George Reyes

George Reyes

George Reyes,google高級副總裁兼財務長。


George Reyes 於 2002 年加盟 Google,擔任財務長。他是一位經驗豐富的財務主管,在多家著名的矽谷科技公司工作過,並積累了豐富的經驗。George 由 ONI Systems 公司轉入 Google,曾在 ONI Systems 擔任臨時財務長,協助公司將其光纖網路公司出售給 Ciena 公司。

在任職於 ONI Systems 公司之前,George 在 Sun Microsystems 公司工作了 13 年。在此期間,他擔任過一系列財務職務,包括集團總會計師(綜合系統)、財務總監(國際業務)、審計總監、主管公司主計事務的副總裁和主管司庫事務的副總裁。

目前,George 是 Symantec 公司和 BEA Systems Inc.的董事。

George 在南佛羅里達大學獲得會計學學士學位,在聖塔克拉拉大學獲工商管理碩士學位。


Google稱公司首席財務長喬治·雷耶斯(George Reyes)計畫離開公司

8月29日,據外電報導,Google稱公司首席財務長喬治·雷耶斯(George Reyes)計畫離開公司,從而成為首批辭職的高層管理人士之一。



現年53歲的雷耶斯是在Google 2004年首次公開募股(IPO)前進入公司的。雷耶斯在Google的職業生涯中,有幾份備受爭議的公開聲明頗為令人關注,包括2004年12月披露網路欺詐風險的聲明、以及2006年2月警告Google增長可能放緩的聲明,這導致了公司股價的下跌。




On August 29, according to foreign reports, Google said the company's chief financial officer George Reyes (George Reyes) plans to leave the company, thus becoming the first resignation of one of the top management.

Google said that before they left, Reyes will assist the company in selecting his successor is expected to be selected before the end of the new chief financial officer.

Some analysts and informed on Google Reyes financial management and dealing with Wall Street's way much appreciated, including the investors not to disclose the specific quarter earnings forecast of unconventional practices.

Aged 53-year-old Reyes is Google in 2004 in an initial public offering (IPO) before entering companies. Reyes in Google's career, a few controversial public statements rather matter of concern, including the December 2004 online fraud risk disclosure statement, and in February 2006 warned growth may slow down Google's statement, which led to the company's stock price.

Reyes their reason for leaving is still unknown. A source said Reyes departure is entirely personal decision; But another source has said that since last year, there has been in some of the senior persuade Reyes retired because of the performance of his existence questioned.

Google spokesman said that Reyes did not comment further.

Reyes in as chief financialvalve officer during the performance of Google substantial increase in revenue in 2002 from the 439.5 million US dollars last year soared to 10.6 billion US dollars; The number of employees from the end of 2002 to about 682 this year to expand in June of 13,786 people.


