
It happened on a Monday
It was my baby's birthday
I wanted to surprise him he deserved a treat
He said he'd be late working
He'd call me when he's leaving
Off I went to get him something
Ain't I just too sweet
So I cruised downtown to Armani
To find him something trendy
And realized that my jimmy choose were killing me
So I text the girls from my car
Meet me at eleven bar
We made quite an entrance
That's when I got punked
My boyfriend is gay
I know it sounds cliché
That everybody saw right through this guy but me
My boyfriend is gay
Should've known by the way
He tivoed every episode of Rhoc
My boyfriend is gay
He was really such a great guy
But I saw him with another guy
His favorite color was turquoise
And he always drank chocolatinis through a straw
My boyfriend is gay
I didn't really mean to spy
But I saw him with another guy
You should've seen his place
And he cried more than me at every chick flick that we saw
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
Fast forward to next Friday
It's not like I've been crying
Deep down I think I must have knew it all along
Maybe it was his cheer playlist
Or his craving to be a list
Or how he knew the words to every Britney song
Oh baby baby
Perhaps it was that poodle
Or those cheese filled strudels
He used to dip into his Frappuccino grand
Well I must have just been kidding
Myself into thinking
I was more than him experimenting
My boyfriend is gay
I know it sounds cliché
That everybody saw right through this guy but me
My boyfriend is gay
Should've known by the way
He tivoed every episode of Rhoc
My boyfriend is gay
He was really such a great guy
But I saw him with another guy
His favorite color was turquoise
And he always drank chocolatinis through a straw
My boyfriend is gay
I didn't really mean to spy
But I saw him with another guy
You should've seen his place
And he cried more than me at every chick flick that we saw
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
One time
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
Well it happened on a Monday
No it wasn't such a fun day
When I finally realized what I always knew
My boyfriend is gay
His favorite color was turquoise
And he always drank chocolatinis through a straw
My boyfriend is gay
You should've seen his place
And he cried more than me at every chick flick that we saw
My boyfriend is gay
He was really such a great guy
But I saw him with another guy
La la la la la la la
La la
My boyfriend is gay
I didn't really mean to spy
But I saw him with another guy
La la la la la la la
La la
It happened on a Monday
It was my baby's birthday
I wanted to surprise him he deserved a treat

He said he'd be late working
He'd call me when he's leaving
Off I went to get him something
Ain't I just too sweet
So I cruised downtown to Armani
To find him something trendy

該曲MV講述的主要是由Hailey Rowe在MV中飾演的女主角與其男友的性取向故事。整支MV始終貫穿喜劇元素與人文主義的情懷,MV開始的15秒之內都是兩人在秀恩愛,(當然還是男主"是異性戀"的時候)。隨後兩人在打電話,內容從歌詞來看應該是男主生日女主找他出去玩而男主說有事沒去,結果在酒吧不期而遇。從而引出了MV的和諧內容也就是歌曲名字《My Boyfriend Is Gay》。男主身著變裝皇后禮服,頭戴王冠,吧檯和基友們談笑風生。不料一個轉身看到了女主這時他還身著條幅頭戴王冠。條幅上面是Birthday Girl(這么說男主是受。。)。女主和她的小夥伴們都驚呆了!男主此時慌忙地摘掉了王冠和條幅並上前解釋,然後女主被她的小夥伴們拉走了。男主攜基友隨即和女主的小夥伴們展開了一場Dance Show最後男主以一個"So What"的造型結尾。
然後從一分半的位置開始了MV的第二段:男主在衛生間裡用睫毛夾玩的不亦樂乎,女主這時進來發現了。男主尷尬地試圖解釋卻又在鐵證如山的事實面前顯得蒼白無力。MV的畫面隨後轉到了沙發上面,女主要親吻男主。(目測是舌吻)男主卻急忙避開只是象徵性地親吻了一下女主的臉頰。中間的廚房元素是男主在賣萌- -更多是彰顯他賢良淑德的一面,也為後面埋下了伏筆。男主正在目不轉睛地盯著電腦螢幕上面的猛男,女主又像在浴室時不知不覺地出現了。男主的GAY身份進一步被證實。隨後進入副歌。也開始了男主的"街釣"。
