Lucasfilm Ltd. is one of the world's leading film and entertainment companies. Founded by George Lucas in 1971, it is a privately held, fully integrated entertainment company. In addition to its motion picture and television production operations, the company's global activities include Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, serving the digital needs of the entertainment industry for visual effects and audio post-production; LucasArts, a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software worldwide for video game console systems and PC; and Lucas Licensing, which manages the global merchandising activities for Lucasfilm's entertainment properties. Additionally, Lucas Online creates Internet-based content for Lucasfilm's entertainment properties and businesses. Lucasfilm's motion picture productions include five of the 20 biggest box-office hits of all time and have received 19 Oscars and 53 Academy Award nominations. Lucasfilm's television projects have won 12 Emmy Awards. Lucasfilm Ltd. is headquartered in San Rafael, Calif.
Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) is a Lucasfilm Ltd. company serving the digital needs of the entertainment industry for visual effects. ILM has been awarded 14 Academy Awards for Best Visual Effects and received 16 Scientific and Technical Achievement Awards.
Skywalker Sound is a Lucasfilm Ltd. company serving the digital needs of the entertainment industry for audio post-production. Skywalker Sound has been honored with 17 Academy Awards for Best Sound and Best Sound Effects Editing.
Lucas Digital, a Lucasfilm Ltd. company comprising Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) and Skywalker Sound, serves the digital needs of the entertainment industry for visual effects and audio post-production. ILM has been awarded 14 Academy Awards for Best Visual Effects and received 16 Scientific and Technical Achievement Awards. Skywalker Sound has been honored with 17 Academy Awards for Best Sound and Best Sound Effects Editing.
Lucas Licensing, a Lucasfilm Ltd. company, manages all the global merchandising activities in the fields of publishing, toys, games, collectibles, apparel and home furnishings for Lucasfilm's entertainment properties.
LucasArts, a Lucasfilm Ltd. company, is a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software worldwide for video game console systems and PC. Based in San Rafael, Calif., as well as on the Internet at , LucasArts was created in 1982 by George Lucas to provide an interactive element to his vision of a state-of-the-art, multi-faceted entertainment company.
Lucas Online, a division of Lucasfilm Ltd., was founded in 1997 as a digital destination for entertainment, education, reference and e-commerce for Lucasfilm's intellectual properties and businesses. Lucas Online provides video streaming, interactive content and news updates.
(Information Lifecycle Management,ILM)
由於EMC不斷努力的推廣和套用,信息生命周期管理(Information Lifecycle Management,ILM)正逐漸走俏,其實這個概念在上一世紀60-70年代,就已經誕生,之所以現在又得到寵愛,是和企業的信息化套用和網際網路的高速發展分不開的。
什麼是ILM?ILM(Information Lifecycle Management),根據META集團的定義,信息(或數據)生命周期管理是,信息在儲存媒介網路之內流動的過程,而這種過程需要確保企業獲取需要的商業信息,並向客戶提供一個良好的服務水平,同時把單位成本降到最低。ILM還要滿足日益增長的對於成熟和自動化存儲管理的需求,這可以在保持企業對於商業環境變化作出快速反應的能力的同時,提高個人的工作效率。這一種定義強調的是過程的概念。
除了關注信息在其生命周期各階段中的不同價值,信息本身的內容同樣十分重要。特別是在當前的經營環境下,信息需要以更加認真的處理方式來對待。內容可以說是,數據存儲位置和方式的又一決定性的因素。舉例來說,信息技術人員在一段時間結束以後,是不能隨便清除所有電子郵件文檔的。其中的垃圾郵件,當然可以馬上刪除, 但是那些個屬於業務交易、人力資源和財務等重要文檔卻應當被保留,作進一步的分類、儲存和保護,為了更長期間內的使用。同時,由於這一信息可能在一定時期內都會有人要查閱,所以它也不應該被簡單地移動到後備數據系統。在這裡,關鍵的問題是識別的流程、制度規定以及方便實用的技術支持能力。