


pron.每件事物; 最重要的東西; (有關的)一切; 萬事;

•1.PRON-INDEF所有事物;一切You useeverythingto refer to all the objects, actions, activities, or facts in a particular situation.語法信息

•He'd gone to Seattle long after everything else in his life had changed...


•2.PRON-INDEF(可能的)一切事物,所有事物You useeverythingto refer to all possible or likely actions, activities, or situations.

•'This should have been decided long before now.' —'We can't think of everything.'...


•3.PRON-INDEF事態;情況;一切;生活You useeverythingto refer to a whole situation or to life in general.

•She says everything is going smoothly...


•4.PRON-INDEF(生命中)最重要的東西,最有價值的東西If you say that someone or something iseverything, you mean you consider them to be the most important thing in your life, or the most important thing that there is.語法信息

•I love him. He is everything to me...


•5.PRON-INDEF(大多數人渴望的)一切,所有If you say that someone or something haseverything, you mean they have all the things or qualities that most people consider to be desirable.

•She has everything: beauty, talent, children...


•6.PHRASE以及其他;等等You say 'and everything' after mentioning a particular thing or list of things to indicate that they are only examples and that other things are also involved.語法信息

•He had a bed and a fireplace and everything...




