Malus × micromalus

Malus × micromalus

Keywords Midget crabapple (Malus micromalus), apple is a genus of Rosaceae plants, small trees, up to 2.5 to 5 meters, the branches erect and strong, China is unique to the plant.Keywords Midget crabapple grows well in dry northern areas, is the greening project, the more popular products.In the name of the fruit in China, Chinese crabapple varieties extremely complex remains unified.In plant taxonomy, the suspense of Malus micromalus Mak M. micromalus Makino a sum them up, no longer in line to the variety, and to help avoid confusion.Crabapple cultivars of Hebei's Huailai "Malus robusta", the Changli "flattop hot bonus" Leng", "bonus"," red fruit "," yellow "," Malus" and "Malus prinsepia utilis".

Begonia Traceability

We normally say that Haitang refers to the rose family plant of the genus, sometimes also including Rosaceae Chaenomeles of Chaenomeles Speciosa, quince, and in some cases, Begonia, Begoniaceae, also referred to collectively as Haitang We normally say that Haitang refers to the rose family plant of the genus, sometimes also including Rosaceae Chaenomeles of Chaenomeles Speciosa, quince, and in some cases, Begonia, Begoniaceae, also referred to collectively as Haitang . precisely, Haitang refers to cultivated for ornamental purposes, and the fruit diameter is less than or equal to 5 cm of the genus Malus, English is precisely, Haitang refers to cultivated for ornamental purposes, and the fruit diameter is less than or equal to 5 cm of the genus Malus, English is .
Begonia in ancient China are collectively referred to as Azzedine, appeared in Tang dynasty "Haitang" and this title, in the Ming Dynasty of Wang Xiangjin "such as kiosk florilegium" in "Begonia" is a crown for the 4 species: Malus micromalus),Malus halliana (Malus), quince (Chaenomeles Speciosa and fraction from hancornia speciosa) Numerical Numerical (easy) Begonia in ancient China are collectively referred to as Azzedine, appeared in Tang dynasty "Haitang" and this title, in the Ming Dynasty of Wang Xiangjin "such as kiosk florilegium" in "Begonia" is a crown for the 4 species: Malus micromalus),Malus halliana (Malus), quince (Chaenomeles Speciosa and fraction from hancornia speciosa) Numerical Numerical (easy) . Wang Xiangjin, echoing the view of far - reaching impact, four kinds of different plant genera, Malus micromalus, Malus halliana belonging to the genus apple, quince, Chaenomeles Speciosa belonging to the genus Chaenomeles, but the name was carried in the "Haitang" Wang Xiangjin, echoing the view of far - reaching impact, four kinds of different plant genera, Malus micromalus, Malus halliana belonging to the genus apple, quince, Chaenomeles Speciosa belonging to the genus Chaenomeles, but the name was carried in the "Haitang" .
about 2,500 years ago in the Book of Songs, papaya "records:" I'm about to peach wood, greeted the Qiongyao about 2,500 years ago in the Book of Songs, papaya "records:" I'm about to peach wood, greeted the Qiongyao . Bandit also reported, also believe that good forever!"According to research, the peach wood of Chaenomeles Speciosa or C. speciosa, yet can find about the earliest written records of Begonia
Han, Sima Xiangru's" Shanglin Fu" (c. 125 128 years ago) have a "Coffin, nai, Magnolia officinalis", etc., according to Kao" nane "means China and woolly apple small fruit of genus Malus 785.He years (785) in 805, Jia Dan - - as the Prime Minister, along with" Hundred Flowers", a book in praise of crabapple "or" flower in the fairy ", a book for the early adoption of Haitang's writings, Haitang multipurpose" nai "
thereafter as ornamental crabapple summarized the status and reputation,Song Dynasty reached the pinnacle, the occurrence of the monograph crabapple "Malus" and" Malus" thereafter as ornamental crabapple summarized the status and reputation,Song Dynasty reached the pinnacle, the occurrence of the monograph crabapple "Malus" and" Malus" . Northern Song Dynasty, Shen Li of "Begonia" recorded: "I've heard the true after Emperor Yuan of variegated Tapping, headed by Zhang Haitang, thanks to the weakness of his singing, the known foot Malus counter with the peony and unrivalled in TuLuFan! Northern Song Dynasty, Shen Li of "Begonia" recorded: "I've heard the true after Emperor Yuan of variegated Tapping, headed by Zhang Haitang, thanks to the weakness of his singing, the known foot Malus counter with the peony and unrivalled in TuLuFan! .
the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, literati Haitang common imagery, the poetry of begonia singing many popular modern the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, literati Haitang common imagery, the poetry of begonia singing many popular modern . fond of chinese flowering crabapple of celebrity nor foreheads, ZHU Zi - qing's Prose in" flowers" wrote: "I love old dry flowers of apricot, the Wind in a tight little hearts, lagenaria of Cercis chinensis;But most of me is midget crabapple fond of chinese flowering crabapple of celebrity nor foreheads, ZHU Zi - qing's Prose in" flowers" wrote: "I love old dry flowers of apricot, the Wind in a tight little hearts, lagenaria of Cercis chinensis;But most of me is midget crabapple .
"Zhu Ziqing's prose, and the other is directly named as" months of hazy, hazy bird, curtain roll begonia red glaze.It
Malus × micromalus

Morphological Feature

Keywords Midget crabapple (Malus prunifolia Borkh) fruit - branchlets slender, cylindrical, pubescent when young, old, purple or dark brown, with sparse lenticels;Winter buds ovate, apex acute, glabrous or only edge have hairs, dark purple Keywords Midget crabapple (Malus prunifolia Borkh) fruit - branchlets slender, cylindrical, pubescent when young, old, purple or dark brown, with sparse lenticels;Winter buds ovate, apex acute, glabrous or only edge have hairs, dark purple . blade elliptic to elliptic, 5 - 10 cm long, 1.5 - 2.5 cm, apex acute or acuminate, base cuneate dilute near - circular, the edge has a serrated, the leaves are pubescent, below and in the smaller, old when falling;petiole 2 - 3. 5 cm;Stipular film is qualitative, linear - lanceolate, apex acuminate, margin sparsely glandular teeth, nearly hairless, caducous
umbellate racemes, have flowers 4 - 7, set on the top, pedicel 2 - 3 cm long when young and tender pilose, gradually shedding;bracts membranous, linear - lanceolate, caducous;flowers ca. 4 cm in diam.;Calyx tube outside with dense long white hairs.Sepals triangular - ovate, triangular - lanceolate to ovate, apex acute or acuminate, margin entire, 5 - 8 mm long, with white tomentum on the inside, outside the relatively sparse, with sepals; calyx tube as long as or slightly longer;; petals nearly orbicular or long - elliptic, ca. 1.5 cm, base shortly clawed, pink;about 20 stamens, filaments which differ in length slightly shorter than petals;Styles 5, basally with fluff, about as long as stamens fruit subglobose, 1 - 1. 5 cm, the red, the calyx stalk were sagging, most falling sepals, persistent minority
April - May, fr. 8 - 9 months Midget crabapple Malus spectabilis with M. spectabilis (Ait.) Borkh. pole approximation, from which it differs in the shape of the blade is relatively narrow, base cuneate, slightly serrated leaf edge sharp, slender petioles, the fruit of this species is by sagging
Malus baccata and Malus spectabilis - ish "(M. A Study on Variation Patterns by M. spectabilis) In addition some species, the fruit shape is large,Fruiting pedicels slender, glabrous sepals, persistent or deciduous, also known as M. robusta (Carr.) Rehd., and it is inferred that the Malus prunifolia with hybridized (M. A Study on Variation Patterns by M.
) These species derived from the natural or artificial hybridization, morphological variation is very large, it is not easy to distinguish the ) These species derived from the natural or artificial hybridization, morphological variation is very large, it is not easy to distinguish the .
Malus × micromalus

Plant Morphology

China plant image library (1993) and involved work provide full Midget crabapple (Malus micromalus) 12 Zhang rhizomes (1) the West House Begonia leaf (1)China plant image library (1993) and involved work provide full Midget crabapple (Malus micromalus) 12 Zhang rhizomes (1) the West House Begonia leaf (1).

Growing Environment

Xiguang, hardy, avoid waterlogging, is jealous of the air is too wet, drought, soil and moisture requirements are not high, and the optimum was born in fecund, loose and well drained sandy loam Xiguang, hardy, avoid waterlogging, is jealous of the air is too wet, drought, soil and moisture requirements are not high, and the optimum was born in fecund, loose and well drained sandy loam . growth at an altitude of 100 metres to 2400 metres in area growth at an altitude of 100 metres to 2400 metres in area .

Distribution Case

Production in Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Gansu, YunnanProduction in Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Gansu, Yunnan.

Cultivation Techniques

Breeding Method

Haitang is usually grafted or vegetative propagation, for sowing, thong and a bag or the like method for grafting the resulting Haitang is usually grafted or vegetative propagation, for sowing, thong and a bag or the like method for grafting the resulting . breeding nursery stock, flowering can be early, but also can maintain the original excellent characteristics of breeding nursery stock, flowering can be early, but also can maintain the original excellent characteristics of .
sowing of Malus micromalus seedlings grow slower, but often produce variation so as to obtain a large amount of stock or cross - breeding, breeding and cultivation in China is still using the sowing of Malus micromalus seedlings grow slower, but often produce variation so as to obtain a large amount of stock or cross - breeding, breeding and cultivation in China is still using the . North of the rootstock species Malus baccata, Malus micromalus, Malus pruniolia var. ringo fruit cracking and the like;southern Hubei Haitang
Malus hupehensis seed prior to planting, must undergo 30 days to 100 days of cold stratification on Malus hupehensis seed prior to planting, must undergo 30 days to 100 days of cold stratification on . stacked full of seeds, the fast emergence of seedings, neatly, and high rate of emergence;not layered seed that cannot germinate, or sprout little stacked full of seeds, the fast emergence of seedings, neatly, and high rate of emergence;not layered seed that cannot germinate, or sprout little .
may also be in the autumn harvest, remove meat, slightly drying in air, i.e. sown in sand bed and let the natural seed after - ripening covering soil at a depth of about 1 cm and covered with a plastic film (WPPF), post - emergence to denude the plastic film, followed by spraying a layer of loose soil, seedling strengthening fertilizer and water management, that year autumn can be transplanted to covering soil at a depth of about 1 cm and covered with a plastic film (WPPF), post - emergence to denude the plastic film, followed by spraying a layer of loose soil, seedling strengthening fertilizer and water management, that year autumn can be transplanted to .
Grafting Seeding and propagation of the stock and the subjected to bud or graft Grafting Seeding and propagation of the stock and the subjected to bud or graft . subjected to bud or graft subjected to bud or graft .
sap flow of sprouted grafting carried out in spring, autumn (July to September) can be usable with splice grafting bud sap flow of sprouted grafting carried out in spring, autumn (July to September) can be usable with splice grafting bud ., , .
scion is selected by the methods of the development of the branches,12 of them (there were more than 2 plump bud), and then they should be on thin soil covering the cion budding, multipurpose "T" word by word, and then they should take about 10 days, where fresh bud, petiole corner, i. e. is capable of setting of the proof for a few days after the removal of the lashing composition when the seedling height of 80 cm to 100 cm, cultivate backbone branches, only the results of more Complex sttesspaths are repotted later pruning branches, within the branch, overlapping, rounded crown retention composition when the seedling height of 80 cm to 100 cm, cultivate backbone branches, only the results of more Complex sttesspaths are repotted later pruning branches, within the branch, overlapping, rounded crown retention .
ramet method before sprout in early spring or autumn leaves after, scooping it from the rhizosphere of tiller initiation, splitting into a number of individual, or to 2 ~ 3 strips of root sprouts in clusters, are covered in transplanting ramet method before sprout in early spring or autumn leaves after, scooping it from the rhizosphere of tiller initiation, splitting into a number of individual, or to 2 ~ 3 strips of root sprouts in clusters, are covered in transplanting . transplant soon drenched, pay attention to preserving and shading,when it is dry and watering transplant soon drenched, pay attention to preserving and shading,when it is dry and watering .
soon from the fracture at the birth of the new branch in autumn or early spring before sprouting leaves not exhume the transplant, i.e. into a new independent strain battens and thong in the spring of Panzhihua battens and thong in the spring of Panzhihua .
plantlets can be ground, pressed in, the big ones high pressure method, mud press knife that cuts are provided at all, regardless of the press or high pressure to keep the soil moist, hairy roots after cutting the mother plant in transplant plantlets can be ground, pressed in, the big ones high pressure method, mud press knife that cuts are provided at all, regardless of the press or high pressure to keep the soil moist, hairy roots after cutting the mother plant in transplant . thong mainly in transplanting seedling digging was done as an overly thick taproot, which were cut into 10 cm - 15 cm segment of the small, shallow - buried in the soil and covered with grass and moisturizing, excellent thong mainly in transplanting seedling digging was done as an overly thick taproot, which were cut into 10 cm - 15 cm segment of the small, shallow - buried in the soil and covered with grass and moisturizing, excellent .
Malus × micromalus

Cultivation And Management

Begonia flower can be planted in the ground may be potted Malus generally for a number of lines, in a period in early spring before sprouting or early winter after leaves for Begonia flower can be planted in the ground may be potted Malus generally for a number of lines, in a period in early spring before sprouting or early winter after leaves for . nursery when holding seedlings root browning of nursery when holding seedlings root browning of .
is generally as large as the plantlets with soil, seedlings should be adopted in accordance with the case in which the stay is generally as large as the plantlets with soil, seedlings should be adopted in accordance with the case in which the stay . the nursery soil after strengthening tending management, often held in loose and fecund the nursery soil after strengthening tending management, often held in loose and fecund .
after leaves to sprout in early spring before pruning, blight and weak shoots, branches are cut off, to keep the crown of the evacuation, air and light as the promoting flowering in the exuberant, shall send to the watershoot short section, to reduce the germination of nutrient consumption after leaves to sprout in early spring before pruning, blight and weak shoots, branches are cut off, to keep the crown of the evacuation, air and light as the promoting flowering in the exuberant, shall send to the watershoot short section, to reduce the germination of nutrient consumption . fruiting branch, the branch does not have to be trimmed fruiting branch, the branch does not have to be trimmed .
during growth, such as the timely conduct of topping,early vegetative growth is restricted, then the effect is more significant and during growth, such as the timely conduct of topping,early vegetative growth is restricted, then the effect is more significant and . stake potted landscape is made up of wild old tree stumps, in spring before sprouting intcrcsling transachon ilcm subscls, arc l, rcscnted in the transaction with good soil, mulch moisturizing stake potted landscape is made up of wild old tree stumps, in spring before sprouting intcrcsling transachon ilcm subscls, arc l, rcscnted in the transaction with good soil, mulch moisturizing .
1 ~ 2 years of maintenance, the stumps after preliminary molding, may be in the upper basin before Qingming Festival 1 ~ 2 years of maintenance, the stumps after preliminary molding, may be in the upper basin before Qingming Festival . planted early when more backwater some soil and, after gradual steps as root, with riprap and bring back to a forest wild crabapple pile new planted early when more backwater some soil and, after gradual steps as root, with riprap and bring back to a forest wild crabapple pile new .
Jing Jing on the basin of the pile, to shade for a period of time, and then you can start the normal management is to pile Jing Jing on the basin of the pile, to shade for a period of time, and then you can start the normal management is to pile . Jing Hua Fan Godoy,water and fertilizer management should strengthen Jing Hua Fan Godoy,water and fertilizer management should strengthen .
flowers before 1 ~ 2 times of topdressing nitrogen phosphorus fertilizer mixing after every half a month once a rarefied topdressing fertilizer flowers before 1 ~ 2 times of topdressing nitrogen phosphorus fertilizer mixing after every half a month once a rarefied topdressing fertilizer . may also be in the depth of winter heating and flower forcing method of potted Malus Jing pile into greenhouse, watered, fertilizer, after a day at the plant on the branches and suitable water spray, to maintain room temperature at 20 DEG C to 25 DEG C, 30 ~ 40 days after flowering for New Year's Day, Spring Festival decorations or ornamental may also be in the depth of winter heating and flower forcing method of potted Malus Jing pile into greenhouse, watered, fertilizer, after a day at the plant on the branches and suitable water spray, to maintain room temperature at 20 DEG C to 25 DEG C, 30 ~ 40 days after flowering for New Year's Day, Spring Festival decorations or ornamental .

Pest Control

To pay attention to control the Scarabaeidae, leaf spot, aphid, red spider bag moth and pests and rot, rust, etc To pay attention to control the Scarabaeidae, leaf spot, aphid, red spider bag moth and pests and rot, rust, etc . rot, also known as Cytospora canker, which can be regarded as a kind of material of one of the most important diseases, harms the tree trunk, and shoot rot, also known as Cytospora canker, which can be regarded as a kind of material of one of the most important diseases, harms the tree trunk, and shoot .
annually during March and April, and May is the peak period of ~ 6 months, 7 months after inoculated with botryodiplodia theobromae after thawing in annually during March and April, and May is the peak period of ~ 6 months, 7 months after inoculated with botryodiplodia theobromae after thawing in . at the beginning of disease, the trunk appear water - soaked spots after the diseased portion cerebral cortex decay, shrinkage sunken at the beginning of disease, the trunk appear water - soaked spots after the diseased portion cerebral cortex decay, shrinkage sunken .
later sprouted black needle - shaped small projections, i.e. the pycnidia prevention method: clearing trees, burn the diseased parts, prevention method: clearing trees, burn the diseased parts,.
reduces sources of early spring injection - sulfur mixture or in the trunk brush lime coating agent reduces sources of early spring injection - sulfur mixture or in the trunk brush lime coating agent . are usually slow in onset starting on the lesion may be cut vertically and horizontally spaced about 0.5 cm, the indentation of the xylem to a depth of, and then to spray germicide

Much Of The Value Of The

common cultivation of fruit trees and ornamental common cultivation of fruit trees and ornamental . upright tree appearance, dense flowers upright tree appearance, dense flowers .
sweet and sour taste, can be eaten fresh and processed under the handle sweet and sour taste, can be eaten fresh and processed under the handle . many cultivars, the shape, size, color and maturation period is different from that of all the bonus so there is hot, cold, bonus, bonus, purple crabapple, red begonia, old Haihong, M.micromalus and name
North China in some areas used as rootstocks of apple or crabapple, good growth, strong drought - resistance Malus bacata than North China in some areas used as rootstocks of apple or crabapple, good growth, strong drought - resistance Malus bacata than .

Ornamental Value

begonias have good ornamental Malus micromalus tree in a cherry - class in the state, Merced, like Maxine Hong Kingston Girl begonias have good ornamental Malus micromalus tree in a cherry - class in the state, Merced, like Maxine Hong Kingston Girl . Bonuses green leaves, and fruit regardless of isolated planting, planting, group planting, both of which are extremely beautiful; its color Bonuses green leaves, and fruit regardless of isolated planting, planting, group planting, both of which are extremely beautiful; its color .
, more commonly cultivated in the garden for greening with , more commonly cultivated in the garden for greening with . Midget crabapple in a cherry - tree - like in the state, Merced, like Maxine Hong Kingston Girl Midget crabapple in a cherry - tree - like in the state, Merced, like Maxine Hong Kingston Girl .
interphase Hongfen, flowers, foliage is pale green and lovely, attractive and delicious fruit, whether isolated planting, planting, group planting, both of which are extremely beautiful interphase Hongfen, flowers, foliage is pale green and lovely, attractive and delicious fruit, whether isolated planting, planting, group planting, both of which are extremely beautiful . most favorable to the Edgewater and small corner most favorable to the Edgewater and small corner .
Ting Guo Yuanzhen s Poems in Begonia "Zhu Huang Tong, the bright field lighting, trees and aromatic pillow wall - Ting Guo Yuanzhen s Poems in Begonia "Zhu Huang Tong, the bright field lighting, trees and aromatic pillow wall - ." is the most vivid portrayal of the new " is the most vivid portrayal of the new .
in the courtyard, luridly green conifers as the background,Crabapple graft to the forefront, especially its color sense and eye - catching, if row planting a flower, bloom, and made a spectacular in the courtyard, luridly green conifers as the background,Crabapple graft to the forefront, especially its color sense and eye - catching, if row planting a flower, bloom, and made a spectacular . crabapple blossoms and charming, but generally without aroma of crabapple flowers, only Midget crabapple both fragrant and colourful, is in the top grade crabapple blossoms and charming, but generally without aroma of crabapple flowers, only Midget crabapple both fragrant and colourful, is in the top grade .
crabapple flowers is not turned on, the bud Hongyan, like rouge, which, after opening the graded pink, like Xiao Xia Tianming crabapple flowers is not turned on, the bud Hongyan, like rouge, which, after opening the graded pink, like Xiao Xia Tianming . the imperial and the Summer Palace in the Forbidden City it is implanted the West House Begonia, every spring and summer, windward, Merced, flower is beautiful and moving, with the magnolias, peonies and sweet - scented osmanthus, formed the "Yu - tang rich" means the imperial and the Summer Palace in the Forbidden City it is implanted the West House Begonia, every spring and summer, windward, Merced, flower is beautiful and moving, with the magnolias, peonies and sweet - scented osmanthus, formed the "Yu - tang rich" means .
Malus × micromalus

Food Value

fruit of Malus prunifolia Borkh called, flavor and shape all look like hawthorn, sweet, tasty, fresh or candied fruit of Malus prunifolia Borkh called, flavor and shape all look like hawthorn, sweet, tasty, fresh or candied .

Health - Care Function

The Effects of Prinsepia utilis Royle and plantain leaf, plum - leaf crab simmered together, have an anti - inflammatory, detoxification role The Effects of Prinsepia utilis Royle and plantain leaf, plum - leaf crab simmered together, have an anti - inflammatory, detoxification role . Eating them poisoning, Prinsepia Utilis Royle Ye pounded and extruded the juice that it can detoxify Eating them poisoning, Prinsepia Utilis Royle Ye pounded and extruded the juice that it can detoxify .
Prinsepia Utilis Royle as leaf vegetables or pickled into salted edible, have the function of promoting appetite and digestion, clearing away heat, and which can inhibit the intestinal inflammation in the blood of Prinsepia Utilis Royle as leaf vegetables or pickled into salted edible, have the function of promoting appetite and digestion, clearing away heat, and which can inhibit the intestinal inflammation in the blood of . with fruiting and fruits, leaves, and boiled water for my feet, can prevent and cure the beriberi with fruiting and fruits, leaves, and boiled water for my feet, can prevent and cure the beriberi .
Prinsepia nut can for oil, often eating green thorn fruit oil can reduce blood fat, regulating blood pressure, promoting microcirculation, enhancing organism immunity and elongating life Prinsepia nut can for oil, often eating green thorn fruit oil can reduce blood fat, regulating blood pressure, promoting microcirculation, enhancing organism immunity and elongating life . Prinsepia utilis Rogle oil is also widely used for the treatment of skin burns, Prinsepia utilis Rogle oil is also widely used for the treatment of skin burns,.
skin ulcerations on Prinsepia Utilis Rogle Oil Fatty acid composition analysis mainly on Prinsepia Nut, and leaves from the elemental analysis are reported for the skin ulcerations on Prinsepia Utilis Rogle Oil Fatty acid composition analysis mainly on Prinsepia Nut, and leaves from the elemental analysis are reported for the .

Plant Culture

Named For

Keywords Midget crabapple is known for the growth to the Midget, malus spectabilis is one of the traditionally famous flowers in China, artistic, chic, flowers blossoming, especially appealing to both refined and popular tastes of blossoms, the flowers of the immortal, the concubine is a "brilliant", created by scholars without a Keywords Midget crabapple is known for the growth to the Midget, malus spectabilis is one of the traditionally famous flowers in China, artistic, chic, flowers blossoming, especially appealing to both refined and popular tastes of blossoms, the flowers of the immortal, the concubine is a "brilliant", created by scholars without a .


Keywords Midget crabapple flowers and indicative delegate meaning: unrequited loveKeywords Midget crabapple flowers and indicative delegate meaning: unrequited love.

Culture Symbol

Malus spectabilis spectabilis Attitude and pizazz, flowers blossoming, especially appealing to both refined and popular tastes of blossoms, the flowers of the immortal "," Guifei "," noble ", planted in the royal gardens often with magnolias, peonies and sweet - scented osmanthus and mating implant, formed the" Yu - tang rich "Artistic Conception of Chinese literati have more Malus spectabilis spectabilis Attitude and pizazz, flowers blossoming, especially appealing to both refined and popular tastes of blossoms, the flowers of the immortal "," Guifei "," noble ", planted in the royal gardens often with magnolias, peonies and sweet - scented osmanthus and mating implant, formed the" Yu - tang rich "Artistic Conception of Chinese literati have more . popular popular .
Haitang appreciates the verses, Lu You a poem that goes:" Brilliant though no vulgar attitude, too true Huang Fugui Haitang appreciates the verses, Lu You a poem that goes:" Brilliant though no vulgar attitude, too true Huang Fugui . "describe the elegance of the Begonia Yanmei "describe the elegance of the Begonia Yanmei .
Lu You in another poem:" scarlet parrot green to Tianqiao, heavy stack of calyx tarsal glare Asahi Lu You in another poem:" scarlet parrot green to Tianqiao, heavy stack of calyx tarsal glare Asahi . "describe a flowering crabapple flowers and bright red flowers and lush with Asahi Breweries to outshine the Liu Song Dynasty image of "describe a flowering crabapple flowers and bright red flowers and lush with Asahi Breweries to outshine the Liu Song Dynasty image of .
Green in a poem:" You get beautiful spring weather,Mei Liu borrow borrow wind flow is light, fragrant slung in heavy rain, blotting rouge paintings" Begonia describe like a demure lady, Begonia set Mei, Liu advantages while charming the scent lingers after the rain, Flowers to the depicted hard, no wonder the Emperor also sleepy likened to Yang Guifei Haitang Green in a poem:" You get beautiful spring weather,Mei Liu borrow borrow wind flow is light, fragrant slung in heavy rain, blotting rouge paintings" Begonia describe like a demure lady, Begonia set Mei, Liu advantages while charming the scent lingers after the rain, Flowers to the depicted hard, no wonder the Emperor also sleepy likened to Yang Guifei Haitang . su dongpo, "Lest the night spent sleeping, so candles burning high dowry", because "August Autumn Emperor Ming, too liquid pools have Chiba Bailian sticks of blooming, enjoyed banquet with the sainted Emperor Yan su dongpo, "Lest the night spent sleeping, so candles burning high dowry", because "August Autumn Emperor Ming, too liquid pools have Chiba Bailian sticks of blooming, enjoyed banquet with the sainted Emperor Yan .
around all admire the sweepback, to refer to the imperial concubine of Emperor is shown on the left - hand side and the right say: Get there early Jieyu I spend?"And so Haitang earned him the nickname" Jieyu flowers" around all admire the sweepback, to refer to the imperial concubine of Emperor is shown on the left - hand side and the right say: Get there early Jieyu I spend?"And so Haitang earned him the nickname" Jieyu flowers" . crabapple Malus micromalus unsweet eunuch "florilegium" records: Haitang has mild non - conformances, woody crabapple Malus micromalus unsweet eunuch "florilegium" records: Haitang has mild non - conformances, woody .
mentioned here refers to non - conformances: Malus micromalus, Malus halliana, Malus and Chaenomeles speciosa in mentioned here refers to non - conformances: Malus micromalus, Malus halliana, Malus and Chaenomeles speciosa in . Bing Xin Zeng Wen - and I have a small "spectabilis", a flowering crabapple is utilized to express the Chunguang perishable, short life of the particular sensing Bing Xin Zeng Wen - and I have a small "spectabilis", a flowering crabapple is utilized to express the Chunguang perishable, short life of the particular sensing .
Premier Zhou's residence was in a mass flowering crabapple, after his death, Mrs Deng Yingchao, hideous flowers Siren wrote" of a flowering crabapple and two extra tracks, ",She recalled the Prime Minister and for 50 years has been accompanied by a revolutionary career Premier Zhou's residence was in a mass flowering crabapple, after his death, Mrs Deng Yingchao, hideous flowers Siren wrote" of a flowering crabapple and two extra tracks, ",She recalled the Prime Minister and for 50 years has been accompanied by a revolutionary career . Mr. Liang Shiqiu are also sold a flowering crabapple, his prose "Qunfang Journo", the crabapple is placed on the translational and spent most of the praise the West House Begonia, he wrote "The Midget crabapple, and two cubits high, and, being a coquettish, Spring scenery provokes people's interest, which is very close to that of the decoration was absolutely brilliant sense of
" For Midget unique beauty, the perception of him is very accurate, he said "Haitang (note, here in the West House Begonia, hereinafter the same) Bud is the most brilliant, open after the petals of the front and pink on the back face is still red, the pitch, not to mention their painted ridges and carved beamslean and rich with " For Midget unique beauty, the perception of him is very accurate, he said "Haitang (note, here in the West House Begonia, hereinafter the same) Bud is the most brilliant, open after the petals of the front and pink on the back face is still red, the pitch, not to mention their painted ridges and carved beamslean and rich with . Haitang leaves also foil well, pale green and bright and detailed, giving the whole impression is petite and gorgeous Haitang leaves also foil well, pale green and bright and detailed, giving the whole impression is petite and gorgeous .
I stand in front of the rows and rows of Malus micromalus, long stay I stand in front of the rows and rows of Malus micromalus, long stay . " ".
Malus × micromalus

Hua In Baoji City

Haitang is now Baoji city flower in late 2008, Baoji City Greening Committee of forestry and gardening expert, the actual binding of Baoji, drafted the first version of the Populus tomentosa Carr., Pinus bungeana, etc. 10 candidate city tree and crabapple, azaleas and other flower ( 10 candidates by the end of March 2009, the vote was announced for the whitebark pine to 3230 ticket won the city tree crown, and M.micromalus 3332 votes force become the emblem of the Beauties


flowering crab - apple Malus halliana Chaenomeles specios BEGONIA MASONIANA Chaenomeles Speciosa papaya Begonia semperflorens, Begoniaflowering crab - apple Malus halliana Chaenomeles specios BEGONIA MASONIANA Chaenomeles Speciosa papaya Begonia semperflorens, Begonia.
Malus × micromalusMalus × micromalus
Malus × micromalusMalus × micromalus
Malus × micromalusMalus × micromalus
Malus × micromalus

Begonia Poem

Begonia Sushi Dongfeng Madadayo pan Chongguang, fragrance fog and void; and he ended a night spent sleeping porch Begonia Sushi Dongfeng Madadayo pan Chongguang, fragrance fog and void; and he ended a night spent sleeping porch . Lest go, burning candles high dowry Lest go, burning candles high dowry .
's note: This is a Sushi Huangzhou Demoted by 's note: This is a Sushi Huangzhou Demoted by . as a "Dongfeng, fragrant mist Feifei ended a Gallery
only The fever, silver Mustill dowry" Begonia: Xi Emperor Ming summoned with the royal banquet, while the princess was not in any over sober state, the Emperor said: "Begonia sleep not also", the poem Opera curl: wind fine appearance Chongguang: moonlight or light flower Feifei: misty - like dowry: use beauty than Begonia curl: wind fine appearance Chongguang: moonlight or light flower Feifei: misty - like dowry: use beauty than Begonia.


