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In the ninth paragraph author hold the idea that school has adopt some approach to prohibit students cheating, for example hold special seminars at which professors and students discuss the problem and give a pamphlet to teacher which is include some of more ingenious methods students may use to cheat, and so on. But these precautions can’t solve the problem.

In the ninth paragraph author use “seem to” in the last sentence. Why author use them(it) and what’s the meaning of them (it)in here? In my idea “see(seem) to” is means “attention” or “look after”. But these meanings are not serving this sentence. Maybe here author only want to express “emphasize”. There is a new word for me in this sentence—irresistible. The meaning of the irresistible is “so attractive, desirable etc that you cannot prevent yourself from wanting it”.

In the eleventh paragraph a woman said that I can’t lay a guilt trip on a child for cheating. The guilt is means “a strong feeling of shame and sadness because you know that you have done something wrong”. And what’s the meaning of the “guilt trip”? What’s the meaning of the woman want to express here? I think the woman want to said she don’t blame her children when the children is cheating.

In paragraph 12 MR James R Socas said that he wouldn’t be comfortable with honor code like ours in grammar school or even high school. “Comfortable” means “making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc”. But here we could understand it as agree. We know “code” means “signal”. But here it is obvious that the meaning of the word is “a set of rules, LAWS, or principles that tell people how to behave”. And here the author wants to express that he could tolerate students’ cheating who is in grammar school or even high school.

In paragraph 13 the author talks about the advantages of open-book exams. It could really raise students’ ability and reduces cheating.

In paragraph 14 the author uses “come up with” in the second sentence. Here I guess we could understand it as give.

In paragraph 15, why the author holds idea that talk about cheating would cause trouble. Here the author maybe wants to express that if we used the exams as an evaluation tool, we will encounter trouble. He wants to emphases that we must to use the exams as learning device.



