Gymnocypris przewalskii

Gymnocypris przewalskii

Scaleless carp fish, while bony fishes of cypriniformes (Cypriniformes Cyprinidae (- dae) of Schizothoracinae (Gymnocypris)."also known as Huang fish".China has only been recorded from Qinghai lake and its rivers, the Qinghai - Tibet plateau and Loess plateau low temperature salt - alkaline waters of economic fish.It prefers to inhabit the beach and by the sides of the heap between the flowing water at a slow, deep pools or fissure in rock.Strong adaptability in the brackish water the salt lake (12 ~ 13 per thousand) or fresh water can be in life.Omnivorous, and feed mainly on algae, rotifers, crustaceans, aquatic insects and small fish.The main feeding animal bait.In the adult fish spawning when feeding, but the decreased food consumption.

Morphological Feature

naked catfish, slightly laterally compressed head conical, blunt snout, large mouth, a lower, in the form of a horseshoe naked catfish, slightly laterally compressed head conical, blunt snout, large mouth, a lower, in the form of a horseshoe . slightly protruding from the maxillary, mandibular leading edge without sharp horny slightly protruding from the maxillary, mandibular leading edge without sharp horny .
lip thin, narrow, divided into both lobes; the posterior labial sulcus interrupt, they're far apart; without lip thin, narrow, divided into both lobes; the posterior labial sulcus interrupt, they're far apart; without . bare body, above the base of the pectoral fins, the side under the 3 - 4 rows of irregular scales; the anal and anal fins on each side of the row of large scales, the forward reach of pelvic fin base, from the pelvic to the pectoral fins even with the midline of the scale marks bare body, above the base of the pectoral fins, the side under the 3 - 4 rows of irregular scales; the anal and anal fins on each side of the row of large scales, the forward reach of pelvic fin base, from the pelvic to the pectoral fins even with the midline of the scale marks .
straight line, lateral line, the front degenerated into a fold - like, after the segment is less distinct dorsal carina straight line, lateral line, the front degenerated into a fold - like, after the segment is less distinct dorsal carina . while a trailing edge with a serrated spine on the body is yellowish - brown or beige back while a trailing edge with a serrated spine on the body is yellowish - brown or beige back .
,Abdomen yellowish or greyish white, the body side has a large bulk of irregular dark spots; on fins with a shallow red ,Abdomen yellowish or greyish white, the body side has a large bulk of irregular dark spots; on fins with a shallow red . during reproductive male's snout and the anal fin and caudal fin and the rear of the body has the white graininess of bead Star during reproductive male's snout and the anal fin and caudal fin and the rear of the body has the white graininess of bead Star .
1 1.

Living Habits

Gymnocypris przewalskii is a cold - water fish of Gymnocypris przewalskii is a cold - water fish of . likes to live in shallow water, beach was also common in the edge areas of big mounds, or between the water flow was slowly in place, the winter is submerged in deep pools, and rock seams in likes to live in shallow water, beach was also common in the edge areas of big mounds, or between the water flow was slowly in place, the winter is submerged in deep pools, and rock seams in .
on the living conditions and there is no strict requirement, smaller ponds and shallow lake can live in brackish water can also be life on the living conditions and there is no strict requirement, smaller ponds and shallow lake can live in brackish water can also be life . after the eggs hatch, i.e. flocks of swimming, much to the cluster and esturine shallow waters bv
juvenile stage feed on animal bait; omnivorous fish, the lake fauna and flora are all of its foodstuffs, mainly the food object is a diatom, copepods, cladocerans, amphipods, aquatic insects, chironomid larvae etc.,even by its juvenile and LOACHES suffered also swallowed due to Qinghai Lake at an altitude of 3,000 meters altitude, the temperature is low, the poor and the crop to biological foodstuffs, the angle at which the fish are slow - growing, for the first year growth of up to 3.5 centimeters in length, and no growth stage, the following is growing fast with the body weight, body weight 250 g on average, for 8 - 9 years), 500 grams, about age 10; often grow to 50 - 60 cm, weighing about 5 kilograms, at the age of 25; and maximum body length of 95 cm and a weight of about 6. 5 kg
groups in male more than female, the fecundity is low,The average fecundity is 16242 groups in male more than female, the fecundity is low,The average fecundity is 16242 . granule has obvious COILIA ECTENES JORDAN, every year from late August by Qinghai Lake into the river in breeding granule has obvious COILIA ECTENES JORDAN, every year from late August by Qinghai Lake into the river in breeding .
oviposition sites are generally slow - moving, sediment and gravel, pebbles or sand, water depth in the range of from 0.1 to 1. 1 meters limpid pools of watercourses in the in the breeding season, when water is no more than 6 or exceeds 17.5. degree. C., to no breeding activity at
spawning season is May to June in spawning activity is carried out day and night, to 23: 00 of the day till 3 when is the most exuberant; larvae gather the eggs, the eggs are demersal and is slightly sticky spawning season is May to June in spawning activity is carried out day and night, to 23: 00 of the day till 3 when is the most exuberant; larvae gather the eggs, the eggs are demersal and is slightly sticky .
Gymnocypris przewalskii

Geographical Distribution

Naked Carps in Qinghai Lake and its tributaries in the distribution, yours, the Zaling Lake and Eling Lake also have produce Naked Carps in Qinghai Lake and its tributaries in the distribution, yours, the Zaling Lake and Eling Lake also have produce . It is not only the important economic fishes It is not only the important economic fishes .
since the 1960s, the area around Qinghai Lake of hectares have been cleared for farmland; 108 flows into the lake, rivers are being dammed up the river, the blockage of the propagation channel, and many of the river dried up breaks to flow, in such a way as to cause the Carp is unable to lay their eggs in fresh water, which caused a large number of carp dying in the estuary is since the 1960s, the area around Qinghai Lake of hectares have been cleared for farmland; 108 flows into the lake, rivers are being dammed up the river, the blockage of the propagation channel, and many of the river dried up breaks to flow, in such a way as to cause the Carp is unable to lay their eggs in fresh water, which caused a large number of carp dying in the estuary is . Information shows that the existing Qinghai Lake Naked Carps resources is about 7500 tonnes, insufficient development of the initial 1 / 10, while currently, the island is the habitat of the birds swallowed tons a year of near - naked carp,Gymnocypris resource failure virtually makes the birds represent a serious threat to the survival of Information shows that the existing Qinghai Lake Naked Carps resources is about 7500 tonnes, insufficient development of the initial 1 / 10, while currently, the island is the habitat of the birds swallowed tons a year of near - naked carp,Gymnocypris resource failure virtually makes the birds represent a serious threat to the survival of .
Gymnocypris przewalskii

Economic Value

Carp is a brawny body fatness, meat is tender and meaty, and rich in nutrition, the fat content of up to 12%, protein 16. 14%, welcomed by the masses local people eat naked carps in cooking methods but rather special, they put the fish in a pot with clean water, seasoning, vinegar, and simmer gently for 5, 6 hours, and is called "sour" fish " local people eat naked carps in cooking methods but rather special, they put the fish in a pot with clean water, seasoning, vinegar, and simmer gently for 5, 6 hours, and is called "sour" fish ".
in the breeding season, ovary and testis by poisonous animals and food of colic - like symptoms, followed by paralysis, dyspnea and death; man - eating their gonads 4 - 5 hours after start of diarrhea, vomiting occurred thereafter in the breeding season, ovary and testis by poisonous animals and food of colic - like symptoms, followed by paralysis, dyspnea and death; man - eating their gonads 4 - 5 hours after start of diarrhea, vomiting occurred thereafter . it's also toxic, peritoneum, peritoneal fish if not removed or washed, and it also must be poisoned,the self - inductance of mild dizziness, listlessness, mild diarrhea, severe diarrhea a day up to a dozen it's also toxic, peritoneum, peritoneal fish if not removed or washed, and it also must be poisoned,the self - inductance of mild dizziness, listlessness, mild diarrhea, severe diarrhea a day up to a dozen .
If eating eggs and peritoneal overdose, serious poisoning of ACTH is one cause of death of If eating eggs and peritoneal overdose, serious poisoning of ACTH is one cause of death of . fresh and processed dry product should be discarded and the visceral peritoneum, fresh and processed dry product should be discarded and the visceral peritoneum, .
Gymnocypris przewalskii

Medicinal Value

the medicinal properties of the fish bile: bitter, cold the medicinal properties of the fish bile: bitter, cold . fishbone: taste sweet, acerbity, is Warm fishbone: taste sweet, acerbity, is Warm .
fish: taste sweet, with mild efficacy fish: taste sweet, with mild efficacy . head: treat women vein disease head: treat women vein disease .
fisheye: curing somnolence, lethargy fisheye: curing somnolence, lethargy . fish bile: healing sores and fever, carbuncles, cataract, Burns fish bile: healing sores and fever, carbuncles, cataract, Burns .
fishbone: swelling. It can be used to treat dropsy (ascites) dry fish: treating carbuncles and sores and ulcers, neoplasia, disease, gynecopathy dry fish: treating carbuncles and sores and ulcers, neoplasia, disease, gynecopathy .
Gymnocypris przewalskii

Election Party

party a: ghee, sesame oil, sheep bone - marrow, suet, party a: ghee, sesame oil, sheep bone - marrow, suet, . which is prepared with soft cake, with topical and oral administration to fish soup, gravy or milk for use as a beverage which is prepared with soft cake, with topical and oral administration to fish soup, gravy or milk for use as a beverage .
- - - - - "A Wa up" of a disease disease (Long) - - - - - "A Wa up" of a disease disease (Long) . Fang Er: human bones, fish, notopterygium, Stellera chamaejasme, calcitum Fang Er: human bones, fish, notopterygium, Stellera chamaejasme, calcitum .
above five bath is substantially square; meat PANDORA carbuncle plus five mannose; bone abscess scrofula plus long pepper, rhizoma Polygonati, and various types of cake dregs of bones; pulse PANDORA carbuncle with cinnabar, borax, a variety of cool herbal decoction of Wen - while bathing above five bath is substantially square; meat PANDORA carbuncle plus five mannose; bone abscess scrofula plus long pepper, rhizoma Polygonati, and various types of cake dregs of bones; pulse PANDORA carbuncle with cinnabar, borax, a variety of cool herbal decoction of Wen - while bathing . extraterritorial PANDORA carbuncle extraterritorial PANDORA carbuncle .
Fang 3: ten Chinese bear bile powder: Fel Ursi 15g, 15g of fish gall bladder, biliary Hongyan 15g, 15g of marmot gallbladder, Terra Flava Usta 15g, 15g of Terminalia chebula Rotz are distilled,an old wall soil 15g, 15g of ginger, 5g of papaya, pomegranate 5g, and grinding the mixture into powder boiled water, which may be used to treat throat congestion and throat inflammation Fang 3: ten Chinese bear bile powder: Fel Ursi 15g, 15g of fish gall bladder, biliary Hongyan 15g, 15g of marmot gallbladder, Terra Flava Usta 15g, 15g of Terminalia chebula Rotz are distilled,an old wall soil 15g, 15g of ginger, 5g of papaya, pomegranate 5g, and grinding the mixture into powder boiled water, which may be used to treat throat congestion and throat inflammation . four square: fish and fish powder asafetida, Ferula and grinding the mixture into powder. An oral
furuncle carbuncle may be broken, and healing and gynecopathy furuncle carbuncle may be broken, and healing and gynecopathy .

Textual Research

"Jing Zhu Materia Medica" say: "The fish may perforate a pimple, boil, carbuncle, and can cure bacon rLung diseases and gynecological diseases, which includes the prevention and cure of gynecopathy and lethargy "Jing Zhu Materia Medica" say: "The fish may perforate a pimple, boil, carbuncle, and can cure bacon rLung diseases and gynecological diseases, which includes the prevention and cure of gynecopathy and lethargy . Fish Head, Observes women is sick Fish Head, Observes women is sick .
debridement of Fish Bile Poisoming with heat, treating cataract debridement of Fish Bile Poisoming with heat, treating cataract . fish fish .
ascites backbone" "Tibetan medicine to improveon the following records:" Purple phlegm heat syndrome, fresh fish, pork, cattle or cattle - yak's cheese, buttermilk, and lean meat and fat of sheep in the moderate, Mongolian gazelle, fresh beef, peas Zanba, boiled tap water, weak tea to affordable food, and what to be bored of it. Do not over - fatigue fish can make the ulcerated boils, when fasting should be in the treatment of wounds, but the bullet's legacy is not out, having subdued furuncle and carbuncleTreatment of the product of the effective 4 fish can make the ulcerated boils, when fasting should be in the treatment of wounds, but the bullet's legacy is not out, having subdued furuncle and carbuncleTreatment of the product of the effective 4.

Resource Growth

A major fish resource in Qinghai Lake Naked Carps of the study suggest that Carp is the amount of resources exceed 5000 tonnes in 1999 was 67% A major fish resource in Qinghai Lake Naked Carps of the study suggest that Carp is the amount of resources exceed 5000 tonnes in 1999 was 67% . experts say the naked carp resources increase, suggesting that in Qinghai province. Comprehensive measures should be taken to seal the mouth of the lake's fish rearing
Qinghai Lake is China's largest inland saltwater lake, it bursts through with the water within the watershed of natural grassland, together constitute a barrier in the western desert sandstorm blows east ecological barrier, is the world in the protection of biodiversity in place Qinghai Lake is China's largest inland saltwater lake, it bursts through with the water within the watershed of natural grassland, together constitute a barrier in the western desert sandstorm blows east ecological barrier, is the world in the protection of biodiversity in place . Gymnocypris przewalskii "Gymnocypris przewalskii",Qinghai Lake is the only large wild economic fishes Gymnocypris przewalskii "Gymnocypris przewalskii",Qinghai Lake is the only large wild economic fishes .
because of the special existence environment, Carp is growing only slowly, the 10 - yearly gain of approximately 0. 5 kg, reproductive capacity, the update time is long by Gymnocypris Rescue Center serves as the "naked carp resources dynamic monitoring and management of the project, using satellite positioning for the first time, underwater sonar technology and computer software and the like, the naked carps in Qinghai - lake resource dynamic monitoring Gymnocypris Rescue Center serves as the "naked carp resources dynamic monitoring and management of the project, using satellite positioning for the first time, underwater sonar technology and computer software and the like, the naked carps in Qinghai - lake resource dynamic monitoring .
monitoring showed that the naked carps in Qinghai resources over 5000 tons,1999 at a 3,000 - ton up 67% monitoring showed that the naked carps in Qinghai resources over 5000 tons,1999 at a 3,000 - ton up 67% . according to Qinghai Province Science and Technology Department, a person in charge of the naked carps in Qinghai - lake resources in the early 1960s had reached 19. 9 million tons, which catches the ably length of 8.17cm on average 28. 8 cm, by the age of 10 after a decade - old
, naked carp resources decreased to 12 tons , naked carp resources decreased to 12 tons . to the early 1990s, the naked carps in the amount of resources had fallen.
1 ton in 1999, Naked Carps only 3000 tons of resources, which seriously affected the ecological safety of the whole Qinghai Lake Gymnocypris przewalskii 1 ton in 1999, Naked Carps only 3000 tons of resources, which seriously affected the ecological safety of the whole Qinghai Lake Gymnocypris przewalskii . resources increase, suggesting that in Qinghai province. Comprehensive measures should be taken,Feng Yu - Fish Lake's
It is understood that in order to protect fishery resources in Qinghai Lake, Qinghai Provincial Government, which began in 1986 in Qinghai - lake by means of four in a row that is encapsulated by rearing fish in the lake, in Qinghai province's technology sector is also about protecting Carp is a series of scientific research, through the implementation of artificial propagation and biology of Gymnocypris przewalskii studied the releasing technique, reproducing miniature naked carp, Gymnocypris przewalskii seedlings of pond - reared and released to the project, which meets the restoration and improvement Qinghai lake fish resources of the destination It is understood that in order to protect fishery resources in Qinghai Lake, Qinghai Provincial Government, which began in 1986 in Qinghai - lake by means of four in a row that is encapsulated by rearing fish in the lake, in Qinghai province's technology sector is also about protecting Carp is a series of scientific research, through the implementation of artificial propagation and biology of Gymnocypris przewalskii studied the releasing technique, reproducing miniature naked carp, Gymnocypris przewalskii seedlings of pond - reared and released to the project, which meets the restoration and improvement Qinghai lake fish resources of the destination . 2 2.
Gymnocypris przewalskii

Habitat Degradation Cause

Qinghai Lake Gymnocypris Rescue Center Director Shi Jianquan, told reporters that the influence of naked carp breed security a big part of that is affected by the global warming impact of Qinghai Lake, the river, river atrophied for naked carp breed in the waters of the growing degradation of Qinghai Lake Gymnocypris Rescue Center Director Shi Jianquan, told reporters that the influence of naked carp breed security a big part of that is affected by the global warming impact of Qinghai Lake, the river, river atrophied for naked carp breed in the waters of the growing degradation of . fishery departments of monitoring shows, from 2005 to 2007, Qinghai Lake is the main inflow rivers are determined by the flow of the overall declining trend, even flow, and the water - break phenomenon fishery departments of monitoring shows, from 2005 to 2007, Qinghai Lake is the main inflow rivers are determined by the flow of the overall declining trend, even flow, and the water - break phenomenon .
Shi Jian Quan said: "In the past, the perimeter of the lake there are more than 100 injection into the river, these are referred to as backtracking naked carp spawn of obstetric table ', but now, only in the Qinghai Lake,like Shaliuhe 8 rivers Shi Jian Quan said: "In the past, the perimeter of the lake there are more than 100 injection into the river, these are referred to as backtracking naked carp spawn of obstetric table ', but now, only in the Qinghai Lake,like Shaliuhe 8 rivers . Because of the short, uneven distribution of rainfall, which often will now stop Because of the short, uneven distribution of rainfall, which often will now stop .
"in addition to the natural reasons, human disturbance is also of Gymnocypris przewalskii in habitats degrades the "in addition to the natural reasons, human disturbance is also of Gymnocypris przewalskii in habitats degrades the . in Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii primary breeding waters Buha river, Quanji river and a few rivers, all have been built as the farms around the lake provides water for irrigation and domestic water of dams, but these dams are essentially all in the downstream, became the naked carps and the river is the biggest obstacle of the in Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii primary breeding waters Buha river, Quanji river and a few rivers, all have been built as the farms around the lake provides water for irrigation and domestic water of dams, but these dams are essentially all in the downstream, became the naked carps and the river is the biggest obstacle of the .
to the injection of the Qinghai Lake's second - largest river, the Shaliuhe is taken as an example, the dam was built at the entrance, 24 kilometers,Originally 106 - kilometer - long riverbed suitable spawning greatly shorten to the injection of the Qinghai Lake's second - largest river, the Shaliuhe is taken as an example, the dam was built at the entrance, 24 kilometers,Originally 106 - kilometer - long riverbed suitable spawning greatly shorten . NEARLY fishery department staff told reporters that most of the rivers are built on dams, in carp spawning was truncated by the backtracking of the road, a lot of parent fish of spawning NEARLY fishery department staff told reporters that most of the rivers are built on dams, in carp spawning was truncated by the backtracking of the road, a lot of parent fish of spawning .
to squeeze in a few days ago, the reporter on Shaliuhe, in front of the dam site, one see that a lot of the river for fish of the gathered at the bottom of the dam, the pounding of the huddle, parent fish struggling around, trying to "jump the Dragon's Gate", but due to a high of about 2 meters of the dam, their efforts are obviously futile to squeeze in a few days ago, the reporter on Shaliuhe, in front of the dam site, one see that a lot of the river for fish of the gathered at the bottom of the dam, the pounding of the huddle, parent fish struggling around, trying to "jump the Dragon's Gate", but due to a high of about 2 meters of the dam, their efforts are obviously futile . because of the river is only a few tens of centimeters deep,There are already some parent fish beached because of the river is only a few tens of centimeters deep,There are already some parent fish beached .
in addition to levees, Gymnocypris Rescue Center at its main inflow rivers are determined by the Heima river, Buha river, Quanji river, the Shaliuhe's main channel and each of the nine aqueducts farms, as well as the establishment of the monitoring results of water monitoring points, since 2004, the lake is farm water diversion canal was hampered by a series of generally truncated increased in addition to levees, Gymnocypris Rescue Center at its main inflow rivers are determined by the Heima river, Buha river, Quanji river, the Shaliuhe's main channel and each of the nine aqueducts farms, as well as the establishment of the monitoring results of water monitoring points, since 2004, the lake is farm water diversion canal was hampered by a series of generally truncated increased . therefore, even at the tail end of the following parent fish of the reach of the river basin, water is also reduced in therefore, even at the tail end of the following parent fish of the reach of the river basin, water is also reduced in .
since late June, the naked carp spawning migration of major rivers, the Shaliuhe, Buha River out of river inflow are woefully since late June, the naked carp spawning migration of major rivers, the Shaliuhe, Buha River out of river inflow are woefully . reporter sees, the fisheries department at Shaliuhe, Quanji river on"fish pass channel. It is our hope that the naked carp can spawn Thus began, but the effect is very limited
Shaliuhe" fish pass channel "shortage of half a metre wide, where throngs of Gymnocypris Shaliuhe" fish pass channel "shortage of half a metre wide, where throngs of Gymnocypris . fishery department staff said:" It's sort of like a car on the overloaded many of the passengers, the effect cans be imagined fishery department staff said:" It's sort of like a car on the overloaded many of the passengers, the effect cans be imagined .
"while Quanji river of" fish pass channel ", a small amount of water in some places the river has dried up, the channels are also provided with a ramp, Carp is impossible over "while Quanji river of" fish pass channel ", a small amount of water in some places the river has dried up, the channels are also provided with a ramp, Carp is impossible over .
Gymnocypris przewalskii

Rescue Measures

"due to various reasons, these pieces of river and the situation may occur at any time, and, once spawning season, certainly a lot to do with the fish, stranding "due to various reasons, these pieces of river and the situation may occur at any time, and, once spawning season, certainly a lot to do with the fish, stranding ." Qinghai fishery management of a station of Li Wei said, "grappling with how to ensure these 8 rivers and river course smooth, scaleless carp is the steadily increasing number of critical problems " Qinghai fishery management of a station of Li Wei said, "grappling with how to ensure these 8 rivers and river course smooth, scaleless carp is the steadily increasing number of critical problems .
" Li Wei said, and if you stand in the protection of the naked carps in the upper position, the blocking of the dams on the river shouldn't exist, the water should not be split, however, currently in the Qinghai Lake, there are several large farms and are home to thousands,these people of basic water and irrigation water used all depends on which of several rivers and river on the dam facilities supply " Li Wei said, and if you stand in the protection of the naked carps in the upper position, the blocking of the dams on the river shouldn't exist, the water should not be split, however, currently in the Qinghai Lake, there are several large farms and are home to thousands,these people of basic water and irrigation water used all depends on which of several rivers and river on the dam facilities supply . This is currently subject to guarantee of naked carp "life passage" principal contradiction faced by This is currently subject to guarantee of naked carp "life passage" principal contradiction faced by .
while the settlement to the problem, not the fishery administration departments of the company can do while the settlement to the problem, not the fishery administration departments of the company can do . folk environmentalists Ge Yuxiu, a decade has concerned the Qinghai Lake Watershed Ecological folk environmentalists Ge Yuxiu, a decade has concerned the Qinghai Lake Watershed Ecological .
his on - the - ground inspections after said: "Now limited spawning channels his on - the - ground inspections after said: "Now limited spawning channels . overcrowding as a matter of fact, the more to upstream, is rich in vegetation, gentle rivers, the more suitable for naked carp breed overcrowding as a matter of fact, the more to upstream, is rich in vegetation, gentle rivers, the more suitable for naked carp breed .
" Ge Yuxiu, as recommended in the Qinghai Lake watershed should increase the level of grass,Lake watershed reduced crop water requirement, water used for irrigation down " Ge Yuxiu, as recommended in the Qinghai Lake watershed should increase the level of grass,Lake watershed reduced crop water requirement, water used for irrigation down . on eight major rivers such as the renovation of clearing debris, building of a "fish pass channel", ensure the naked carps" life passage " on eight major rivers such as the renovation of clearing debris, building of a "fish pass channel", ensure the naked carps" life passage ".
more unblocked at the same time, in dry seasons and wet seasons the water consumption peak may increase around Lake Qinghai in the" artificial "to relieve" human fish and water "contradiction more unblocked at the same time, in dry seasons and wet seasons the water consumption peak may increase around Lake Qinghai in the" artificial "to relieve" human fish and water "contradiction . 3 3.
Gymnocypris przewalskii

Other Species

Gymnocyoris eckloni Cyprinidae family, found: common name: a loud - mouth fish, large - mouthed fish, big - mouthed fish body and a flat side Gymnocyoris eckloni Cyprinidae family, found: common name: a loud - mouth fish, large - mouthed fish, big - mouthed fish body and a flat side . .
sub head tapered mouth inferior, big mouth sub head tapered mouth inferior, big mouth . no no .
sharp horny lips were thin, leaf - side narrow lip, rear lip grooves do not continuously without sharp horny lips were thin, leaf - side narrow lip, rear lip grooves do not continuously without . .
Most, only have a few shoulder scales and the anal scale Most, only have a few shoulder scales and the anal scale . strong dorsal fin spines, a developed serrated, slightly before the pelvic fin origin in strong dorsal fin spines, a developed serrated, slightly before the pelvic fin origin in .
body side with the majority of the members of the ring - shaped, punctiform or stripe - like markings on its perch in the high plateau, broad valleys and river body side with the majority of the members of the ring - shaped, punctiform or stripe - like markings on its perch in the high plateau, broad valleys and river . .
distribution among individuals is large in the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin and Qaidam Basin of Qihe River, Sichuan, Gansu,Qinghai and Adjacent Drainages Yellow River, Huang River important economic fishes distribution among individuals is large in the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin and Qaidam Basin of Qihe River, Sichuan, Gansu,Qinghai and Adjacent Drainages Yellow River, Huang River important economic fishes . piebald carp in Qinghai Lake falls mainly within the section of the Yellow River in Maduo County, Qinghai Province and Mausoleum, Mausoleum E freshwater like lakes in the Qaidam Basin of Qihe River have discovered many characteristic with piebald carp in Qinghai Lake falls mainly within the section of the Yellow River in Maduo County, Qinghai Province and Mausoleum, Mausoleum E freshwater like lakes in the Qaidam Basin of Qihe River have discovered many characteristic with .
Carp is the same, substantially no scales, and a long, flat side like Carp is the same, substantially no scales, and a long, flat side like . and the difference is that the big mouth, maxillary to mandibular protrusion slightly before the dorsal streaks is dark brown or blackish - grey, abdomen pale or silvery gray, relatively small individual body portion has a substantially ring - shaped, punctiform or stripe - like markings on the dorsal and caudal fins; and 5 - 6 rows of small black spots,Larger individuals are generally only a few glimpses of a body side of the block dark spot and the difference is that the big mouth, maxillary to mandibular protrusion slightly before the dorsal streaks is dark brown or blackish - grey, abdomen pale or silvery gray, relatively small individual body portion has a substantially ring - shaped, punctiform or stripe - like markings on the dorsal and caudal fins; and 5 - 6 rows of small black spots,Larger individuals are generally only a few glimpses of a body side of the block dark spot .
are omnivorous fish, feeding, roosting in the middle of the water, the maximum weight is up to 2 - 3 kg, or even 5 - 6 kg are omnivorous fish, feeding, roosting in the middle of the water, the maximum weight is up to 2 - 3 kg, or even 5 - 6 kg . slow - growing, fleshy, and has good prospect because of China's Qinghai Province, an economic slow - growing, fleshy, and has good prospect because of China's Qinghai Province, an economic .
species whose meat is greasy, tender, delicious and nutritious, roe is poisonous, inedible fish fresh season species whose meat is greasy, tender, delicious and nutritious, roe is poisonous, inedible fish fresh season ., also available dried, marinated, smoked, and canned food is made, and that are at the same time sold , also available dried, marinated, smoked, and canned food is made, and that are at the same time sold .
Chinese medicinal animals" fish viscera removal, washing, baking, grinding and can be used as a medicine, alias Big Mouth ("Chinese medicinal animal"), a sweet but mild flavour.Xian, flat on the lung, the spleen via on the lung, the spleen via .
have the disintoxicating drainage, regulating menstruation and nourishing blood, furuncle, Festering durable, have the disintoxicating drainage, regulating menstruation and nourishing blood, furuncle, Festering durable, . women irregular menstruation women irregular menstruation.
Gymnocypris przewalskii

without scales of carp in Qinghai before people who ate fish rarely without scales of carp in Qinghai before people who ate fish rarely . there is bitter, landlocked, and is sparsely populated, almost didn't eat all the fish, the only fish to eat is bare bare there is bitter, landlocked, and is sparsely populated, almost didn't eat all the fish, the only fish to eat is bare bare .
fish called naked carp, a fish commonly known as bare fish called naked carp, a fish commonly known as bare . presumably because Qinghai is the source of the Yellow River, the main tributary of Huangshui River in Qinghai province, Qinghai toponymy do Huangshui name, such as in counties of Huangzhong, Huangyuan, etc presumably because Qinghai is the source of the Yellow River, the main tributary of Huangshui River in Qinghai province, Qinghai toponymy do Huangshui name, such as in counties of Huangzhong, Huangyuan, etc .
the bare fish live in the more than 2000 meters above alpine waters, food is not abundant, plankton, benthic aquatic insects or larvae feeds on shrimp and hook the bare fish live in the more than 2000 meters above alpine waters, food is not abundant, plankton, benthic aquatic insects or larvae feeds on shrimp and hook . river thawing in spring, the water temperature rises,sexually mature fish enter the river naked clusters, while the water on the top, in search of spawning grounds, spawning offspring river thawing in spring, the water temperature rises,sexually mature fish enter the river naked clusters, while the water on the top, in search of spawning grounds, spawning offspring .
to the spawning season, you can see thousands of fish in the river in dense Manshanbianye, Mimizaza, stretching for tens of kilometers, a spectacle for naked to the spawning season, you can see thousands of fish in the river in dense Manshanbianye, Mimizaza, stretching for tens of kilometers, a spectacle for naked . fish were in such a harsh environment of eons of survival and gradually becomes a kind of species is the need of scaleless carp fish were in such a harsh environment of eons of survival and gradually becomes a kind of species is the need of scaleless carp .
many locals not to eat fish and naked many locals not to eat fish and naked . legend in ancient times, the prairie was flooded, in Qinghai (present - day Qinghai) submarine with an enormous fountain, gushing water of countless everyday, submerged crops, cattle drowned, legend in ancient times, the prairie was flooded, in Qinghai (present - day Qinghai) submarine with an enormous fountain, gushing water of countless everyday, submerged crops, cattle drowned,.
drowned mother and child have a brave young man decided to get into the depths of the sea, plugging the fountain live, drowned mother and child have a brave young man decided to get into the depths of the sea, plugging the fountain live, . he enters to save fellow human beings in the ocean for many days after, over - stretched and exhausted and hungry, but there is nothing to eat. And that's a lot of beautiful carp
automatically swim to the youth of the lips - - let him eat automatically swim to the youth of the lips - - let him eat . youth had no energy, biting impermeable carp scales youth had no energy, biting impermeable carp scales .
Spirit of fish understand young people's minds, and shaking of the body, the scales are shaken off, and then swim into the mouth of the young Spirit of fish understand young people's minds, and shaking of the body, the scales are shaken off, and then swim into the mouth of the young . had strength to young people and under the sea, threw herself into the mountains that blocked the mouth of the fountain had strength to young people and under the sea, threw herself into the mountains that blocked the mouth of the fountain .
the waters subside, the sheep were saved,People restored the Anle peaceful life the waters subside, the sheep were saved,People restored the Anle peaceful life . young lovers know lover will never return, plunged into the sea, a beautiful island, countless birds singing all day long flying in the island, the island called Bird Island young lovers know lover will never return, plunged into the sea, a beautiful island, countless birds singing all day long flying in the island, the island called Bird Island .
to commemorate the young warriors, thousands of people around qinghai lake harbor hill to worship, also never again eat large sea that has no scales of carp Carp is the story of to commemorate the young warriors, thousands of people around qinghai lake harbor hill to worship, also never again eat large sea that has no scales of carp Carp is the story of . ring 28 years (1763), a certain imperial city of idleness and Baylor Guoerluosi eergetu Fu Guogong Gongge La butan, and two of his pals, come to me, is very affectionate ring 28 years (1763), a certain imperial city of idleness and Baylor Guoerluosi eergetu Fu Guogong Gongge La butan, and two of his pals, come to me, is very affectionate .
This year summer, Huangcheng unusually hot,The Baylor decided to cool pleasant Guoerluosi eergetu This year summer, Huangcheng unusually hot,The Baylor decided to cool pleasant Guoerluosi eergetu . during that summer, the hospitality of my kung - fu for a couple of times with Baylor to a tree.And The Chagan Lake
hunting fishing and hunting for the sake of convenience, Gongge La butan early in Chagan Lake built an luxury yurt hunting fishing and hunting for the sake of convenience, Gongge La butan early in Chagan Lake built an luxury yurt . day, two of them by the lake and return of hunting, traveling to the region in the cook tent erected an iron pot, simmered for their well - head Fish of delicious carp day, two of them by the lake and return of hunting, traveling to the region in the cook tent erected an iron pot, simmered for their well - head Fish of delicious carp .
, while the two of them inside the tent after a feast, lying in the respective steps on to the bedroom to catch our breath while chatting to , while the two of them inside the tent after a feast, lying in the respective steps on to the bedroom to catch our breath while chatting to . Baylor by fishbone flossing her teeth that very complacent gassing said: my visits to Jiangnan,Where is the real land of plenty Baylor by fishbone flossing her teeth that very complacent gassing said: my visits to Jiangnan,Where is the real land of plenty .
one year I under Hangzhou, Suzhou, the sea, the fish I had participated in, say, not dozens.. At first, Christine tree.And narrowed eyes only listened in silence, and a knighthood to be familiar only to eat fish, is all about, he smilingly said: "Baylor what the fish for you too, once I ate like a catfish, ideal as a scaleless, cortical golden carp?" said Baylor: pick kangxi and Toya eat. Well, I had a bite to eat the rest!Christine tree.And sitting posture, toward the off - the - book with a flourish, called several bodyguards, glamorous: you took a couple of fishing, to catch two naked carp of Songhua River on the rack in two Lele cart on the breadline, Baylor had its evocations of a variety of fish, is never eaten yak race under the weight of the naked carp!The next day, La Gongge butan - as - usual with Baylor went to the lakeside for hunting and sight - seeing, on the road, he told the Baylor, Kessler called the king of fish, which the Songhua River to spawn in the summer, when the weather turns cold again and swam along the Songhua River in Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang
again from the sea With regard to the taste of it, he fails to mention again from the sea With regard to the taste of it, he fails to mention . noon, with La Gongge butan way after they return from Baylor in the yurt is a stones cast of local has smelled a whiff of the fragrant, then move to ask christine What is such a tree.And aroma raids a person
christine tree.And only smile and answer, just add a whip made of cord,Baylor with joy the way toward the front of the yurt and rushed for two smell the fragrant come hunting by a yurt before, Christine tree.And careens off the horse, while claiming to be informed of the knighthood like a man on his horse as he saw, the grass in front of the transversely two golden yellow fish, up to ten feet of the big five, of small and medium - scale enterprises have seven, eight feet long
makeshift wooden case if placed on a dissection of the abdominal of the naked carp, two big bodyguards standing wood case of the left and right, the 5 - foot - long large saw frame in the naked carps and you push and I pull the ground and dragged down,crowd of puffing and blowing from the gasps of makeshift wooden case if placed on a dissection of the abdominal of the naked carp, two big bodyguards standing wood case of the left and right, the 5 - foot - long large saw frame in the naked carps and you push and I pull the ground and dragged down,crowd of puffing and blowing from the gasps of . stood their ground, head chef is off of the fish used an axe to chop into small pieces, piece by piece into an underground half a yurt in a large cauldron | cauldron of water has been opened, a knighthood just smell the aroma of a cast iron pan. It's
Gongge La butan see stunned Mr. Baylor still standing on it, to let his bodyguards will have been added under the back of the horse, has yet to go to the slaughter of the naked carps look ahead over with her bare of the fish have five hard scales projecting in the mouth of the semilunar, lecturing on the flat of the saying goes, bare of the fish have five hard scales projecting in the mouth of the semilunar, lecturing on the flat of the saying goes, .
shall be the place, where braised river fish, available for the Chagan lake water and simmered Huso dauricus color,Taste than river fish is also delicious stewed Jiang shall be the place, where braised river fish, available for the Chagan lake water and simmered Huso dauricus color,Taste than river fish is also delicious stewed Jiang . much of the day, it comes with a knighthood and entrusts the tree.And at Christine, accompanied by delicious tasting meal naked carp
banquet feast, praise say: Oh yummy delicious, fragrant septum, fart too sweet for three hours!La Gongge butan see a knighthood so to eat carp, let the big two will cook naked carp also slaughtered, like sun - dried beef as is the case of the naked carps were cut in strips, marinated with salt after lap in front of over tanned dried fish for Baylor's enlarged it back, continue to enjoy the delicious banquet feast, praise say: Oh yummy delicious, fragrant septum, fart too sweet for three hours!La Gongge butan see a knighthood so to eat carp, let the big two will cook naked carp also slaughtered, like sun - dried beef as is the case of the naked carps were cut in strips, marinated with salt after lap in front of over tanned dried fish for Baylor's enlarged it back, continue to enjoy the delicious . soon naked carp, Gymnocypris namensis Baylor to eat really carries two large bag dried carp embarks on a return path of the capital soon naked carp, Gymnocypris namensis Baylor to eat really carries two large bag dried carp embarks on a return path of the capital .
Yukiko's knighthood for months, came back to visit friends natural, in each of the Mansion, Baylor without other gift, just take the bag of 'erluosi Mongolia abounds of Carp is dry, so that their relatives, the carp is this tribute,Kangxi was originally built by the Lord and likes to eat but, thereafter, over - eating carp of the Maharajah, Baylor Guys were quite honored to drown out the delicious lips the naked carps in the Han Dynasty, who were greeted by the Lifan Yuan Shang Sai Shang's ears Yukiko's knighthood for months, came back to visit friends natural, in each of the Mansion, Baylor without other gift, just take the bag of 'erluosi Mongolia abounds of Carp is dry, so that their relatives, the carp is this tribute,Kangxi was originally built by the Lord and likes to eat but, thereafter, over - eating carp of the Maharajah, Baylor Guys were quite honored to drown out the delicious lips the naked carps in the Han Dynasty, who were greeted by the Lifan Yuan Shang Sai Shang's ears . are already in the spring of 1764 (the 29th) are already in the spring of 1764 (the 29th) .
day, Paul Cezanne's upward delivery of memorials to the emperor, the emperor was unhappy with a frowning face, give him a tumble after day, Paul Cezanne's upward delivery of memorials to the emperor, the emperor was unhappy with a frowning face, give him a tumble after . carefully and ask, just tell it like it is, why has the emperor angry reason carefully and ask, just tell it like it is, why has the emperor angry reason .
originally, the emperor was to order what they call "steamed deer tail", the Qing imperial palace in the United States Xiangnen deer tail steamed and cut strips of the time due to a sharp kitchen knife, should negligence,Will be on a sharp piece of wood sticking out deer tail on originally, the emperor was to order what they call "steamed deer tail", the Qing imperial palace in the United States Xiangnen deer tail steamed and cut strips of the time due to a sharp kitchen knife, should negligence,Will be on a sharp piece of wood sticking out deer tail on . result, emperor in taste steamed deer tail, and it is this piece of wood fell result, emperor in taste steamed deer tail, and it is this piece of wood fell .
emperor among unhappy, not eating, Paul Cezanne's heart tightened up emperor among unhappy, not eating, Paul Cezanne's heart tightened up . after the exit of the Yangxin Hall, Paul Cezanne, it went straight to Baylor's mansion, from Baylor, as it was only a bag of Carp is dry, and dedicated to the emperor personally prepared the royal kitchens after the exit of the Yangxin Hall, Paul Cezanne, it went straight to Baylor's mansion, from Baylor, as it was only a bag of Carp is dry, and dedicated to the emperor personally prepared the royal kitchens .
the next day, Zhao Sai Shang's on the house or not, after the Emperor of Japan marking completion of memorials to the throne to him, and said the royal kitchens sent thee naked carp dry to find and that was a royal banquet, but it smelled wonderful, and so I didn't eat enough?Dishes will be empty. I'm still thinking that yummy? this eat better, it makes me remember childhood favourite followed the taste of the naked carps taste!This made the emperor that it makes us Sai Shang's remembered the past this eat better, it makes me remember childhood favourite followed the taste of the naked carps taste!This made the emperor that it makes us Sai Shang's remembered the past .
30 years of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1691), the imperial court in order to strengthen the frontier defense, belonging to the Khorqin Mongolians below the Xibe people by Mongolian Banners of Manchu people (eds.), and were relocated to Qiqihar, primary schools, Jilin Ula and fortification Ju Tun Furthermore, Mongols and Xibe people, who was one of those three kings, emperors, not the nation, for the sake of their soft clothes, and soon, the imperial court will they again moved south to Mukden and its surrounding areas, decentralized compilation flag, Furthermore, Mongols and Xibe people, who was one of those three kings, emperors, not the nation, for the sake of their soft clothes, and soon, the imperial court will they again moved south to Mukden and its surrounding areas, decentralized compilation flag, .
said to divide and rule ", because this time a mass migration of the Xibe people,living in 'erluosi Mongolia was kept for imperial catching the naked carps in Naked Carps',', is also acting as the force, and attends to the Kangxi Emperor to care about these things, and so the 'erluosi Mongolia was also not named Jin Xian Gong Gymnocypris said to divide and rule ", because this time a mass migration of the Xibe people,living in 'erluosi Mongolia was kept for imperial catching the naked carps in Naked Carps',', is also acting as the force, and attends to the Kangxi Emperor to care about these things, and so the 'erluosi Mongolia was also not named Jin Xian Gong Gymnocypris . Xibe people from the reign of Emperor Kangxi, who had the task of defending their country, especially to Xibe people from the reign of Emperor Kangxi, who had the task of defending their country, especially to .
recently, Lifan Yuan Shang Shang Ho Sai listen to the minister of war, said the court in order to strengthen the defense of Xinjiang, are preparing to choose Shengjing from tinprimary officers and more than a thousand people, families with a total of over 3,000 people together for the relocation of the Xinjiang Ili quilombos staying recently, Lifan Yuan Shang Shang Ho Sai listen to the minister of war, said the court in order to strengthen the defense of Xinjiang, are preparing to choose Shengjing from tinprimary officers and more than a thousand people, families with a total of over 3,000 people together for the relocation of the Xinjiang Ili quilombos staying . Furthermore, dispatched a portion of the Xibe people stationed in Peking (Beijing) Furthermore, dispatched a portion of the Xibe people stationed in Peking (Beijing) .
proffering proffering . Sai Shang, also known as the Kangxi Emperor and likes to eat carp, and early in the reign of Emperor Kangxi, the beginning of a great sacrifice will be Sai Shang, also known as the Kangxi Emperor and likes to eat carp, and early in the reign of Emperor Kangxi, the beginning of a great sacrifice will be .
Carp is he, then, in consultation with the Minister of War, by the Minister of War from the capital of this part of the Xibe people, traditionally good at catching the naked carps in Guan, Liu, Tang Sannohe Xibe people were sent to the left bank of the Songhua River 'erluosi Mongolia, bear naked carp,and this flag in public Nutuke Gila spit hematoxylin is established directly by the Xibe Tun Carp is he, then, in consultation with the Minister of War, by the Minister of War from the capital of this part of the Xibe people, traditionally good at catching the naked carps in Guan, Liu, Tang Sannohe Xibe people were sent to the left bank of the Songhua River 'erluosi Mongolia, bear naked carp,and this flag in public Nutuke Gila spit hematoxylin is established directly by the Xibe Tun . Charac teristics governed by the Imperial Household Department gave nets and fishing implements, enjoy your children is not a soldier, farming does not pay for the privilege (s) from the capital because of Charac teristics governed by the Imperial Household Department gave nets and fishing implements, enjoy your children is not a soldier, farming does not pay for the privilege (s) from the capital because of .
'erluosi Mongolia was away for extended periods, while in summer capture ferocious temperament of naked carp, harpoons, hooks and fishing tackle often hurting the back of a fish, rotting carp Yi's death, which prevented the summer Carp is carried to the capital's Tribute, So, Liu, Sanxing Tang Xibe people in river bend, the water is smooth and is beneficial to the growth of carp river stations naked carps in the ring, they will be captured in the summer of naked carp Carp is temporarily placed in a circle,to be cold, when ice fishing, with a wagon wheel is carried to the capital due to 'erluosi Mongolia was away for extended periods, while in summer capture ferocious temperament of naked carp, harpoons, hooks and fishing tackle often hurting the back of a fish, rotting carp Yi's death, which prevented the summer Carp is carried to the capital's Tribute, So, Liu, Sanxing Tang Xibe people in river bend, the water is smooth and is beneficial to the growth of carp river stations naked carps in the ring, they will be captured in the summer of naked carp Carp is temporarily placed in a circle,to be cold, when ice fishing, with a wagon wheel is carried to the capital due to . is the tributes, flowers and wheel carriages must be preceded by a grand ceremonial send naked carp, the future of the island, splashing water street, the car is covered with yellow carts Everywhere 'erluosi Mongolia was of mandarins and people to the streets, or for the public to send is the tributes, flowers and wheel carriages must be preceded by a grand ceremonial send naked carp, the future of the island, splashing water street, the car is covered with yellow carts Everywhere 'erluosi Mongolia was of mandarins and people to the streets, or for the public to send .
Gymnocypris ceremony lasted until 1911 and ending with Gymnocypris ceremony lasted until 1911 and ending with . liberation, due to the establishment of the Fengman Hydropower Station in Upper Reaches of Songhuajiang River, sections of the Songhua River, was the carp, but in the south of the territory of Nong - jia - tun chamber of Xibe (past belongs to Qianguo' erluosi jurisdiction) still has a village named Carp is ring,Xibe seven sub - villages and in the vicinity of the river are also visible on Carp is the ring of the Relics of liberation, due to the establishment of the Fengman Hydropower Station in Upper Reaches of Songhuajiang River, sections of the Songhua River, was the carp, but in the south of the territory of Nong - jia - tun chamber of Xibe (past belongs to Qianguo' erluosi jurisdiction) still has a village named Carp is ring,Xibe seven sub - villages and in the vicinity of the river are also visible on Carp is the ring of the Relics of .
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