Tori Amos
Programmable Soda
Think of me as programmable soda
Too much cherry?
Baby then you can just add cola
Think of me as programmable soda
\'Cause you can
Can be a cruel fella
So okay, then I just back off
The vanilla
Think of me as programmable soda
\'cause I\'ve come
I\'ve come to accept that
For lovelies you are a fanatic
But I can\'t
I can\'t let that throw me
Into a genital panic
Think of me as programmable soda
Too much cherry?
Baby then you can just add cola
Think of me as programmable soda
When you think
And boy when you drink
When you think of me
中文名: 多莉·艾莫絲
外文名: Tori Amos
國籍: 美國
出生地: 北卡羅來納州紐頓市
出生日期: 1963年8月22日
職業: 音樂家、歌手、作曲人
身高: 157cm
星座: 獅子座
多莉·艾莫絲(Tori Amos),八度提名葛萊美獎的美國歌手、鋼琴家和詞曲創作人。Tori Amos的歌曲屬於小眾類型,歌詞的題材很廣,包括性、宗教、父系社會制度、女性主義和個人的不幸經歷等。華人歌手王菲、孫燕姿、許茹芸和王菀之等人都曾翻唱過《Silent All These Years》等Tori Amos的知名作品。