
他的母親分享故事:他大約5歲時,Reed Deming被朋友介紹給Josh Groban’s music,他喜歡他的聲音和他的音樂。這是一個小男孩很驚訝的選擇。一天,我問他,他最喜歡的藝術家是誰,
六歲時,他母親問他是否對參加當地的音樂感興趣。他立即迷上了表演。Reed Deming又做了一些宣傳和網站。他在我們去的任何地方唱歌,六歲時有了第一個簽名。
Reed Deming已經簽署了許多簽名後,非常努力地發展他的音樂技能。每隔一周他履行5個小時在Dallas接受的聲樂課,他的聲樂教練同時也是訓練Demi Lovato, Jessica Simpson, Nick Lackey, Ryan Cabrera 等人的教練。他還學習吉他。他也被接納為一年半前優秀碩士課程。這一年他超過30個最有才華的學生成為5大藝術家。
Reed Deming很喜歡在學校演奏中音薩克斯管,和朋友出去玩,玩輪滑,翻轉在蹦床和上網。他甚至會承認他是一個書呆子–,贏得了學校建築設計競賽,。他也很有趣。他愛說笑話。不用說,他沒有多少空閒時間。
In addition, he has a unique gift – perfect pitch. Even his vocal coach who has worked with many famous pop and rock artists was stunned when she discovered that Reed could hit any note she named. Reed would sing the note requested and she would play the note on the piano to confirm 100% accuracy every time! This was so amazing, that a pilot for a reality TV show about pop stars shot a segment with his vocal coach trying to outwit Reed with this game. She couldn’t stump him.
Reed has fielded numerous offers and was recently a finalist in Simon Fuller's Boy Band for the Next Generation nationwide search and a Kidz Bop nationwide talent search. In June 2011, he won Best Overall Performance at the Septien Entertainment Master's Class competition at the House of Blues in Dallas, Texas.
Septien Entertainment which has been featured on Nightline and billed as "the genius factory" is renown for helping launch such artists as Demi Lovato, Jessica Simpson, Ryan Cabrera, Nick Lachey and many others. Reed recently signed with accomplished talent manager John Gomez (Silver Tongue Management) for exclusive worldwide management and representation. Reed is currently in the studio working on new material, which is to be released late 2012. Reed also continues to act and just finished shooting the lead role in the latest music video for Universal Recording artists Forever the Sickest Kids.“Reed's a bona fide triple threat,” says manager John Gomez.

《Mercy on me》
《Keep falling in love》
《Goodbye final》
《Viva La Vida》
《I wish I was there》
Reed還翻唱過Bruno Mars的幾首歌曲。最新的翻唱是Selena Gomez's《Love you like a Love song》看MV里帥氣的Reed,我們能預感出公司是要把他培養成一個大明星!讓我們拭目以待吧
Fairest of the mall (TV Movie) 客串 :Blake
The X Factor (TV Series)
Himself - Contestant / Herself - Contestant / Himself - Auditionee
- Judge's House #3: Part 1 (2012) ... Himself - Contestant
- Judge's House #2 (2012) ... Herself - Contestant
- Boot Camp #3/Judge's House #1 (2012) ... Himself - Contestant
- Boot Camp #2 (2012) ... Himself - Contestant
- Auditions #1 (2012) ... Himself - Auditionee