South of the slot


South of the Slot(路界以南)
--Jack London(傑克.倫敦)
The author
Born in San Francisco in 1876, Jack London grou up in nearby working-class Oakland to become one of American’s most popular writers. His family was so poor that he was forced to begin working when only ten years old. After leaving Oakland, London rode freight trains with hobos across the United States, sailed as a common seaman to Asia, and served time in jail for vagrancy. In 1896, when gold was discovered in the Yukon, London caught gold fever and followed thousands of other umemployed young men to Alaska. He didn’t find any gold, but from the experience he write Call the the Wild, a novel that ensured his success as a writer. After reading the works of Karl Marx, London became a socialist. In “South of the Slot” his sympathies with the workers are obvious.
The Story
“South of the Slot ” is a story of inner confilict within one character—Freddie Drummond, a sociology professor at the University of California at Berkeley. This battle symbolized a much larger struggle: the fight betweent newly formed labor unions and the rich who ruled San Francisco society at the turn of the twentith century. At that time, laborers worked long hours in poor conditions for small wages. The Berkeley professor has a good position in society. But his work take him into a new world of workers and poverty unknown to others of his social class. Surprisingly, Professor Drummond finds life South of the Slot more attractive than the lifestyles of the wealthy and welleducated people he leaves behind him. Even in today’s society and improved working conditions, could anyone argue that ordinary lavorers have better lives than the rich? Do the poor have anything that the wealthy do not have? Would Jack London still prefer to live among the poor if he were alive today?



