

Camping,露營。基本可以分為常規露營、汽車露營和特殊形式露營等三種形式。露營是一種休閒活動,通常離開城市在野外紮營,與如徒步、釣魚或者游泳等活動相聯繫。露營所需裝備通常有:帳篷、睡袋、背包、生火用具、照明用具、野炊用具等。一般需注意不要在距山體過近的地方露營,不要距河邊過近, 雨天不要在大樹下紮營、不要在斜坡上紮營、紮營前要先將地面的碎石及尖利的荊棘清理乾淨。

Based at the camp is the goal, he has to take some basic equipment like a sleeping bag, tents, backpacks, altimeter, compass, coolers, hammocks and climbing gear. After five days of pressure-filled work, many long for a joy-filled weekend for rest and recreation.Leisure is very important for everyone. It is important that Mont Blanc Wallets campers should keep the area free from any rubbish.
all campers need a couple of important things that can be categorized under broad headings: Shelter, food, clothing and personal hygiene. But then, hanging around the house or Home may be pretty boring. Lack of clean water can cause dehydration and, if severe, result in death. . He needs to decide where he wants to go camping. Many campers turn the camp into a wonderful experience where their hobbies and leisure activities such as Coach Wallets photography, painting or playing guitar come to the fore, making himself and others happy. People who have access to a cabin in the country is lucky to communicate with nature for a few days.
most campers decide on a destination, finding a place, and will return to the wild again to use for extended periods. Most important is the medical kit containing Band-Aids, day aktuellt antibiotics and medicines Balenciaga Handbags over the counter Imodium AD. Flash Lights is crucial, as the camp may not have electricity.
before embarking on a camping trip, you need to become familiar with the terms and equipment associated with this interesting activity. It is better to carry extra flashlight cells. Therefore, water filtration units and water purification tablets are crucially important when the water supply runs out. Camping is a wonderful refreshing activity that can make your life complete. What about others? Is there a way out? No problem, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy going camping. So it deserves Denbigh 'butterfly' girl gets premier treatment at least as much respect as one's home. Camping charges people! It is always advisable, especially for novice campers to practice by taking a few shorter camps in the beginning to diminish expectations and assumptions that are related to new environments.
campers need to take care of themselves, and not less important nature. After all, the very camp a great gift of nature


