Diamond Heart[Alan Walker/Sophia Somajo合作單曲]

Diamond Heart[Alan Walker/Sophia Somajo合作單曲]
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《Diamond Heart》是由艾倫·沃克製作,Sophia Somajo演唱的一首歌曲,單曲於2018年9月28日通過索尼音樂娛樂公司發行。


Hello sweet grief你好 甜蜜的惆悵
I know you will be the death of me我知道我栽在你手上了
Feel like the morning after ecstasy像是銷魂過後清醒的早晨
I am drowning in an endless sea我在浩淼汪洋中沉溺
Hello old friend你好 老朋友
Here’s the misery that knows no end痛苦無止境
So I am doing everything can所以我正盡我所能
To make sure I never love again試著不再為愛淪陷
I wish that I did not know我希望我不會知道
Where all broken lovers go 分手苦情人的去處
I wish that my heart was made of stone我希望自己鐵石心腸
Yeah, if I was bulletproof如果我刀槍不入
I’d love you black and blue愛你愛到遍體鱗傷
If I was solid like a jewel如果我像寶石般堅固
If I had a diamond heart如果我擁有一顆鑽石般堅毅的心
Oh oh喔——
I’d give you all my love我會給你我所有的愛
If I was unbreakable如果我堅不可摧
If I had a diamond heart如果我擁有一顆鑽石般堅毅的心
Oh oh喔——
You could shoot me with a gun of gold你可以向我開槍
If I was unbreakable如果我堅不可摧
I’d walk straight through the bullet槍林彈雨 我也直行
Bendin’ like a tulip幾袋菸草 麻痹自己
Blue-eyed and foolish憂鬱的眼 愚蠢可笑
Never mind the bruises 傷痕累累 從不在意
Into the fire浴火歷練
Breakin’ through the wires突破束縛
Give you all I’ve got給你我所擁有的一切
(If I had a diamond heart)如果我擁有一顆鑽石般堅毅的心
I’d walk straight through the dagger刀山火海 我也前進
Never break the pattern保持鎮定 振作奮起
Diamonds don’t shatter鑽石永遠不會粉碎
Beautiful and battered千錘百鍊依舊璀璨光華
Into the poison洗盡鉛華
Cry you an ocean為你淚流成海
Give you all I’ve got給你我所擁有的一切
Goodbye, so long你的謊言 說了這么久
I don’t know if this is right or wrong我不知道這孰是孰非
Am I giving up where I belong?我要放棄我的歸宿嗎
’Cause every station is playing our song因為我們的歌迴蕩在每個駐地
Goodbye my love再見 我的摯愛
You are everything my dreams are made of你是我夢寐以求的一切
You’ll be prince and I’m the crying dove你會是高貴的王子 而我是哭泣的白鴿
If I only were unbreakable如果我堅不可摧
I wish that I did not know我希望我不會知道
Where all broken lovers go分手苦情人的去處
I wish that my heart was made of stone我希望自己鐵石心腸
Yeah, if I was bulletproof如果我刀槍不入
I’d love you black and blue愛你愛到遍體鱗傷
If I was solid like a jewel如果我像寶石般堅固
If I had a diamond heart如果我擁有一顆鑽石般堅毅的心
Oh oh喔——
I’d give you all my love我會給你我所有的愛
If I was unbreakable如果我堅不可摧
If I had a diamond heart如果我擁有一顆鑽石般堅毅的心
Oh oh喔——
You could shoot me with a gun of gold你可以向我開槍
If I was unbreakable如果我堅不可摧
I’d walk straight through the bullet槍林彈雨 我也直行
Bendin’ like a tulip幾袋菸草 麻痹自己
Blue-eyed and foolish憂鬱的眼 愚蠢可笑
Never mind the bruises傷痕累累 從不在意
Into the fire浴火歷練
Breakin’ through the wires突破束縛
Give you all I’ve got給你我所擁有的一切
(If I had a diamond heart)如果我擁有一顆鑽石般堅毅的心
I’d walk straight through the dagger刀山火海 我也前進
Never break the pattern保持鎮定 振作奮起
Diamonds don’t shatter鑽石永遠不會粉碎
Beautiful and battered千錘百鍊依舊璀璨光華
Into the poison滲進了毒藥
Cry you an ocean為你淚流成海
Give you all I’ve got給你我所擁有的一切
steady is a stone鐵石心腸
oh oh喔——
I’d give you all my love給你我所有的愛
If I was unbreakable如果我堅不可摧
oh oh喔——
You could shoot me with a gun of gold你可以向我開槍
If I was unbreakable如果我堅不可摧
I’d walk straight through the bullet槍林彈雨 我也直行
Bendin’ like a tulip幾袋菸草 麻痹自己
Blue-eyed and foolish憂鬱的眼 愚蠢可笑
Never mind the bruises傷痕累累 從不在意
Into the fire浴火歷練
Breakin’ through the wires突破束縛
Give you all I’ve got給你我所擁有的一切
(If I had a diamond heart)如果我擁有一顆鑽石般堅毅的心
I’d walk straight through the dagger刀山火海 我也前進
Never break the pattern保持鎮定 振作奮起
Diamonds don’t shatter鑽石永遠不會粉碎
Beautiful and battered千錘百鍊依舊璀璨光華
Into the poison滲進了毒藥
Cry you an ocean為你淚流成海
Give you all I’ve got給你我所擁有的一切


《Diamond Heart》是“World Of Walker” 三部曲中的最後一首歌,其他兩部曲分別是與Noah Cyrus, Digital Farm Animals & Juliander合作的熱單《All Falls Down》以及與Au/Ra和Tomine Harket合作的熱單《Darkside》。

《Diamond Heart》此次攜手瑞典歌手以及創作人Sophia Somajo,她也此次參與這首歌的創作部分,Sophia曾與被稱為金曲製造機的Max Martin合作數年,並為包括Christina Aguilera, Alesso, Robyn, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears等多為著名藝人創作歌曲。


