Kendra Scott


創立於2002年的Kendra Scott,在珠寶設計界算是非常年輕的品牌。年輕貌美的設計師Kendra Scott,憑著對珠寶設計的熱誠以及追求夢想一往無前的勇氣,在僅有500美金資本投入的情況下,勇敢的創立了自己的品牌。短短8,9年以來,她已經擁 有了自己的旗艦店,並被媒體大篇幅報導,其作品也成為了時尚女性經常佩戴的流行代表,一起來欣賞她的這些美麗作品吧!


Kendra Scott

Kendra Scott及熱門商品 Kendra Scott及熱門商品

KendraScott (b. 1974) is a US jewellery designer and retailer who operates aneponymous business. She grew up in Kenoscha, Wisconsin and has been a residentof Austin, Texas for many years. Her work has been featured in popularmagazines and as part of collections shown by notable fashion designers.

Kendra Scott(1974年)在美國是一個集珠寶設計與銷售為一體的時尚品牌。她在Kenoscha和Wisconsin長大,並且已成為美國德克薩斯州奧斯汀市的常駐居民。她的作品被刊登在主流雜誌的重要位置,還被知名時尚設計師作為時尚珠寶系列所展示。


Scottstarted her first fashion-oriented business when she was 19 years old. Theproceeds from this went to cancer research organizations through the US. Afterrunning the boutique for five years, followed by three years in advertising,she started her own jewellery range from her house, selling to local shops.


Kendra Scott在19歲開始了她的第一個時裝化業務時。這些收益獻給了美國癌症研究機構。運行這些精品業務後五年,經過三年的廣告宣傳,她從她的房子開始了自己的珠寶經營範圍,出售給當地的商店。

Scott has recently introduced an idea wherebyboth online and shop customers can have creative control over choice of stones,colors and designs in order to fashion their own custom piece of jewellery.

Kendra Scott最近推出了一個想法,通過上網線上的和店裡的顧客創造性地控制寶石、顏色和設計以使他們自己的珠寶保持時尚。


Scott’sjewellery has been featured in the pages of publications such as InStyle,Allure, People, and US Weekly. On July 1, 2008, Scott was a featured guest onThe Big Idea with Donny Deutsch to speak on the topic of “Tips on Making ThatBig Sale.”


Kendra Scott的首飾已在InStyle,Allure, People, 和 US Weekly發表。2008年7月1日,,斯科特作為一個特邀嘉賓在唐尼德語大創意的主題發言“大銷量的建議。


Scott has formed partnerships with fashiondesigners Oscar de la Renta and Randolph Duke, who both featured her as theiraccessories designer for their runway collections. In addition to working withthese designers, Scott has also assisted several national brands with designand production of their jewellery. Kendra Scott已經形成了與認定她為飾品設計師時裝設計師Oscar de la Renta和Randolph Duke的同條路的合作夥伴關係。除了與這些設計師合作,斯科特還協助他們的珠寶設計和生產的幾個民族品牌。 Philanthropy

Kendra Scott Design, Inc. was voted one of the Top TenPlaces to Work in Central Texas in 2007.


Kendra Scott設計,2007年在德克薩斯州中部公司被評為十大工作佳處之一。

eweler Kendra Scott Opens Flagship Store in Austin


Austin, Texas has always favored and encouraged localentrepreneurs; it’s how they “Keep Austin Weird.” Although Kendra Scott is aWisconsin native, she began her jewelry line as a mini-collection in Austin in2002 with only $500, an extra bedroom and a newborn baby. Today, hercollections are in more than 800 stores worldwide including big name retailerssuch as Nordstrom, Henri Bendel, and Lord & Taylor. Due to Austin’s largepart in the success of Kendra’s company, she only felt it was appropriate toanchor her flagship store in this flourishing city.

奧斯汀,德克薩斯一貫主張並鼓勵地方企業家;它的他們如何“奧斯汀奇怪。”即使肯德拉史葛是威斯康星州本土人士,她的珠寶行在2002年剛開始運作時作為一個迷你收集價值只有500美元,一個額外的臥室和新生嬰兒。今天,她收藏有超過800家全球包括大零售商如Nord strom,亨利本德爾,主人泰勒。由於奧斯汀的很大一部分的成功,肯德拉的公司,她覺得她的旗艦店只適合在這個繁華的城市。

“Iwanted it to feel like home,” Kendra revealed as she explained how she createdher 3,400-square-foot space. This flagship not only houses the retail store,but also her design studio, which is conveniently located above the shop. Withwhite washed floors and a minimalistic touch, this space is both inviting andenergizing. Positioned perfectly in the middle of Austin’s popular SouthCongress (coined, SoCo) shopping strip, inspiration completely surroundsKendra. Home to colorful murals, mosaic-tiled storefronts and a stunning viewof downtown; this picturesque landscape is a designer’s utopia. Inspired? Takeadvantage of Kendra Scott’s Color Bar, where you can choose from 30 stone colors andover 40 silhouettes to create your perfect customized piece.

“我希望它像家一樣的感覺,“全部顯示她解釋她是如何創造自己的3400-square-foot空間。這不僅是房屋的旗艦零售商店,並且也是她的設計工作室,為了方便 她把設計工作室見到了旗艦零售商店的上面。與白色地板,儘量少接觸,這個空間既是吸引人的也充滿活力。由於南奧斯汀正確地放置在中間國會(創造,照片)購物流行的地帶,肯德拉完全被靈感包圍。國內彩色壁畫,mosaic-tiled店面和驚人的市中心觀;這個風景如畫,是設計師的烏托邦。靈感?在肯德拉史葛的酒吧你可以選擇從30石的顏色和超過40的輪廓,為您打造完美的定製件。

WhetherAustin brings you to Kendra, or Kendra brings you to Austin, make sure you stopby this unique one-of-a-kind store.




Kendra Scott波西米亞風綠松石金耳環


Kendra Scott波西米亞風幻色水晶金耳環

百變色彩 Tavi水晶鍍金花型耳釘


Kendra Scott has various celebrity clientelewho include: Hilary Duff, Queen Latifah, Ashlan Gorse, and Sara Gore.

Kendra Scott擁有各種名人客戶,包括:Hilary Duff, Queen Latifah, Ashlan Gorse, 和 Sara Gore.


