JiangJin District

JiangJin District

Jiangjin District, located in the southwestern Chongqing Municipality, located in the Yangtze River to governers, named River into a shipping hub and distributing center of goods, also is the grain - producing areas of Sichuan, a land flowing with milk and honey.Jiangjin District to the east, Banan District, Qijiang County, south of Tongzhi and Xishui of Guizhou Province; to the west in Yongchuan District, Sichuan Province and occupying, to the north of the Bishan County, Jiulongpo, Dadukou District, the total area of 3,200 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 22 towns, five neighborhood, has a population of 123. 31 million people (2010).Jiangjin district "Chinese longevity village", won the "national army", "National Land and natural resources conservation and intensive buide - up model area", "National Advanced Enterprise of the People's Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters" and other honorary titles.

Historical Evolution

Jiangjin, Xia and Shang dynasties belongs to Liangzhou, belonged to Ba country in Zhou, Qin, Jin, Northern and Ba Jiangjin, Xia and Shang dynasties belongs to Liangzhou, belonged to Ba country in Zhou, Qin, Jin, Northern and Ba . before the before the .
Jiangzhou county is in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Ming Qi in a five - year (In 487.) established County, Jiangzhou county Dynasty (553 - 557) to Jiangyang county, and is opposed to the seven county, the county seat was in Jiangjin Shunjiang; in the first year of the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Zhou (557), the county seat was relocated a few Dynasty (553 - 557) to Jiangyang county, and is opposed to the seven county, the county seat was in Jiangjin Shunjiang; in the first year of the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Zhou (557), the county seat was relocated a few .
Jiang, form the Sui Kaihuang (583), the revocation of Qimen County Jiang, form the Sui Kaihuang (583), the revocation of Qimen County . Kaihuang 18 years (598 years), due to the strategic position of county seat located in the Yangtze River, is modified in Jiangyang County, Sichuan, affiliated to the Kaihuang 18 years (598 years), due to the strategic position of county seat located in the Yangtze River, is modified in Jiangyang County, Sichuan, affiliated to the .
Yuzhou in the Tang Dynasty, Wu De three years (620),Scratch Wanchun county in western Sichuan set Yuzhou in the Tang Dynasty, Wu De three years (620),Scratch Wanchun county in western Sichuan set . Wude 622 (five years), renaming the Shou Wan Wude 622 (five years), renaming the Shou Wan .
Song, dry de 967 (five years), the revocation of the Shou Wan incorporated IN JIANGJIN COUNTY Song, dry de 967 (five years), the revocation of the Shou Wan incorporated IN JIANGJIN COUNTY . Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty (1279) 16 years, from the jurisdiction of the Governor's Palace belongs to Chongqing Road Administration Offic Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty (1279) 16 years, from the jurisdiction of the Governor's Palace belongs to Chongqing Road Administration Offic .
of the Ming Dynasty, Hongwu 2009 (1376), set up Chongqing House, Jiangjin Chongqing of the Ming Dynasty, Hongwu 2009 (1376), set up Chongqing House, Jiangjin Chongqing . still belongs to the Qing Dynasty, Sichuan Sichuan year of Kangxi (1668) and arranging the Governor of Sichuan and Hunan, Kangxi for 19 years (c. 1680) was the Governor of the Sichuan - Gansu Border Patrol division under the Chongqing House
of the Republic of China era, 1912 (1912),Chongqing and Sichuan Shu military junta consolidated, Chongqing stroking Mansion, later renamed as the Eastern observation to make, under the jurisdiction of Lower Assemblage in Chuandongnan 54 states, the Office, County, and later granted Chuandong observation to make is to Chuandong Dao, 36 county, Jiangjin therein which of the Republic of China era, 1912 (1912),Chongqing and Sichuan Shu military junta consolidated, Chongqing stroking Mansion, later renamed as the Eastern observation to make, under the jurisdiction of Lower Assemblage in Chuandongnan 54 states, the Office, County, and later granted Chuandong observation to make is to Chuandong Dao, 36 county, Jiangjin therein which . In 24 years (1935), a third zone of Sichuan administrative supervision In 24 years (1935), a third zone of Sichuan administrative supervision .
People's Republic of China period, in December 1949 in Bishan County, in Sichuan prefecture; in 1950, the walls of mountain zones classified as belonging to the Chuandong prefecture; in January 1951, wall by wall moved to the Yamagata Prefecture mountain IN JIANGJIN COUNTY, renamed the Jiangjin prefecture; in 1960, Jiangjin prefecture resident relocation of Yongchuan, nonetheless called the Jiangjin Precinct, later renamed as the Jiangjin district;1981 changed from Yongchuan; in February 1983 to revoke Yongchuan district in Chongqing, Sichuan, chongqing genus; 1992, Jiangjin, a county to city, was set up as a county - level city in Sichuan, Chongqing's government commissioned the escrow; 1997, Jiangjin, Chongqing was under the jurisdiction of the municipalities directly under the Central Government; 2006, Jiangjin district, administrative jurisdiction scope is invariable People's Republic of China period, in December 1949 in Bishan County, in Sichuan prefecture; in 1950, the walls of mountain zones classified as belonging to the Chuandong prefecture; in January 1951, wall by wall moved to the Yamagata Prefecture mountain IN JIANGJIN COUNTY, renamed the Jiangjin prefecture; in 1960, Jiangjin prefecture resident relocation of Yongchuan, nonetheless called the Jiangjin Precinct, later renamed as the Jiangjin district;1981 changed from Yongchuan; in February 1983 to revoke Yongchuan district in Chongqing, Sichuan, chongqing genus; 1992, Jiangjin, a county to city, was set up as a county - level city in Sichuan, Chongqing's government commissioned the escrow; 1997, Jiangjin, Chongqing was under the jurisdiction of the municipalities directly under the Central Government; 2006, Jiangjin district, administrative jurisdiction scope is invariable .
JiangJin District

Geographical Environment

Horizon Location

Jiangjin District is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges Reservoir at the tail end (east longitude 105 49 106 38, north latitude 28 28 29 28 Jiangjin District is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges Reservoir at the tail end (east longitude 105 49 106 38, north latitude 28 28 29 28 . between the Jiangjin District to the east, Banan, Qijiang, to the south is Xishui in Guizhou Province, west of Yongchuan, Sichuang Hejiang, on the north wall of the mountain, something most area throughout the width at 80 km, 100 km from north to south at longest between the Jiangjin District to the east, Banan, Qijiang, to the south is Xishui in Guizhou Province, west of Yongchuan, Sichuang Hejiang, on the north wall of the mountain, something most area throughout the width at 80 km, 100 km from north to south at longest .
JiangJin District

Geological Geomorphology

Jiangjin four settlements in the territory of a chain of undulating hills in the ground form takes hills and low mountains, there was the flat terraces, hills and mountains, where the hills account for 78.2%, low Zhongshan Zhan 21. 8% geological structure is the "Sichuan fold" and "Chuanqian north - south and west" in the transition zone of tectonic effects, is twisted into a multi - axis" S "shaped geological structure is the "Sichuan fold" and "Chuanqian north - south and west" in the transition zone of tectonic effects, is twisted into a multi - axis" S "shaped .
low - lying South High North, east and west of the Yangtze River, and city, is in the form of" a few "- low - lying South High North, east and west of the Yangtze River, and city, is in the form of" a few "- .

Climatic Characteristics

Jiangjin is in the subtropical monsoon climate, abundant sunshine, mild climate and abundant rainfall. Average annual sunshine hours 1207. 9 hours, year round average temperature of 18.2 C, the average annual rainfall is 1034 mm

River Hydrology

Jiangjin district of the Changjiang River's upstream on the Mainstream Jiangjin district of the Changjiang River's upstream on the Mainstream . km2) is greater than 30 square kilometers of the river, 27 of them drain an area of greater than 200 square kilometers, of which there are seven, namely, the Yangtze River, near the river, along the wall of the Nan River, Shangtang River, Donkey Creek, Qijiang River, River shoots km2) is greater than 30 square kilometers of the river, 27 of them drain an area of greater than 200 square kilometers, of which there are seven, namely, the Yangtze River, near the river, along the wall of the Nan River, Shangtang River, Donkey Creek, Qijiang River, River shoots .

Natural Resources


Jiangjin district of minerals has 10 variety, there are medium - sized ore body (8), and high quality limestone reserves of 2 billion tons, shallow natural gas reserves of 500 cubic meters (bcm) Jiangjin district of minerals has 10 variety, there are medium - sized ore body (8), and high quality limestone reserves of 2 billion tons, shallow natural gas reserves of 500 cubic meters (bcm) .


Jiangjin has 200 families and 1500 species of vascular plants, are rare and protected plants and 19 species of wildlife is 11 orders, 30 families and 53 kinds of 204, in which 71 species of vertebrates, the inclusion of national protected animal species Jiangjin has 200 families and 1500 species of vascular plants, are rare and protected plants and 19 species of wildlife is 11 orders, 30 families and 53 kinds of 204, in which 71 species of vertebrates, the inclusion of national protected animal species . 23 23.


Jiangjin has size river to 38 can be used for development of waterpower Jiangjin has size river to 38 can be used for development of waterpower . 400 (the above information, as the deadline to the end of 2013) 400 (the above information, as the deadline to the end of 2013).

Ethnic Population

In 2010, the sixth national census data show, the permanent population of Jiangjin District 123 thousand and In 2010, the sixth national census data show, the permanent population of Jiangjin District 123 thousand and .


Gender in 2010, the resident population in Jiangjin district, male is 62. 85 million people, the population of 50. 97 percent; and girls were 46 million people, a population of 49. 03%, the population sex ratio (female is 100, and the male - to - female ratio) was 103. 95 age 2010, Jiangjin District in 0 - 14 years old, which had a population of 20. 14 million people, the population of 16. 33%; 15 - 64 years old, which had a population of 85 million people, of the total population) aged 65 and over had a population of 18 million people,the population of 14. 68%


In 2010, Jiangjin District in the Han population of 123 million people, a population of 99. 8%; ethnic minority has a population of 2456 people, the total population of 0. 2%



In 2013, Jiangjin achieved GDP 486. 6 billion yuan, a year - on - year growth of 14.1% industry, there was the added value of 66 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1 percent; secondary industry realized an added value of 300 billion yuan, an increase of 17. 4%, wherein the added industrial value of 260 billion yuan, increasing 16.2 percent; tertiary industry realized an added value of 120 billion yuan, an increase of 10. 2%
proportion of three industries was adjusted to 13. 6.: 7: 24. 7
JiangJin District

Primary Industry

In 2013, Jiangjin district, the sown area of grain was 152 million mu, decreasing 0.2 hectares; the sown area of oil and 10 million mu, increased by 1. 2 million mu planting area of vegetables to 49.1 million mu, increased by 2. 1 million mu of grain 66. 5 million tons, increased by 0. 7 tons, or 1.1 percent, wherein the rice yield, 36. 8 million tons, up 2. 1%; yield 13. 4 million tons, an increase of 2. 2%, potato yield 11. 1 million tons, a drop of 0. 3%
vegetable yield 75. 7 million tons, an increase of 5. 9%; yield on 2. 6 million tons, a drop of 1. 9%;fruit yield 21. 6 million tons, an increase of 8. 3%, wherein the yield of citrus in 14. 5 million tons, an increase of 9. 5 percent of the total output of meat amounted to 3.44million 9. 8 million tons, a growth rate of 9%, wherein the output of pork was 7. 5 million tons, up 2. 1%
pig breeding 66. 2, up 1. 1 percent of the pigs 101. 3 million, an increase of 1. 2%; poultry slaughter 1104. 2 million, an increase of 4 per cent of the total output of eggs was 2. 4 million tons, an increase of 2. 5%; that of aquatic products from 1. 7 million tons, increased by 1. 8%

Secondary Industry

In 2013, Jiangjin District gross value of industrial output is 1100 billion yuan, up by 22. 0% by large - scale industrial output 905. 8 billion yuan with a growth rate of 0%
to the end of 2013, Jiangjin district of industrial enterprises above the designated size 273, production value of more than 156 billion yuan of enterprise, of which: 1 - 10 million enterprise 136 households, and 10 billion yuan from 20 to the end of 2013, Jiangjin district of industrial enterprises above the designated size 273, production value of more than 156 billion yuan of enterprise, of which: 1 - 10 million enterprise 136 households, and 10 billion yuan from 20 . to the end of 2013, Jiangjin District in real estate development enterprise qualification to the end of 2013, Jiangjin District in real estate development enterprise qualification .
76 households as of 2013, the real estate investment of 96 billion yuan, an increase of 87. 4% invested in residential housing 65. 6 billion yuan, an increase of 91. 9%;commercial house in completed investment of 3 billion yuan, an increase of 13.5 percent; office building investment completed is RMB 0.3 billion yuan, an increase of 8 per cent; other buildings completed investment of 19 billion yuan, an increase of 174%

Tertiary Industry

In 2013, Jiangjin District, the total retail sales of consumer goods amounted to 174.5 billion yuan, up by 15. 8% line of business looks, wholesale, retail sales of 37 billion yuan, an increase of 29. 7%; retail trade 114. 4 billion yuan, up 13.7 percent; retail sales of the lodging industry and 1. 2 billion yuan, an increase of 27. 4%; retail sales of catering services from 21. 8 billion, an increase of 7%
completed business total 85192 million yuan, an increase of 7. 7% Of this total, post services 12670 yuan, an increase of 4 percent, and telecommunication services 72522 yuan,6. 6%
900 to domestic and foreign tourists. 4 million, an increase of 3. 2%; tourists 6. 2 million, an increase of 18. 0% realized the integrated tourism income has beenincreasing 26. 0 billion yuan, an increase of 35.9%
bank deposits denominated in foreign currency (- containing) balance of 496 billion Yuan, an increase of 18. 9% wherein, individual deposits of 357. 0 billion yuan, up 14.0 percent; and foreign - currency bank loans (including balance) 266. 8 billion yuan, an increase of 19.9%


Jiangjin district straddling the banks of the Yangtze River, bordering Chongqing - Guizhou Expressway, Chengdu - Chongqing Expressway, Chengdu - Chongqing railway, Chongqing - Guiyang Railway, is a southeast Sichuan and northern Chongqing to Transcontinental Jiangjin district straddling the banks of the Yangtze River, bordering Chongqing - Guizhou Expressway, Chengdu - Chongqing Expressway, Chengdu - Chongqing railway, Chongqing - Guiyang Railway, is a southeast Sichuan and northern Chongqing to Transcontinental .


By the end of 2013, Jiangjin district highway mileage accumulated 4063. 6 km, where Highway 50 2.5 km, Highway 422. 3 km tertiary highway 150. 1 km, the highway is a four - level 2104. 7 kilometers, substandard grade highway 1335. 9 km of the expressway and 76. 6 kilometers, in which the high - speed beltway in 28. 6 kilometers, Jianghe Expressway
48 km by 2013 through Jiangjin district of main transport lines and hubs: the Yangtze River Bridge in Jiangjin, Jiangjin Guanyinyan Yangtze Bridge, Powder Room Bay Yangtze River Bridge, several River Bridge (under construction), Yingbin Bridge,Bai Shatuo Yangtze River Bridge, the Victoria Bridge, the bridge project of new Baishatuo Changjiang Bridge, National Highway 210, Chongqing - Kunming highway, Chongqing - Guiyang high - speed, high - speed beltway in Chongqing, Chongqing and Luzhou High Speed 48 km by 2013 through Jiangjin district of main transport lines and hubs: the Yangtze River Bridge in Jiangjin, Jiangjin Guanyinyan Yangtze Bridge, Powder Room Bay Yangtze River Bridge, several River Bridge (under construction), Yingbin Bridge,Bai Shatuo Yangtze River Bridge, the Victoria Bridge, the bridge project of new Baishatuo Changjiang Bridge, National Highway 210, Chongqing - Kunming highway, Chongqing - Guiyang high - speed, high - speed beltway in Chongqing, Chongqing and Luzhou High Speed . etc.


Chengdu, Chongqing and Guizhou Railway pass through Jiangjin territory up to 135 km; railway mileage of up to 135 km, with stations 15, wherein the third station 3 Chengdu, Chongqing and Guizhou Railway pass through Jiangjin territory up to 135 km; railway mileage of up to 135 km, with stations 15, wherein the third station 3 . Chongqing - Guiyang High Speed Railway in the Luohuang Chongqing - Guiyang High Speed Railway in the Luohuang .
South Station South Station.


Waterways, 127 km east - west throughout the area, there are five deep - water harbor, year - round 5,000 tons can berth of the ship and the fleet tonnage, over 350 km of navigable waters Waterways, 127 km east - west throughout the area, there are five deep - water harbor, year - round 5,000 tons can berth of the ship and the fleet tonnage, over 350 km of navigable waters .

Social Undertakings


By the end of 2013, Jiangjin district has 9 schools of higher education, secondary vocational schools, 3 schools, 50 primary schools 179 and 5,301 special - education schools of the Secondary Vocational School Teachers By the end of 2013, Jiangjin district has 9 schools of higher education, secondary vocational schools, 3 schools, 50 primary schools 179 and 5,301 special - education schools of the Secondary Vocational School Teachers . 717 people, 5176, 3916 primary teachers, special schools 21 teachers 717 people, 5176, 3916 primary teachers, special schools 21 teachers .
Jiangjin District from the university are: Shuangfu Campus of Chongqing Jiaotong University, PLA Third Military Medical Campus of Jiangjin, Chongqing Jiaotong Vocational College, Chongqing Vocational College of telecommunications, Chongqing Vocational College of public transportation, Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering and the like Jiangjin District from the university are: Shuangfu Campus of Chongqing Jiaotong University, PLA Third Military Medical Campus of Jiangjin, Chongqing Jiaotong Vocational College, Chongqing Vocational College of telecommunications, Chongqing Vocational College of public transportation, Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering and the like .
JiangJin District

Science And Technology

In 2013, Jiangjin to develop 12 municipal key new products, 12 city - level hi - tech product patented new In 2013, Jiangjin to develop 12 municipal key new products, 12 city - level hi - tech product patented new . 683 members, authorized member 633 patent, wherein the industrial patent authorization from 389 patent authorized member 20 683 members, authorized member 633 patent, wherein the industrial patent authorization from 389 patent authorized member 20 .


By the end of 2013, Jiangjin district cultural centers, libraries, galleries, archives, and celebrity is old (7), groups of five film projection teams, 42, 28 - town and street - level comprehensive cultural stations, radio and television stations, and television transposer stations; two books - books and archival collections 239074 volume, information on 3682, Files in digitize processing pages 2147; newspaper publishing period 295 590 million By the end of 2013, Jiangjin district cultural centers, libraries, galleries, archives, and celebrity is old (7), groups of five film projection teams, 42, 28 - town and street - level comprehensive cultural stations, radio and television stations, and television transposer stations; two books - books and archival collections 239074 volume, information on 3682, Files in digitize processing pages 2147; newspaper publishing period 295 590 million .


By the end of 2013, Jiangjin has 788 home healthcare agencies (including 500 village clinics, clinics, 237), wherein three of the hospitals under the District Health Bureau, a total of 26, Maternal and Child Health, and disease prevention and control center, and sanitary supervision institutions, and community health centers and 1 By the end of 2013, Jiangjin has 788 home healthcare agencies (including 500 village clinics, clinics, 237), wherein three of the hospitals under the District Health Bureau, a total of 26, Maternal and Child Health, and disease prevention and control center, and sanitary supervision institutions, and community health centers and 1 . 4972 health technical person of medical (assistant) doctors and 2698 registered nurses 1671 people 4972 health technical person of medical (assistant) doctors and 2698 registered nurses 1671 people .
beds in hospitals and health centers 6213 Zhang, which Zhang 2560 hospitals, town hospitals 2651 Zhang beds in hospitals and health centers 6213 Zhang, which Zhang 2560 hospitals, town hospitals 2651 Zhang . Street Street.

Scenic Attractions

Scenic Spot of Simian Mountain Scenic Spot of Simian Mountain of Chongqing is located in the southwest, lies the core scenic spot, have well - preserved subtropical evergreen broad - leaved forest, a total of 8 major scenic spots, the spots Scenic Spot of Simian Mountain Scenic Spot of Simian Mountain of Chongqing is located in the southwest, lies the core scenic spot, have well - preserved subtropical evergreen broad - leaved forest, a total of 8 major scenic spots, the spots . 128 4 Blackrock Mountain Scenic Spot of Mountain scenic spot is located in the south of Baisha Jiangjin District, Chongqing Municipality - level scenic spots, major attractions include Henian, Jukui College, Formation Mechanism, Baofeng Upholds like 128 4 Blackrock Mountain Scenic Spot of Mountain scenic spot is located in the south of Baisha Jiangjin District, Chongqing Municipality - level scenic spots, major attractions include Henian, Jukui College, Formation Mechanism, Baofeng Upholds like .
Gunziping Gas field and Gunziping Forest Park is located in Forest Park of Jiangjin District, Shangtang River in the town, the scenic area of 25 square kilometers, the Chongqing municipal forest park Gunziping Gas field and Gunziping Forest Park is located in Forest Park of Jiangjin District, Shangtang River in the town, the scenic area of 25 square kilometers, the Chongqing municipal forest park . big round hole hole circle National Forest Park is located in the territory of the National Forest Park of Jiangjin District,3459 - hectare area, the main attractions are the rock tombs carved into a stone, the ancient plank road, the big round hole Stele, Tianma Temple and Confucius Temple, Temple Church, Zheng Xing temple, White Horse Temple like big round hole hole circle National Forest Park is located in the territory of the National Forest Park of Jiangjin District,3459 - hectare area, the main attractions are the rock tombs carved into a stone, the ancient plank road, the big round hole Stele, Tianma Temple and Confucius Temple, Temple Church, Zheng Xing temple, White Horse Temple like .
Guzhen, Zhongshan Guzhen is located in the southern region of Chongqing Jiangjin, Sichuan, Guizhou, on the border of Sun Creek River, is a famous historic and cultural town, belongs to humanities class historical and cultural scenic spot Guzhen, Zhongshan Guzhen is located in the southern region of Chongqing Jiangjin, Sichuan, Guizhou, on the border of Sun Creek River, is a famous historic and cultural town, belongs to humanities class historical and cultural scenic spot . CHEN Du - xiu - xiu's old home located in Jiangjin District south of Heshan Township five Ju Ping, Chen Duxiu, from 1939 to 1942 reside here, municipal heritage unit CHEN Du - xiu - xiu's old home located in Jiangjin District south of Heshan Township five Ju Ping, Chen Duxiu, from 1939 to 1942 reside here, municipal heritage unit .

High - Quality Specialty

Jiangjin Liquor Jiangjin Liquor to Laobaigan Liquor as the representative, has been named one of the seven famous liquors, Sichuan province, won the National Light Industry Exposition Silver Jiangjin Liquor Jiangjin Liquor to Laobaigan Liquor as the representative, has been named one of the seven famous liquors, Sichuan province, won the National Light Industry Exposition Silver . Jiangjin orange marmalade with Jiangjin China Geographical Indications (products of geographical indications of agricultural products), are the main varieties of Jincheng orange avant - garde, rock sugar orange, Jinhua orange, orange, red, etc Jiangjin orange marmalade with Jiangjin China Geographical Indications (products of geographical indications of agricultural products), are the main varieties of Jincheng orange avant - garde, rock sugar orange, Jinhua orange, orange, red, etc .
May Tianfu peanuts Tianfu peanuts from Jiangjin, local specialties, like the shape of the olecranon, emaciated, Humpback waist May Tianfu peanuts Tianfu peanuts from Jiangjin, local specialties, like the shape of the olecranon, emaciated, Humpback waist . Jiangjing Mihuatang Product Jiangjin puffed rice glycogen as Taihe vegetarian rice candy, originally founded in 1910, the Sichuan Bureau in charge of assessment for 1979 Product of Jiangjing Mihuatang Product Jiangjin puffed rice glycogen as Taihe vegetarian rice candy, originally founded in 1910, the Sichuan Bureau in charge of assessment for 1979 Product of .

Famous Person

Nie Rongzhen (1899 - 1992) was a famous politician, militarist Nie Rongzhen (1899 - 1992) was a famous politician, militarist . founder and one of the leaders of the PLA, the People's Republic of China and one of ten Marshals in the founder and one of the leaders of the PLA, the People's Republic of China and one of ten Marshals in the .
Yang Xiaoyong (1958 -) is a national class one performer with the Shanghai opera actor Yang Xiaoyong (1958 -) is a national class one performer with the Shanghai opera actor . won the inaugural National Vocal Competition, Second Prize of the Ministry of Culture, with the fifteenth Shanghai City and "Magnolia" Award for the Performing Arts, Drama, etc won the inaugural National Vocal Competition, Second Prize of the Ministry of Culture, with the fifteenth Shanghai City and "Magnolia" Award for the Performing Arts, Drama, etc .
Tang Hu (1954 -) is a printmaker Tang Hu (1954 -) is a printmaker . works Serigraphs" Fire Cloud Bird "," fish "," Snow Flower "respectively participated in the Sixth National Arts Exhibition,International Youth Art Exhibition and National Print Show works Serigraphs" Fire Cloud Bird "," fish "," Snow Flower "respectively participated in the Sixth National Arts Exhibition,International Youth Art Exhibition and National Print Show .
Jiangyuan (1400 - 1473) of Works in the Ming Dynasty, is the author of "Jin Rong set", "sightseeing" and before the Eight, Jiangjin, after the Eight Views Poetry Jiangyuan (1400 - 1473) of Works in the Ming Dynasty, is the author of "Jin Rong set", "sightseeing" and before the Eight, Jiangjin, after the Eight Views Poetry . Liu Jiangsheng (1948 -) reportage writer, poet, Liu Jiangsheng (1948 -) reportage writer, poet, .
works" in the 21st century: We do the winners of the second session for the "era of China's newsmakers" Reportage Prize was awarded for outstanding works" in the 21st century: We do the winners of the second session for the "era of China's newsmakers" Reportage Prize was awarded for outstanding . 5 5.

City Honors

In March 2012, the naming of national army and politics supporting model cities (counties) and the Conference of the Parties serving as the army and politics supporting model units and individuals in beijing's In March 2012, the naming of national army and politics supporting model cities (counties) and the Conference of the Parties serving as the army and politics supporting model units and individuals in beijing's . Jiangjin district was awarded the "national army", is also a fifth award for Jiangjin district was awarded the "national army", is also a fifth award for .
6 months of 2012, "Chinese longevity village, Chongqing Jiangjin" Press Conference for the Ceremony, the Secretary - General of the China Gerontological Society Zhai Jing - han declared the Jiangjin district title of "Land of Longevity in China" 6 months of 2012, "Chinese longevity village, Chongqing Jiangjin" Press Conference for the Ceremony, the Secretary - General of the China Gerontological Society Zhai Jing - han declared the Jiangjin district title of "Land of Longevity in China" . June 2013, the Second Land Saving and Intensive Model County (City) awards ceremony in Shaoxing city of Zhejiang province, was grandly heldJiangjin District in economical and intensive utilization of land resources in the work of the measures and the effect is obvious, which won the national "land saving and intensive model area" June 2013, the Second Land Saving and Intensive Model County (City) awards ceremony in Shaoxing city of Zhejiang province, was grandly heldJiangjin District in economical and intensive utilization of land resources in the work of the measures and the effect is obvious, which won the national "land saving and intensive model area" .
2013, Jiangjin district by SSB commended and awarded the "2013 People's Republic of China in the prefecture of the People's Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters" for the purpose of assessing the Demonstration Unit 2013, Jiangjin district by SSB commended and awarded the "2013 People's Republic of China in the prefecture of the People's Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters" for the purpose of assessing the Demonstration Unit .


