Jesus, Take the Wheel

Jesus, Take the Wheel

Jesus, Take the Wheel 是美國鄉村女歌手Carrie Underwood在奪得美國偶像冠軍後,正式發行首支單曲。 歌曲收錄在Carrie Underwood的首張專輯《Some Hearts》。


2005年美國偶像冠軍Carrie Underwood的首張作品備受關注,而首支單曲Jesus, Take the Wheel 沒有讓樂迷失望。



She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati 上周五她開車前往辛辛那提

On a snow white Christmas Eve 在那飄雪的聖誕節前夜

Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat 她要回家探望父母,她的寶貝正在車的后座

Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline 還有五十英里的路程要走,她擔心著駕駛和汽油

It's been a long hard year 這是很艱難的一年

She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention 她吃了很多苦但是她並不在意

She was going way to fast她漸漸加速

Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass 當她意識到自己頭暈的時候

She saw both their lives flash before her eyes 她眼睛發花

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She didn't even have time to cry 卻沒時間哭泣

She was sooo scared 她是如此恐懼

She threw her hands up in the air 她把手伸向天空

Jesus take the wheel上帝啊,請幫我掌控方向盤

Take it from my hands 請幫我掌控方向盤!

Cause I can't do this all on my own 我已經無法控制

I'm letting go 我就要失去一切

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So give me one more chance 所以再給我一次機會吧

To save me from this road I'm on 從這條公路上拯救我吧

Jesus take the wheel 上帝救起了她

It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder 當她清醒時外面依然很冷

And the car came to a stop 車已停下

She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock 當她看到自己的寶貝依然在后座沉睡的時候她放聲痛哭

And for the first time in a long time 然後她做了一件許久不曾做過的事

She bowed her head to pray 低頭默默祈禱

She said I'm sorry for the way 她說為剛才的一切感到抱歉

I've been living my life 我會好好生活

I know I've got to change 我知道我需要改變

So from now on tonight 所以從今晚開始

Jesus take the wheel 上帝啊,請幫我掌控方向盤

Take it from my hands 請幫我掌控方向盤!

Cause I can't do this all on my own 我已經無法控制

I'm letting go 我就要失去一切

So give me one more chance 所以再給我一次機會吧

To save me from this road I'm on 從這條公路上拯救我吧

Oh, why, oh 噢,為什麼,噢



最佳鄉村女歌手(Best Female Country Vocal Performance):

《Jesus, Take The Wheel》 Carrie Underwood

最佳鄉村歌曲(Best Country Song):《Jesus, Take The Wheel》


凱莉·安德伍德,即carrie underwood,1983年3月10日在俄克拉荷馬州Muskogee市出生,美國歌手、音樂創作人、演員。



