正式姓名: Demetria Devonne Lovato

生日: 1992-08-20
出生地: 德克薩斯州奧斯丁市
籍貫: 加州洛杉磯
音樂類型: Teen pop, Pop, Pop Rock
職業: 演員, 歌手, 作曲人, 吉他手, 鋼琴手
擅長的樂器: 聲樂, 吉他, 鋼琴, 鼓
入行: 2002至今
兄弟姐妹: 父母是Patrick Lovato 和 Dianna Lovato,姐姐Dallas、 妹妹Madison Lovato
好友:Miley Cyrus,Selena Gomez,Jonas Brothers,Taylor Swift,Emily Osment, Ashley Tisdale,Sterling Knight, Justin Bieber

2007年時LOVATO終於獲得了在迪斯尼短片劇集[AS THE BELL RINGS]中飾演主要角色CHARLOTTE ADAMS的機會,她自然不肯放過這次良機,良好的表演為她贏得較好的口碑,同時她的幾首原創歌曲還出現在了這次表演中。這次的經歷帶給了LOVATO不一樣的影響力,使得他逐漸開始得到更多機會。黛米作為喬納森兄弟在2008年舉行的Burning U演唱會裡擔任開場嘉賓。她也在2008年春天出席了Disney Channel Games 2008。
一年之後LOVATO與JONAS BROTHERS一起出演迪斯尼影片《搖滾夏令營》[CAMP ROCK]LOVATO在其中飾演一個夢想成為歌手的14歲女孩MITCHIE TORRES。或許是因為與自己的經歷有幾分相似,LOVATO的出色表演最終征服了觀眾。電影的原聲還收錄了LOVATO的三首原創歌曲,這使得她引起了唱片公司的關注,不久之後LOVATO便與HOLLYWOOD RECORDS簽下一紙唱片契約。同年9月LOVATO的首張個人專輯《DON'T FORGET》發行,一舉奪得了BILLBOARD榜單的第二名,JONAS BORTHERS還在其中為她寫了幾首歌。她還在迪士尼頻道電影《公主保護計畫》Princess Protection Program表演(首映在美國時間周五6月26, 2009),這部影片有八百五十萬觀眾觀看,收視第3 (前兩個是 Camp Rock 和 High School Musical 2)。除了表演,她發了兩張專輯 Don't Forget (9,23,2008),這張專輯第一周銷量就超過89,000 張(Billboard 200第二)。第二張 Here We Go Again(7月21, 2009)第一周銷量超過108,000 張(Billboard 200第一)。 2009年贏得Popstar! Magazine的"All-Time Idol" 獎項。09青少年選擇獎最具突破性女演員Sonny With A Chance。
2009 Sonny With a Chance 桑尼明星夢(Disney)
2008 Disney Channel Games 2008 Herself filming starts in April 2008
2007-2008 As the Bell Rings Charlotte Adams main role, season 1 only
2007 Just Jordan Nicole one episode
2006 Split Ends Herself pilot
2006 Prison Break越獄 Danielle Curtin one episode
2002-2003 Barney & Friends Angela
2009 Camp Rock 2 (《搖滾夏令營2》,又名《搖滾青春》)
2008 Camp Rock Mitchie Torres main role, completed (搖滾青春)
2008 Princess Protection Program Rosie Montoya pre-producton (公主保護計畫)
Demetria Devonne "Demi" Lovato (born 20 August 1992) is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her role of Mitchie Torres in the Disney Channel Original Movie, Camp Rock and the short 5-minute Disney Channel Series As The Bell Rings as Charlotte Adams. She currently makes videos with Selena Gomez on YouTube.
Early Life
Demi Lovato was born in Dallas, Texas. Lovato has two sisters, Dallas, 20, who is also an actress and singer, and Madison, 5. Lovato's mom, Dianna Lovato, was a Dallas Cowboys' Cheerleader and country recording artist. She is currently home schooled by a tutor due to her career. Lovato has also won many talent competitions back home in Texas. She had also grew up performing for venues, such as the Eismann Center and the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day halftime Show. She also starred in the Barney and friends show when she was younger.
She started acting at the age of six, when she landed her first series regular role as Angela on Barney & Friends. Lovato is close friends with Barney co-stars Selena Gomez and Haley Hill. As time went on Lovato pursued her singing and instrumental career, but she had been a guest star on Prison Break, Split Ends (pilot) and Just Jordan. In January 2007 she landed a series regular role on the new Disney Channel original short series, As the Bell Rings as Charlotte Adams, which premiered on August 26, 2007 during Disney's Back-to-School special night. She has also won the the role of Jenny in a new pilot for Disney Channel called 'Sketchpad' . Lovato also stars in the Disney Channel Original Movie, Camp Rock, which is set to premiere June 20, 2008.
She is a singer and songwriter as well as a musician, playing guitar and piano since the age of eleven. Her good friends, the Jonas Brothers, have also written songs along with Lovato for her debut album, according to USA Today. Lovato will cover the Academy Award nominated song "That's How You Know" from Enchanted on DisneyMania 6.
Lovato will be joining the Jonas Brothers on their summer 2008 Burning Up Tour as their opening act, which is her first tour. It is rumored that Demi and Jonas Brothers will also sing songs, from the upcoming DCOM musical Camp Rock together on tour. Lovato will also attend the Disney Channel Games 2008 in spring, which is set to air in the summer of 2008 on Disney Channel. She is currently in Puerto Rico filming a new Disney Channel Original Movie titled Princess Protection Program with Selena Gomez.
Personal Life
Demi is best friends with fellow Barney & Friends actress Selena Gomez. The two have created a YouTube account together, and since January 2008, they have been making and uploading their own videos. When asked a question of how long the pair have been friends, Demi answered "When I asked her to sit on my jacket and draw with crayons with me! (at the Barney auditions)". Jennifer Stone, another Disney star, and former Barney co-star, is also one of Lovato's and Gomez's close friends. Along with close friends, such as Jonas Brothers and Selena Gomez, Demi wears a purity ring, but instead of being a ring, Demi wears a necklace that says "True Love Waits".