Debian lirc how to

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Debianization README for LIRC notes

If you need irxevent or xmode2 they can be found in lirc-x package. And if you
need smode2 it can be found in lirc-svga package. This split has been done to
prevent dependencies on xlibs and svgalib for the main lirc package.

You will probably need some kernel modules for your hardware to work, those
are distributed separately in lirc-modules-source package. You will find some
notes and instruction on how to build and install them in
/usr/share/doc/lirc-modules-source/README.Debian and
/usr/src/modules/lirc/README once you install it.

If you use lirc_sir or lirc_serial kernel modules you should either remove
the official serial driver or use 'setserial /dev/ttySX uart none' so it
releases the serial port for use with lirc.

For fine tuning you should look at /etc/lirc/hardware.conf

If you already have a proper configuration file for the libirman package, you
may convert it to lirc syntax with irman2lirc. For more information take a
look at html/configure.html.



We currently try to do it all automatically but if we miss the target there
are ways to solve this:

If you configure lircmd to use IMPS/2 protocol gpm will refuse to work with
it, you will have to use IntelliMouse or MouseSystems for gpm to work. You can
find detailed information on how to configure lircmd in:


If the installation can't find proper configuration files for your hardware or
you have special needs, you may find one under the remotes/ directory or at
least a sample to start with. Or you can make your own from scratch with
irrecord. Read the documentation under html/ for more details.

If you need to use a different device or driver, you can select them manually in
/etc/lirc/hardware.conf. Running lircd --driver=blah will give a list of
supported drivers.

You will have to use the lirc_serial kernel module.



