No Ceiling
演唱:Eddie Vedder
Comes the morning 清晨醒來
When I can feel 我能感覺
That there’s nothing left to be concealed 世間萬物皆清澈透亮
Moving on a scene surreal 路過美麗的仙境
No, my heart will never, will never be far from here 我的心將永遠,永遠戀此美景
Sure as I am breathing 雖然我將離去
Sure as I’m sad萬分依戀
I’ll keep this wisdom in my flesh 謹銘記這自然的賦予
I leave here believing more than I had 今天我將離去,不再愚昧
And there’s a reason I’ll be, a reason I’ll be back 而我相信有一天我,將要重回,美麗
As I walk the hemisphere 走完這,許多路程
I got my wish to up and disappear 我的夢想在沉浮起落
I’ve been wounded, I’ve been healed 歷經傷痛遺傷痕
Now for landing I’ve been, for landing I’ve been cleared 現如今我終於,終於尋得真諦
Sure as I am breathing 雖然我將離去
Sure as I’m sad萬分依戀
I’ll keep this wisdom in my flesh 謹銘記這自然的賦予
I leave here believing more than I had 今天我將離去,不再愚昧
This love has got no ceiling 我的愛沒有距離!