
The Japanese name "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi" is translated literally into Alchemist of Steel. Fullmetal Alchemist is commonly abbreviated "FMA" or "Hagaren".
Fullmetal Alchemistis set in the early 20th century, in an alternate earth with technology dating from the era around 1900 in Europe. In thisalternateworld, the science of alchemy is heavily used, but alchemy in the series takes on a fantasy element. Alchemists triedto transmute gold from lesser metals, in Full Metal Alchemist, alchemy becomes the science of transmuting matter into different matter through transmutation circles; a scientific, yet seemingly an equally magical practice that is not too rare, yet with seemingly infinite uses. Talented alchemists can become the military's State Alchemists. Against this backdrop, the series portrays the quest of the young Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, and his brother Alphonse, for the legendary Philosopher's Stone. Their adventures lead them to discover the truth about their past and the very world they live in.
The animation studioBONESadapted the manga into a 51-episode anime series, which ran on Japanese television from October 4 2003 to October 2 2004. A one-hour OVA, Fullmetal Alchemist: Reflections Special OVA, was released in 2005. A movie, Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala was made by the same studio, and theatrically released in Japan on July 23 2005.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth."
— Alphonse Elric
Edward and Alphonse Elric were children living in the rural village of Rizembool in the country of Amestris. Their father, an alchemist, had left home when Edward was very young and Alphonse was a baby. Years later, their mother, Trisha Elric, died of an illness.
The boys decide to attempt to revive their deceased mother. They study alchemy with a teacher and then use their father's notes to recreate a human transmutation circle. However, this attempt fails, costing Alphonse his entire body and Edward his left leg. In a desperate effort to save his brother, Edward sacrifices his right arm to "affix" his brother's soul to a suit of armor. After that, Edward's left leg and right arm are fitted with two sets of Automail, a type of advanced prosthetic limb.
A State Alchemist by the name of Roy Mustang arrives during the failed transmutation in response to letters the boys had sent out seeking information about their father. After seeing their skill at alchemy, Mustang suggests that the way to achieve their goals is to become a State Alchemist and work for him. Spurred on by the man's proposal, Edward sets out to become a State Alchemist, enabling him to use the resources available to State Alchemists to discover a way to restore what he and Alphonse have lost. The brothers eventually learn of the Philosopher's Stone and set off in search of it as a means to restore their bodies.
Major characters
Main article: Main characters of Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric - The protagonist of the series, Edward is the youngest state alchemist in history, having achieved the accomplishment at the age of 12. He is given the title the "Fullmetal Alchemist" by the state military. In the context of the series, the title can be seen as referring to his stubborn personality ("hagane" means both "fullmetal" and "stubborn" in Japanese; Roy Mustang called it an ironic title when he gave Ed his title as a State Alchemist). Overly sensitive about his height (or lack thereof), he is prone to throwing fits any time that someone insinuates that he's short.
Alphonse Elric - Edward's younger brother and the second protagonist of the series. He is often mistakenly thought to be the Fullmetal Alchemist because his soul is trapped in a large suit of armor. Alphonse is the calmer of the two, and can be seen as a foil to Edward's temperamental character.
Winry Rockbell - Winry is a mechanical expert and automail enthusiast who has been a friend of the Elric brothers for many years. She, along with her grandmother, Pinako, built Edward's automail, which she also helps maintain or rebuild when it becomes damaged.
Roy Mustang - Roy Mustang is the Flame Alchemist. Using transmutation circles on his gloves, he can create flames with a snap of his fingers. He is Edward's direct superior officer in the military, but has his own goals and intentions in mind.
Mäes Hughes - Member of the Investigations Division, and good friends with Colonel Mustang and the Elric brothers. Hughes loves his wife, Gracia, and is overly enthusiastic regarding his new daughter Elicia.
Riza Hawkeye - A hard-working member of the state military, and a loyal, capable aide to her superior officer, Mustang. She is especially proficient in the use of firearms.
Scar - One of the surviving Ishbalans. He is called "Scar" due to the X-shaped scar on his forehead. Scar has an elaborate alchemical array on his right arm that was given to him by his brother.
King Bradley - Known as the fuhrer, he is the military dictator of Amestris, holding the official political title of president (King is his first name). He seems to be quite easy-going, perhaps a little eccentric, and is very skilled with his swords.
Lust - sultry and cool-headed, she is the first of the Homunculi encountered in the series. She has the power to extend her fingers into lances to use as a weapon.
Gluttony - Having the mentality of a child and lacking a will of his own, he is always eager to eat anything, or anyone—living or dead.
Envy - sarcastic and cold-hearted, Envy has the ability to change his appearance.