One Two One-Two 猜拳

《One Two One-Two 猜拳》是Pankon發行的iPhone遊戲。


One Two One-Two 猜拳是Pankon發行的iPhone遊戲.

你去酒吧嗎?你知道 One-Two 是酒吧最受歡迎的情意拳之一嗎?

不論你是 One-Two 的初學者或是 One-Two 的高手,

想改進或加強你的 One-Two 技巧,本App很適合你作訓練之用.

本App有 24 個不同的對手,以趣味生動的形式,跟你一較高下,你敢來挑戰 嗎?


One-Two 猜拳玩法規則是什麼?


Do you go to bar?Do you know One-Two is one of the most popular finger- guessing game?

Whether you are a beginner or a One-Two master,

you want to improve or enhance your One-Two techniques, this App is for you for training purposes.

The App has 24 different opponents, with a lively interest, do you dare to challenge?

One-Two finger-guessing game play rules?

Five win four, four win three, three win two, two win one, one win five, 1 to 1 to play until 2 to 1 winner.

One Two One-Two 猜拳 One Two One-Two 猜拳
One Two One-Two 猜拳 One Two One-Two 猜拳
One Two One-Two 猜拳 One Two One-Two 猜拳
One Two One-Two 猜拳 One Two One-Two 猜拳
One Two One-Two 猜拳 One Two One-Two 猜拳
One Two One-Two 猜拳 One Two One-Two 猜拳



