sky , with ,Diamonds" | ", Get ,Back" | The ,Beatles | Kurt | |
5,", The , End , of ,Twerk" | ", You , Are , Woman ,I, Am ,Man" | Funny , Girl | Paolo | |
9,",Frenemies" | ",Brave", | Sara ,Bareilles | Santana | |
", Every ,Breaty, You ,Take", | The ,Police | Santana | ||
10,",Trio", | ",Barracuda" | Heart | Elliott | |
13,", New ,Directions", | ", Be ,Okay", | Oh ,Honey | Santana | |
14,", New , New ,York", | ", Don't , Sleep , in , the ,Subway" | Petula, Clark | Artie | |
15,",Bash", | ",Broadway,Baby", | Follies | Blaine | |
17,",Opening,Night", | ", Who , Are , You ,Now", | Funny ,Girl | Sue |
Season One(第一季) | ||
歌曲 | 集數 | 合唱者 |
Push , It | Showmance | Artie , Finn , Tina , and ,Mercedes |
Somebody, to , Love | The ,Rhodes, Not , Taken | Artie , Finn , and ,Mercedes |
Imagine | Hairography | |
Jump | Mattress | |
Smile | ||
You , Can't , Always , Get , What , You , Want | Sectionals | |
My , Life , Would , Suck ,Without, You | Finn , and , Tina | |
Hello ,Goodbye | Hell-O | Finn , and ,Mercedes |
Express,Yourself | The , Power , of ,Madonna | Mercedes, Quinn , Tina , and ,Santana |
Like ,a, Virgin | Jesse , Emma , Will , Finn , and ,Santana | |
Like ,a, Prayer | Jesse ,Mercedes, Kurt , and , Finn | |
Run , Joey , Run | Bad ,Reputation | Puck , Jesse , and , Finn |
Total ,Eclipse, of , the , Heart | Jesse , Finn , and , Puck | |
Any Way You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' | Journey | Finn , Puck , Kurt ,Mercedes, and , Artie |
Don't , Stop ,Believin' | Finn, Puck, Santana, Artie, Kurt, and Mercedes | |
To , Sir , with , Love | Mercedes, Santana, Kurt, Tina, Artie, and Finn | |
Season,Two(第二季) | ||
歌曲 | 集數 | 合唱者 |
Empire , State , of , Mind | Audition | Artie, Puck, Finn, Mercedes, and Santana |
Toxic | Britney/Brittany | Will ,Brittany,Santana, and , Tina |
One , of , Us | Grilled,Cheesus | Tina , Kurt , Finn ,Mercedes, and , Quinn |
There's a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place) | The , Rocky ,Horror, Glee , Show | Finn , and , Kurt |
Start , Me ,Up/Livin', on ,a, Prayer | Never , Been ,Kissed | Mercedes, Tina ,Santana, and ,Brittany |
Marry , You | Furt | Finn, Quinn, Sam, Brittany, Artie, Tina, and Mike |
Welcome,Christmas | A, Very , Glee ,Christmas | Artie , and ,Mercedes |
Deck , the ,Rooftop | Glee , The , Music , The ,Christmas, Album | Tina, Mercedes, Santana, Finn, and Artie |
God , Rest , Ye , Merry ,Gentlemen | Mercedes, Tina , Quinn , and ,Santana | |
Thriller/Heads, Will , Roll | The , Sue ,Sylvester,Shuffle | Artie , Finn , and ,Santana |
Afternoon,Delight | Sexy | Emma , Quinn , Carl , and , Puck |
Loser , Like , Me | Original, Song | Finn ,Santana,Mercedes, and ,Brittany |
Don't , Stop | Rumours | Sam , Quinn , and , Finn |
I, Love , New ,York/New, York , New , York | New , York | Santana, Finn, Mercedes, Artie, and Brittany |
Light , up , the , World | Santana, Artie, Brittany, Finn, and Tina | |
Season,Three(第三季) | ||
歌曲 | 集數 | 合唱者 |
We , Got , the , Beat | The , Purple , Piano ,Project | Santana, and ,Brittany |
You , Can't , Stop , the , Beat | Finn , Kurt , Artie ,Mercedes, and , Tina | |
We , Are , Young | Hold , on , to ,Sixteen | Finn , Sam , Quinn ,Mercedes, and ,Santana |
Do , They ,Know, It's ,Christmas? | Extraordinary, Merry ,Christmas | Finn, Mercedes, Blaine, Kurt, Artie, Brittany, Puck, Tina, and Santana |
My ,Favorite,Things | Mercedes, Kurt , and ,Blaine | |
The , First , Time , Ever ,I, Saw , Your , Face | Yes/No | Tina ,Mercedes, and ,Santana |
Ben | Michael | Kurt , and , Finn |
Black , or , White | Artie ,Santana,Mercedes, and , Kurt | |
Love ,Shack | Heart | Blaine, Kurt, Mercedes, Brittany, and Sugar |
Fly/I,Believe,I, Can , Fly | On , My , Way | Artie, Santana, Blaine, Finn, and Mercedes |
How , Will ,I,Know | Dance , with ,Somebody | Kurt ,Mercedes, and ,Santana |
Big , Girls , Don't , Cry | Prom-asaurus | Kurt , and ,Blaine |
Paradise, by , the ,Dashboard, Light | Nationals | Finn, Puck, Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Brittany, Mike, and Mercedes |
Tongue,Tied | Finn , Artie , and ,Santana | |
We , Are , the ,Champions | Finn , Puck ,Santana, Kurt , and , Quinn | |
You , Get , What , You , Give | Goodbye | Finn ,Puck/Sam, and ,Mercedes |
Season,Four(第四季) | ||
歌曲 | 集數 | 合唱者 |
The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile | Makeover | Kurt , and ,Isabelle |
Don't , Speak | The ,Break-Up | Kurt ,Blaine, and , Finn |
The ,Scientist | Finn, Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Brittany, Will, and Emma | |
You're, the , One , That ,I, Want | Glease | Ryder, Marley, Finn, Santana, Brittany, Kurt, and Blaine |
Let's, Have ,a,Kiki/Turkey,Lurkey, Time | Thanksgiving | Kurt , and ,Isabelle |
Let's, Have ,a, Kiki | Glee , The , Music , Season ,4, Volume ,1 | |
Love , Song | Naked | Quinn , and ,Santana |
We've, Got ,Tonite | I, Do | Finn, Kurt, Blaine, Marley, Jake, Quinn, Santana, Artie, and Betty |
Mamma, Mia | Guilty ,Pleasures | Santana, Kurt, Kitty, Marley, Blaine, Sam, and Unique |
At , the ,Ballet | Lights , Out | Santana, Kurt , and ,Isabelle |
Season,Five(第五季) | ||
歌曲 | 集數 | 合唱者 |
Let , It , Be | Tina , in , the , Sky , with ,Diamonds | Santana, Tina , Artie , Kitty , and , Kurt |
Roar | A, Katy , or ,A, Gaga | Dani, Kurt, Sam, Kitty, Santana, Elliott, Tina and Unique |
Just , the , Way , You , Are | Movin', Out | Santana, Kurt ,Blaine, and , Sam |
Into , the , Groove | Puppet , Master | Kurt , and ,Elliott |
The , Fox | Santana, Elliott, Tina, Artie, Blaine and Jake | |
Here ,Comes, Santa , Claus | Previously,Unaired,Christmas | Kurt , and ,Santana |
The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) | Cody , Kurt , and ,Santana | |
Away , in ,a,Manger | Kurt ,Santana, and , Kitty | |
Gloria | Trio | Elliott, and ,Santana |
Hold ,On | Artie, Blaine, Dani, Elliott, Kurt, Sam, Santana, and Tina | |
Defying,Gravity | 100 | Kurt , and ,Mercedes |
Don't , Stop ,Believin' | New ,Directions | Artie ,Blaine, Kurt , Tina , and ,Will |
Downtown | New , New ,York | Artie ,Blaine, Kurt , and , Sam |
No , One , Is ,Alone | Bash | Blaine, and ,Kurt |
Not , While ,I'm, Around | Blaine,Mercedes, and ,Sam | |
I, Melt , with , You | Old , Dog , New ,Tricks | Mercedes, and ,Sam |
Take , Me , Home ,Tonight | Artie, Blaine, Kurt, Maggie, Mercedes, Sam, and Santana | |
Pompeii | The ,Untitled, Rachel , Berry ,Project | Artie, Blaine, Brittany, Kurt, Mercedes, and Sam |