Domnick hunter,多明尼克漢德
派克多明尼克漢德(Domnick Hunter),於1963年成立於英格蘭東北部紐卡斯爾的伯特里鎮。 分為工業 LOGO [1]產品部,氣體產品部和製程產品部。擁有超過20個子公司,分布在全球40多個國家,構成一個龐大的分銷網路,滿足全世界用戶的需求,多明尼克漢德以其不斷追求卓越的精神,創造了公司及其高超的科技水平和出口業績,曾經8度獲得英國女皇頒布的科技成就獎和出口成就獎。

1987年,多明尼克漢德又率先成為全球第一家通過BS5750Pt.1(ISO 9001)的過濾淨化設備供應商。
2005年,多明尼克漢德正式併入美國ParkerHannifin 集團,成為美國500強企業。今天,在全球有著大量用戶享有多明尼克漢德科研成果和專業的技術服務。
2008年 Parker Domnick Hunter 授權中國區 北京威士樂機電設備有限公司 (Vexroth)
Parker Domnick Hunter 流程經營部總部設在英國伯特利,Parker Domnick Hunter 的主要業務是生產和提供對液體和氣體進行純化、穩定、消毒的高品質過濾產品。

Parker Domnick Hunter 產品支持由技術支持 (TSG) 和實驗室支持 (LSG) 部門在全球範圍內提供。
1963 年 創立於英格蘭 AF1 高壓滅菌鍋過濾器 BIO-X硼矽酸纖維技術開發

1987年,多明尼克漢德又率先成為全球第一家通過ISO 9001質量體系認證的英國淨化產品公司
2005年,多明尼克漢德正式併入美國Parker Hannifin 集團,成為美國500強企業。創新新型一次性過濾器在製藥市場創造商機
Parker Domnick Hunter 已開發了一系列一次性過濾器,專門針對生物藥物工藝開發和生產。MURUS(保護、防禦)範圍包括 PROCLEAR 預濾器和 PROPOR 無菌過濾器,可用型號為 10"、20"、30" 和 40"
新型 PROCLEAR 和 PROPOR 產品具有全套靈活型號,包括:輸注器、DEMICAP、MURUS 和筒式過濾器。

Parker domnick hunter, a division of Parker Hannifin, the global leader in motion and control technologies, has published two new technology brochures providing process, plant and maintenance engineers with detailed information on the latest energy saving systems for compressed air. The compressed air treatment technology brochures explain how energy consumption can be reduced, while simultaneously improving the air quality to ISO 8573-1 standards, through the use of advanced air drying and filtration technologies. In addition, the brochures highlight the technical and commercial benefits that manufacturing and process companies can derive from the latest air treatment systems, such as Parker’s PNEUDRI desiccant drying and OIL-X EVOLUTION filtration units. The PNEUDRI modular desiccant compressed air dryers use innovative pressure swing adsorption technology, combined with advanced snowstorm filling, to create an extremely efficient method of moisture removal, even at high flow rates. Just as importantly, this construction offers energy savings of up to 60%, when used with a Parker energy management system, and significant weight and space saving by comparison with traditional twin tower dryers. similarly, OIL-X EVOLUTION high efficiency compressed air filters combine low costs of ownership, high efficiency and long operating life. These robust units are available with coalescing filter grades for the removal of water and oil aerosols, solid particulates and micro-organisms, plus dust filter grades for the elimination of dry particulate and micro-organisms. The latest Parker technology guides are available from Parker Hannifin Ltd, Industrial Division, Dukesway, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE11 0PZ, England.